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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. I like your idea of him meeting you half way.. I walked down the pathway to the ceremony site and my parents got up and met me behind the guest chairs.. they both walked me down. My mom wasn't very excited about this idea, but my dad and I don't have a great relationship and I really didn't want just him to walk me down.
  2. I did my TTD the next morning .. a few guest heard I was doing it and came to take photos and help me out.. My DH was asleep in bed while I went out for the fun.. it was a BLAST! I went in the pool, on two bars, did a cannon ball into the pool, then went to the ocean for some shots.. I washed a bunch of the sand off my dress at the pool shower then went down the water slide that we loved so much... It was a great time. You're right.. you won't want to do it in a large poofy dress.. they get heavy with water so have someone there to help you out of the pool/ocean waves.
  3. Your stuff turned out great and I have to agree the logo is awesome.. so different!
  4. I would get something with beads and sparkles on them to match.. Does your dress cover your shoes? Some girls went with colored shoes to add a little flair.. endless.com has some really great deals with free shipping and -$5.. tip: if you order more than one shoe from them.. place separate orders to save $5 from each pair.
  5. Oh wow! Those turned out great.. are you using that design on other items too?.. it's really nice. Your guests are going to love them.
  6. We were at an AI so my comments aren't relevant to your corkage fee question but just as an observation, I don't believe any of our guests drank wine while in Cabo.. it was mostly margaritas and beer. You could always do a signature drink and many guests would order that because it would be fun and special for your wedding.
  7. I hear you about the drains.. even out in the country (Camarillo) the roads aren't built for rain.. yesterday a major road was shut down and it looked like a lake.. a city truck was shoveling water off the road and as it ran in the ditch next to a field.. it looks like a raging river.. crazy. I like the rain when I'm at home and I don't have to drive anywhere where there's mud on the road or rocks falling on my car (PCH).
  8. Sol.. seriously the longest slideshow ever.. love it! What is the first song that plays? I absolutely LOVE it.. that was your first dance song, right? You guys look like you had so much fun.. the hats are great.. where did you get them?
  9. Sol.. seriously the longest slideshow ever.. love it! What is the first song that plays? I absolutely LOVE it.. that was your first dance song, right? You guys look like you had so much fun.. the hats are great.. where did you get them?
  10. Regardless of airline policy it also depends on the crew working that day.. I asked (in a very sweet voice) if we could board a little early to put my dress in the closet.. the jerk (man) behind the counter said no.. I think he was mad that I was going to wear a pretty white dress and he was having a bad morning.. Anyhow, I put it in closet (you don't want your dress in their first anyhow because everyone will put their stuff on top).. It wasn't full length but we hung it and laid it on top of some other bags.. it was fine.. it got more wrinkled from being folded over my sweaty arm than from hanging.
  11. Those are great.. I love the illustrations.. very pretty.. I've heard nothing but great things about Prim & Prixie
  12. Dear US Government Making over $75,000 a year in California is not allot of money when your small a** house, under 1,000 sq feet, costs $400,000+... so why can't you give me $300 too? I'm not rich and I pay my bills.. Oh and stupid neighbors.. stop foreclosing on your houses!! you're making our property value plummet!!!
  13. Check out my review and highlights video.. Jorge was awesome and willing to work with your budget. That rate seems crazy expensive!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Here are the pictures I had promised awhile back of my sand ceremony stuff. You can see that it's different panes of glass so I'll fill one section with the sand and then put our photo in the other section. Very cool.. I have the same frame except in black.. got it at Target.. it worked out well. Before the ceremony, one of the boys put a bit of beach sand in the bottom too.. now we have the beach sand, then our colored sands on top.. I haven't put a photo in it yet, but it travelled well... just wrapped in bubble wrap then placed in a large zip lock bag.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl BtB--Morgan cause she is so full of DIY ideas and willing to go the extra mile for anyone without even being asked. Christa for Mrs. 'cause she was gonna help me by sending her invite templates (even tho she found out she recently dumped it all ) I have her template if you need it.
  16. I think all our guests really appreciated staying at an AI. It was great hanging out at the pool and yelling "this rounds on me" lol as you order 6 drinks.. seriously though it was nice not worrying about who's paying for what when you go to dinner..you eat when and where you want to and not worry about breaking the bank or having cash on hand. As far as planning other events for our guests.. it was pretty easy to organize a welcome dinner to thank everyone for coming down.. at $24/pp I couldn't have beat that price anywhere. I never felt obligated to take care of my guests but I wanted everyone to feel comfortable about traveling so far (many had never been out of the country).. having extra events just extended the party.. but some of our best times were just hanging out in the pool drinking and laughing.
  17. OM Gosh! Those are great but how long did it take per bag? You're a super DIY'er! Wow
  18. Glad you and the girls made it out safe and sound.. is your dress ok?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Depending on your resort double check that they still have a beach- some of the Riviera Maya resorts have lost their beaches to mother nature! I know when I was at Couples Swept Away they had posted security guards and staff to direct people away from where the ceremony was taking place. One guy when he was redirected (and yes he was in a a speedo !) tried to just walk a few steps up the beach and then cut across where the bride & groom were exchanging vows. The guard nearly tackled him- it was great!! He finally got a clue and walked far enough so he wouldn't be in any photo's ( it was maybe another 15 steps! TA Jennifer OMG! Some people are clueless.. no doubt that's the case cuz he's wearing a freakin' speedo! lol-- no offense meant to any forum members or FH that enjoy wearing speedos.
  20. Congrats on your upcoming wedding.. do you have the dress already? It's perfectly fine as the girls in your other post have said.. we love pictures! do you have any? As long as you feel like a bride, it doesn't matter what you're wearing.
  21. I walked past a few people on beach chairs (it was a LONG walk) at Dreams Cabo to the huppah on the beach but I really didn't mind.. I thought the attention was fun. Everyone was just saying how pretty I looked and congratulations.. some people might mind.. but not me. Now speedo boy behind the alter would be too much! Looking at our video I realized a guy was fishing down the beach a little, but he wasn't in our photos and I never noticed.
  22. advanced is working.. Here's what I got when typing Barron http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...earchid=849352
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