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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Glue Dots are great! http://www.gluedots.com/display/router.aspx?DocID=297 I can't believe someone is getting rich off of this, but it's basically a dot of glue on a piece of wax paper with plastic over it. You peel back the plastic and stick the dot on whatever you need. I believe allot of scrapbookers use it.. less messy and no wait time for drying of glue.
  2. http://www.orientaltrading.com/appli...%2FC342807.jsp Here's a link to the ones I bought from Oriental Trading Co.
  3. I wanted to have something for our guests to keep cool during the ceremony. I ordered 48- 10" Natural Rafia fans for $31.80. To make them a little prettier, I purchases 5/8" ribbon in green and blue. Using a glue dot, I started on the left inside of the handle. Those glue dots hold immediately. I just started wrapping. You can waste allot of ribbon if you overlap too much. Work you way around the handle when you reach the top of the right side, wrap around back and around once or twice more. I've seen some with bows tied on top and/or hang tags. I've also seen images of fans with a thank you glued to the fan. (we may do this if I can get it done this week). It didn't take me very long at all. I just did a few over a couple of nights while watching tv. Two glue dots and about 2 feet of ribbon each. Be warned about the fans though. Because they are hand woven and made of natural materials, the fan sizes vary greatly.. 2" plus. Some of them were tiny compared to really the large ones.
  4. I think they were suppose to be around $6/bag, but like said, the guy was great and totally willing to work with me. Obviously he still made some money and only charged me $3.18/bag. So far I have beer koozies, chapstick, after-sun care, tylenol and immodium. We're also going to create a welcome letter and day of timeline. Matt says "no" to bringing squirt guns, but maybe I'll find frisbees or something. We're also working on maybe having hand painted shotglasses.
  5. I posted this under another thread, but thought I'd create a new one for embroidered bags. My OOT Bags came! I ordered 30 bags from stitchesandmore.com. The owner was really great and they got back to me right away on all my questions. I was under the impression the bags were only $3.18 each because of the way their website was worded (free digitized design).. because of the confusion, the owner honored that price!! I told him I'd post his info on this site. If you inquire with him, please be sure to mention the BestDestinationWedding.com site. He may offer you a discount. There is no minium order and I like I said, they were really great about everything. I had my logo digitized by a friend that I went to high school with. I think the cost for them to do is approx $50. The bags themselves are pretty nice. The only thing I was disappointed with was Matt's name.. My type was too small so the "tt" kinda looks like "ll". I also thought it was strange they embroidered the back of the bag instead of the front pocket, but I guess that was due to my logo size. Overall I'm really excited to give these to my guests. Now I just have to work on the fillings. A friend at work suggested using tissue paper on the bottom of the bag to make it stand up and seem fuller. It's a bit big and there's no way I can fill it up so I think I'll use that suggestion. JD and Kim Foster 817-788-9556 817-788-9653 Fax [email protected] [email protected]
  6. My OOT Bags came! I ordered 30 bags from stitchesandmore.com. The owner was really great and they got back to me right away on all my questions. I was under the impression the bags were only $3.18 each because of the way their website was worded (free digitized design).. because of the confusion, the owner honored that price!! I told him I'd post his info on this site. If you inquire with him, please be sure to mention the BestDestinationWedding.com site. He may offer you a discount. There is no minium order and I like I said, they were really great about everything. I had my logo digitized by a friend that I went to high school with. I think the cost for them to do is approx $50. The bags themselves are pretty nice. The only thing I was disappointed with was Matt's name.. My type was too small so the "tt" kinda looks like "ll". I also thought it was strange they embroidered the back of the bag instead of the front pocket, but I guess that was due to my logo size. Overall I'm really excited to give these to my guests. Now I just have to work on the fillings. A friend at work suggested using tissue paper on the bottom of the bag to make it stand up and seem fuller. It's a bit big and there's no way I can fill it up so I think I'll use that suggestion. JD and Kim Foster 817-788-9556 817-788-9653 Fax [email protected] [email protected]
  7. I worry about putting names on doors for security reasons. I cringe when I see kids with backpacks with their names on them or the family fan with all the family members named. I know it's adults you're talking about and maybe I'm just paranoid from watching all those investigative/murder shows late at night.
  8. Did everyone get their dress bag when they bought their dress? I bought mine on e-bay and it came from a bridal salon but in a clear bag (like they have in store)... uh, that wasn't soo good for hiding from the world. I bought a bag online, but it's really thin, almost paper-like. Probably more for storage than travelling.. Any suggestions?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kucka00 What about something like: Enter at your own risk---NEWLYWEDS IN THE ROOM!!! We'll probably do something special for our room, but I want to make a bunch for our OOT bags.
  10. Both are great! I'm going to check out the signs when we're there in June, but isn't do not disturb in spanish, "no molste" or "no molestar"? I remember it was something about molesting... I know I have a childish sense of humor!
  11. Great review Karla, I'm glad you added photos to your post. Question regarding your reception decor. You said you brought allot of candles with you.. did you need to rent holders? That's where I'm finding my centerpiece expense to be. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!
  12. I'm planning on DIY Door Hangers for our guests rooms. I purchased blank door hangers and fiesta foam pieces (chilies/donkeys/maracas, etc) from Oriental Trading Co. The door hangers are actually really nice and thick so I'm not worried about them tearing in my suitcase. I'm going to print out something for both sides and decorate with the foam images. I'm trying to come up with funny sayings that people won't be embarrassed to have on their doors. (I may have to create a tamer one for the older folks) Here are a couple our best man came up with... any other ideas? (Glenda, I know you're great at funny sayings. I'm counting on you!) 1. DO NOT DISTURB- THE WIFE AND I ARE MAKING MINI-CHANGAS 2. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK- I WENT GRANDE LAST NIGHT fiesta foam pieces: http://www.orientaltrading.com/appli...S+%28400PCS%29
  13. I'd be concerned about wearing something so high in the sand.. then again I'd probably have a hard time on cement too.. good thing my FI is short and I'm not allowed to wear a heal.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I agree with Courtney on this one. We have it posted on our website that the day passes for people not staying at our resort are $100/each. But, we didn't specifiy who was going to pay it. My plan is to get a feel for who is attending and how many day passes are actually going to be needed. If the number is low, I'll go ahead and pay for them. I'm also planning on talking to the resort to see if they will pitch in a couple passes for free. Some resorts do, some resorts don't. But hell, it doesn't hurt to ask. Plus, I kind of look at it like this---- we're asking them to attend a destination wedding because we want to spend time with them and not just the day of the wedding. If they don't want to spend the time with us and want to stay at a different resort, then they shouldn't be offended by paying for their day pass. And if it's a money issue and they can't afford to pay for the pass, then their finances are too tight and they shouldn't even consider attending... I also agree.. we'll see how many there are, then decide who pays. The info is on our site. So far we have two couples staying elsewhere 4 x $85 = $340 x 2 (welcome dinner and wedding day) = $680 ... that's going to add up to allot. I'm sad that our guests won't be seen at the pool or hanging around with everyone else on the other days. I just don't see how I can be expected to pay for two events for more than 4 people. That's like a two night stay for someone!
  15. Jill, You may want to upload your photos to an online site and attach link to your post so everyone has access without having to email to each person. This will help greatly with future brides too. Great review! Sounds like your wedding is going to be awesome and it's nice to reassured by seeing everything with your own eyes. Thanks for sharing.
  16. What a great idea! Dreams Resort in Cabo already does this for their guests.
  17. I would try to do something before getting down there.. otherwise everything else in the bag/box is going to stink. Even the foam peanuts they packed them in were gross! It's not as bad now that they've been airing out, but I'm afraid once I put them back in the box for shipping, it's going to be back to square one. I'm going to try to fix the problem next week. I'll let you know how it goes.. they did suggest anchoring down the sides of the starfish after soaking so they don't curl up. I would hate to waste all that money on nothing. I sprayed one with fabreeze, but lost track of it when moving them around.. I didn't want to stick my nose on all 50 to find it to see if it worked.
  18. I bought starfish from ebay vendor worldwidewildlifeproducts SUGAR STARFISH 50 PC LOT 4"-6" STAR FISH for $40 plus shipping Here's what I plan to do with them, but using green and blue ribbons to denote meal choice. Side note: They stink!! I know they were once alive, but I thought when they cleaned and dried them, they lost their smell.. not so. I found some info from some knotties and will try soaking in alcohol or a bleach/fabric softener mix and then drying in the sun. They've been in the garage and outside for a few weeks with only a slight change. Not very appetizing to have a "sea" smell next to your plate.
  19. I bought my Casablanca from an e-bay vendor that owns a bridal salon in Northern CA. It was a sample dress. Fortunately I tried the same dress on at a local salon so I knew the size would fit. It wasn't altered in any way so I'll need to have that done. I know there was a bride on here that bought a China dress.. do a search for "China" posts.
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