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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Nordstroms.com has a great selection of dresses in Women's sizes..often, these same dresses are available in smaller sizes. (I had the same situation with my three girls.) I think their dresses were slightly more expensive, but they loved them.
  2. How many reply cards do you have? Maybe it wouldn't cost very much to reprint? You'd save on the cost of the additional postage and envelopes, a thought to consider.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by calyx6 What heel height do you need? How about something like this? -V- FYI: This brand is sooo comfy. I have shoes just like this but black with sparkles (sounds weird, but they're cute), I'm not a "heel" girl, but I could wear them all night with no problems.
  4. Don't send them.. I work for a magazine and deal with advertiser's brcs all the time.. if they aren't the correct size, they won't go through.. I would try the envelope route.
  5. Everything we tasted was pretty good, except we aren't huge saffron fans and I believe the chicken dish was made with saffron.. Our guests will have a choice between the Sea Bass or Beef Tenderloin. They will do a double plate (two smaller choices) if you wish. Chicken Beef Tenderloin Sea Bass Spinach and Cheese Ravioli Green Salad Chocolate Mousse Dessert (yummy!!)
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I would have started crying for sure! That's terrible! If you don't mind Angela can I ask your mom to see your finished project once she gets hers? Sure! She's getting hers late though because they're moving. They went out Monday.. I'll be sending her's out on Friday.
  7. YEAH!!! I'm sooo excited for you guys!!! What a great story to tell! Let the planning continue!
  8. I just wanted to share my great experiece with Tami's Place. (she also has items on ebay, but order through her site for free shipping) http://www.tamisplace.com/index.html I had a question about colors to use on my cake topper and within an hour Tami emailed me photos of the actual crystals next to each other. I placed my order on Friday afternoon and Monday when I came home, the package was already here! They came from Florida and were overnighted on Saturday. Wow!! The crystals are just beautiful! Here's what I ordered: 2 pkgs of 16ss Aqua 1 pkg of 12ss Golden Shadow 1 pkg 16ss Light Sapphire 1 Kit (includes glue, cupped tweezers, mat to work on, polishing cloth, and beading tweezer for extra glue removal). I'm nervous about this project because the crystals are really small!! but I got the sizes from a knottie bio (that's how I found this vendor too). I don't love the aqua with the lt. sapphire so I'll probably use the sapphire for the bottom of my shoes or on my BMs flip flops. I'll be sure to document my process under this thread. If anyone has done this before, your suggestions/tips are greatly welcomed!! I plan on getting some syringes (needles removed) to use with the glue because the dots have to be so small and of course I'll need to wait for my cake topper to arrive! Cake Topper: I ordered the 1/8" acrylic starfish from weddingcuts.com. http://www.weddingcuts.com/imagesb/c...pper-15-lg.jpg
  9. I love you in the strapless one (very flattering), but they're both great. The first one is VERY romantic and beachy. I have to say, when I tried it on, I was in a very warm and busy salon and getting crabby by the minute so maybe that had something to do with it! lol
  10. I LOVE that dress!! It was one of my favorites. The only reason I didn't choose it was because of the underlay. It felt very heavy (allot of her flowy dresses did). Did you find that problem? It's going to look sooo beautiful!
  11. I just found this: Consumer complaints about VistaPrint.com I used them and will be again shortly, but plan on keeping a close eye on my cc bills. OOPS..I just re-read the thread and realized that link is what started the question in the first place!
  12. AW! All I kept thinking was I was going to have to buy new boxes and waste $90 worth of stamps. I didn't really have any more room for stamps. I already had two 90cents and a 1cent stamp. My labels were in the middle of the box.. I'm so glad they figured it out.. but now I keep thinking I'm going to get some of them returned as insuffient postage.. can you imagine??!! What kind of envelopes did you use to send out your luggage tags? I did hear someone talking about their thicker package costing more. I guess for the girls that aren't there yet, take a protocal of your final project to the post office before purchasing stamps.
  13. For prevention try to track your diet. I knew a girl who got migraines from aged cheese and nuts. My mom gets them really bad. When she feels one coming on, she takes a perscription med. I don't which one because she's tried so many. Some of them make you really tired. She would sleep all the time so now she only takes to help prevent or ease the severity.
  14. We aren't exchanging gifts. He isn't a watch guy and has a ton of Broncos stuff already. What about an experience? I took my FI to a surprise weekend in Santa Barbara and front row tickets to see Dave Matthews. It cost me an arm and a leg, but so worth it. My girlfriend got her FI a chance to race a nascar or something cool to do with a buddy (or you!)
  15. I got mine from http://www.bouquetjewels.com/star_sea_ccart.htm They answered my emails right away and best part is I bought the aqua starfish when it was being discontinued (different style). I got 4 of them plus a "D" for my bouquet for $37.45 including shipping.
  16. I went to the post office a few weeks ago with my invite sample to determine postage. I was told $1.81 per box up to 5oz. My invites were at 4.1oz or something like that. I bought most of my stamps and when I took my boxes today to be mailed out, I hear a "excuse me miss, but who told you $1.81 for these?".. uh, the lady that works here a few weeks ago.. He was trying to tell me they weighed over 5oz. He checked his scale and weighed again.. still over... mind you tears were starting to well in my eyes and I kept shaking my head no thinking, this isn't happening.. Turns out his stupid scale was wrong!! He tried another box or two then apologized for his scale being off!!! Whew!!! Yeah, Invites are in the mail, one more thing off my list!!
  17. I read somewhere that they were really uncomfortable.. for any of the girls that have them, is that true?
  18. Funny, I've been on this forum since last October or so and I have no idea how to play the lottery.. good job. lol
  19. My FI got his guys the Reef Flip Flops with the Flask in them. The review said that Reef flip flops in general are really comfortable, but the flasks tend to leak and are small.. he didn't care and said the idea of having a flask in your shoe is cool and very different. We have a friend with the bottle opener and he LOVES them.
  20. Jenetta was a china bride.. she got hers from GianiarBridal on ebay. I remember her being very happy and the dress was just slightly different than her original photo. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-off-ebay.html
  21. Attachment 1093 I'm really terrible with Word, but somehow I managed to import and photo and text for our tags.. here's the Word doc that I used. I'm sure someone else would be more efficient at it.. I printed it and flipped it over. Let's see if the photo upload works. WelcomeTags.doc
  22. I sort of agree about it looking for a gift, that's why we didn't invite extended family that I haven't seen in years in the first place (knowing they probably wouldn't come) however, people are going to complain regardless.. either they complain because they get an invite even though you know they aren't coming, or they complain because they didn't get an invite.. lol you can't win!!
  23. We sent out STDs to all guests on our list (small guest list, immediate family and close friends, no co-workers, nobody that I didn't know their last names, etc) We didn't ask for an RSVP but many signed our guestbook online stating they'd come or not. Because we put.."formal invite to follow" on the STD, we thought it only proper to send them an invite to. Because our guest list was small, we were able to send everyone an invite even if they told us they couldn't make it or didn't think so. This way I have a final RSVP count.
  24. Wow! I thought it was just me.. I get emotional about everything.. funny how stress/feels affect everything! My problem is when I cry I get red and blotchy and it doesn't go away. I always envied those girls that could be crying in the girls bathroom and half an hour later they were just as pretty as always... lol not me, I look like a wreck, puffy face and all! You never know how you're going to feel until up to that moment. I'm hoping I'm calm and tears free!
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