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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Was it warm? Satin can sometimes be too heavy for the beach.. It's very pretty. I couldn't pull off the mermaid style (too many lumps and bumps!).. would have loved to see a picture of you in it..it's helpful to you too.. but if you felt like it was right, then go for it!! why the doubts?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by browneyed4 Unfortunately, I don't have my pictures yet. I've been in touch with the photographer but I just don't know when I'll have them.. WHAT OMG!!! You were married in July.. what's the hold-up?
  3. My girls found them at Nordstroms.. They're by Maggie London and I'm not sure that they're available anymore.. each season they change colors and when I bought them, some of the sizes were starting to go out of stock and I had to call a store to track one size down.. They loved them though.. very flowy, comfortable and fit well.. They weren't as comfortable with the neckline so one the girls had her mother tack them slightly so they were less boobalicious. One girl just gave birth a month or so before and the other was very well endowed.
  4. You go girl! At least you'll know ahead of time if they DO book so it won't be like an at home wedding where people just show up..
  5. It is annoying and frustrating.. we've all been there so it isn't just your stupid friends.. lol Can you delegate the job to someone else? My MOH was more than happy to contact people who didn't RSVP.. there were just a few who I wasn't sure if they were coming or not.. got their cards or a call a week or so after they were due. Many cards were never received.. losers.. lol
  6. My girlfriend was married at a nice hotel in Las Vegas. The chapel was gilded in gold but let me tell you when the beautiful bride walked down the isle, nobody paid any attention to the chapel (nor were any comments made).. all eyes were on the bride and groom and their beautiful ceremony.
  7. We chose aqua and brown with accents of green..The blue is gorgeous on the beach. Photos by Robin DePaula Photography
  8. Yeah! That's how it works sometimes.. you keep thinking about a dress and can't get it out of your head! You look fab! Your waist looks tiny and you look very "bridal"! Congrats How exciting! Oh, if in the future you start to doubt your choice (at one time or another it seems we all did).. look at your photos and remember how pretty you felt.. you'll get excited all over again.
  9. Can you read the writing? With it being small, it actually encourages your guests to continue using them after the wedding..If you can't read it well, I would write the company and inquire as to why they didn't respond my line is "in good faith, I cannot recommend your product to the other brides online"... maybe they're redo them for you.. I do like them them.. good find!
  10. For what it's worth, the cake maker and head mold person did a good job!
  11. OMG! They ate the bride!! She must have a really high opinion of herself to want a doll made after her.. wonder how much the cake cost?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw angela, how cute! i'll have to try it out. quick off topic question - what is the name of the font in your siggy and where can i get it? Here you go: http://www.dafont.com/jane-austen.font
  13. I just found this website today.. looks more like for fun videos, but thought I would share anyhow.. made a really quick test using photos on my work computer.. could be fun for friends/trips photos.. http://animoto.com/play/b635a936aba2...e754d2241e9323
  14. Yeah, something's up, but we haven't moved or anything.. she's just getting freaky in her old age.. I wonder why she listens to Dawn and not me? lol
  15. One song that our DJ played (must have been requested by a guest) was Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond.. horrible song to try to dance to but we had so much fun with it.. Neil "Sweet Caroline" Guests "Da, Da , Da" "So good! So good! So good!" Fingers pointing in the air, people jumping up and down.. crazy!! Guess you had to be there.
  16. Wow.. my cat has been nutty lately too.. there was the whole peeing on the wedding dress incident before the wedding but lately she's been meowing really loudly and holding her mouth open and making half meows.. we took her to the vet just before the wedding and all tests came back negative... maybe I should stop joking about killing her if she doesn't stop... I bookmarked Dawn's info.. If things get worse I might give her a try.
  17. At Dreams Cabo, the White Chair covers were included with setup, but you had to pay extra if you wanted a colored bow ($1 each per location)
  18. That dress looks great on you and congrats on such a great deal. That's right.. you might start to get anxious as you see other dresses before your wedding, but just look at your pictures and the anxiety goes away!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha ok, I went to David's today....I am leaving my options open because in all honesty I wasn't very impressed with their choices.... They're both very pretty, but when you find a dress you love, that's the one you should buy.. I was going to do that too.. take the top of one dress and use the bottom of another, etc.. but then I found the right dress and didn't need to "fix" a thing.. keep looking..
  20. Thanks Loni, Our guests all had a great time there. It was affordable for everyone (even the broke family members hee hee) being an all-inclusive and overall everything was beautiful.
  21. It's really expensive (Brittany buys in bulk, that's how come she can use it on her invites relatively inexpensively.).. I was going to the paper on my placecards, but once I saw the min order and the cost I said forget it. (Try searching Basho also) Paper.com > Product
  22. That dress looks great on you.. how exciting to have your dress shopping done!
  23. I like the first one best.. my girls really appreciated wearing something flowy and light.
  24. We bought a khaki suit for Matt and all the same shirt (off white silk/blend) for the guys, but come wedding day (October in Cabo) he decided to ditch the suit jacket.. (93 degrees).. it was too hot.. everyone know he was the groom because he was the one kissing me! photo by Robin DePaula
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