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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. I had a good day... gas was only $4.49/gal instead of the $4.65 I paid last week.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Christi Do you have ceramics tubs? We tried CLR on our fiberglass shower and it didn't really do anything...nothing has...even bleach... Try the magic eraser. It's crazy! It crumbles while you use it, but actually got the bottom of the tub (we have the non-stick bumps built in, like I think most do) and it worked miracles!
  3. Thanks so much for sharing your story. It sounds like things went well and it's good to hear a pitocin story that didn't end up in a c-section. Things seemed to have moved right along as they were suppose to. I'm so happy to hear it all went so well and she's just darling! Congrats again to you guys and your new family!
  4. I'll be in San Diego this weekend but that's for extending the invite!
  5. When I turned 30 I went with a bunch of friends and my parent to Vegas. I was drunk (duh we were in Vegas!) but I kept telling everyone it was my birthday and that I came out of my mother's bah-gina.. I almost got kicked out of a few casinos and my mother was mortified. lol good times. Personally I would love a spa day but some people don't like spa stuff though.. they aren't comfortable with the thought of getting naked, etc. Does she need a new bat? j/k but they can be expensive.
  6. It's usually the same hourly rate that your photographer is charging.. BUT you may want to make sure you like his style of photos before doing it so you don't just look like a soggy mess. Or if you have a friend coming you could have them take some photos. My friend who's good with a camera (and has a nice camera) took some really pretty shots. Best of luck!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 I know this thread is old...but I'm bumping it for anyone else who's having a hard time with invitation wording. I just searched for "invitation wording" and read every single thread that came up...and honestly, I think I'm going to go with EXACTLY what you have (of course I'll change it to our names, date and location...but still) THANKS!!!!! Sweet.. I know I stressed about the wording for quite some time.. then I moved onto whatever my next source of stress was.
  8. 3" is pretty small.. do you already have a cake design in mind?
  9. Great review! Who made your cake? It's very pretty! I'm so glad everything went as well as it did.. sounds stress free and everything looks wonderful.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl I I'd really recommend this book called The Baby Name Wizard by Laura Wattenberg. Of all the baby name books out there, this one I find to be really fun to look through. It has Sister and Brother sections, so that each name will also have compatible (like-typed) brother and sister options. It also has a cool section at the back for Types/Categories, like the following (there are way more, each with a huge list): Brisk and Breezy: Bree, Blair, Dale, etc. Bell-Tones: Ainsley, Ashlyn, Haylee, etc. Guys and Dolls: Emmy, Addie, Josie, Harry, Mack, etc. Lacy and Lissome: Acadia, Alina, Brianna, Dania, etc. Last Names First: Archer, Bailey, Cooper, Dexter, etc. Nickname-Proof: Amber, Audrey, Devin, Dallas, etc. Fanciful: Aeron, Bliss, Allure, Everest I read this book took! It was funny because allot of my friend's kids and their siblings matched. I found it helpful.
  11. We did our sand ceremony right after our ring exchange. DH's sister read the meaning of us joining the sand together, then we came back in front of the minister, he said a few more words and pronounced us man/wife. We just watched our wedding video again over the weekend!
  12. Kashi Good Friends.. the box has two "older" people on it smiling.. must be good! lol Actually it has tons of fiber and doesn't taste that bad either. (I just ate a baggie with some for a snack, 2 minutes ago!)
  13. Sorry you're going through this. I have a few friends like that and it's unfortunate but it's your friend, not this guy who's the problem. If it isn't this guy, chances are the next guy will be the same (or worse). Some people either lack confidence in themselves or project themselves in such a way that makes them a good "victim" and it becomes part of who they are. (Ever have a friend that is in a normal relationship and finds every excuse to end it because the guy is "too nice" or "boring".. more likely than not, he's actually treating her well and she doesn't know how to deal with that.) All you can do is be a good friend but be very honest about how you feel about the person she's with. Let her know you'll be there for her. Sorry that wasn't very helpful but I've been there before and just like your partner, you can't change your friends... or offer help if they haven't asked.
  14. We loved DJ Ricardo! He's great and really loves what he does. I wrote more in my review.
  15. The gazebo is located just off the patio seating at El Patio restaurant. I believe this restaurant is only open for breakfast and some evenings for dinner. (Breakfast there is awesome by the way!) We were married on the beach but took photos at the gazebo... there was only a few wait staff working at the restaurant (setting up for the evening) inside only and no customers eating.. it was very empty. Some of the brides who were married there may be better to answer this but I believe they have the bride walk through the restaurant so they guests don't see her. The pros to this area are: It's gorgeous! and you guests are all seated on grass just above the beach so it's easily accessible for all. Con might be the shadows that are created on faces so getting pictures may be difficult for some but there have been some beautiful weddings there.
  16. Beautiful photos! At first I thought one of your bridesmaids was wearing ivory, but I saw another photo where it's a pale green. Looks like you guys had such a wonderful time and I love the guy's ties! So cute.
  17. Grrrr.. sounds like she doesn't know what she's doing.. as far as your updates, you can open the document as a read only, save to your desktop, add your information (maybe make it a different color if necessary) and give it back to her with a different name so she knows it's just for your updates. Done!
  18. I believe Christine is in San Diego July 26th (that's what I wrote on my calendar)
  19. My cat, Mya likes to eat flowers, tuna (obvious choice) and plastic.. yep like the bags they put your paper in if it's raining.. she licks them like crazy. I have to watch her and we can't use tinsel on the x-mas tree anymore cuz she eats it. Powdered donuts.. too funny!
  20. I believe the photographer they recommend/use is Tomas Barron. He did our engagement photos and is a super hard worker.. search Barron and tons of info/links to pics will come up.
  21. Yay! I love The Melting Pot. FYI: If you sign up for the birthday club you get a discount for a free dessert.. you can probably google free dessert too.
  22. aw! Your little burrito is beautiful! Congrats and thanks so much for sharing photos!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Silly question....can my doctor tell me where my placenta is located or is this something I should just know? I believe it's something your doctor would tell you. I just assumed mine was in the "correct" spot because otherwise he would have said something but I think I'll ask next week.
  24. Thanks so much for posting this.. I'm not in that area but I walked past a local day spa yesterday to make my first waxing appointment and I chickened out! lol I'll have to wait another 2 weeks or so to re-grow. The tips on their site are great and straight forward.
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