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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. Do you have a contract? You'd think you would have discussed their coordination fee before this point.. hopefully it works out for you. I do know that other coordinators in the area were much more expensive for day of than Maye but I'm sure your wedding is going to be gorgeous!
  2. They have precut circles at most office supply stores.. I found it easier to print on full sheets and use a circle punch. I couldn't figure out the templates for the other sheets.. although I'm sure it's really easy.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE I can't stand those kind of people! I agree, they need to let families grieve. I work at the airport. When a fallen soldier comes in from war and they are transporting his body, the firefighters here go out with their rigs and lights and they all line up and salute the hearse as it takes the body and family members from the tarmac to through the secued area of the airport. Well, one time the funeral home got wind that some of those protestors were coming to protest when they brought the body out, so (I am SO not kidding) these bikers came and drove with the hearse and the family to escort them from the airport. The bikers were there as bodyguards in case any of the protestors were acting like fools! I am not kidding! We had a parking lot full of bikers here! I was so proud of them! They were ready to handle business! In this girls case, hopefully these awful people will back off and let the family have their time. It is such a sad story. I'm really proud of those bikers.. they call themselves the Patriot Guard Riders. I think what they do is so great. Sometimes they rev their bike engines so people can't hear the protesters' shouts. Motorcycle Club Blocks Protesters
  4. OMG! Love this. My girlfriend had their Initial and a beautiful scroll hand painted in their kitchen. It cost her a fortune. This is such a great idea..
  5. Very cute! They turned out great! You guys looked like you were having so much fun. I can't wait to see more pool shots. I love the underwater stuff.
  6. Yes.. you'll find allot of info with the search button on the upper right. Lots of Cabo girls also recommend Suzanne Morel. But I really like Octavio. He was super fast. I had hair and makeup done in under an hour. Here's a few threads http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3612 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13670 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12887
  7. I got a new ring after Matt proposed too.. He was feel so overwhelmed when shopping for the diamond. I didn't know the proposal was coming but we looked one day for fun and I told him I liked a princess cut solitaire. That's exactly what I got. We ended up buying a new set and had the diamond put into the new ring. For my birthday he's going to put an aquamarine stone into the original ring. (At least that's what I asked for)
  8. I found the wedding coordinators to be very accommodating. I'd say you'd just have to ask. I don't think it would be a problem. I wouldn't recommend using their Spa services for Day of Hair or Makeup. We had our nails done and it really wasn't that great of a job. Many girls choose to hire an outside vendor (or do it themselves). I loved my hair/makeup by Mexsun. (info in my review)
  9. I heard about her on the local news..she was going to school in Santa Barbara. Why are they protesting her funeral? Usually they protest the soldier's funerals because they're gay. I can't believe they would think that someone "deserves" to have this happen to them.. How sad, the poor family and like you said community.
  10. I agree it would be a kind gesture to invite her. Maye and the DJ's wife (I invited DJ but he decline because he was working but accepted the offer for his wife- she was very sweet) sat down to enjoy dinner at our reception. However they had the staff set up a separate small table off to the side.
  11. Great prices! I'm sure this will really help out the girls. I remember searching for hours for these things trying to get the best price.
  12. OMG I can't believe I missed this thread! It looks like you guys had such a great time.. what's with the re-do party? What did the guys end up doing? I love the bras on the outside! Too funny!
  13. Welcome to the forum. I was a Dreams bride in October 2007. Great time of year!
  14. I made glycerin soap once before.. well actually it was a kit from the craft store.. a big block that you melt down and add scents to before pouring into the molds. It was fun but I don't have any real tips for you. Personally I would love to get soap with oatmeal..I always liked how the natural textures look and feel.. a light ocean scent would be nice.. some people really hate coconut.
  15. Great dress! Congrats on being able to check that off your list! It looks great on you.
  16. I was afraid of what my dad would wear (no joke) so I bought him the same shirt as the boys only in a light blue.. I asked him to wear khakis so it was hard to mess up.
  17. AMAZING PHOTOS Paula! Wow Sol.. your work is truly beautiful! What a treasure for the two of you to have forever.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari That is so nasty!!! Don't hate the equipment! lol
  19. It's crazy what happens to you on your wedding day. It's no longer about what matches what.. you feel very sentimental.. at least I did. I wore my great-grandmother's necklace that she wore at her wedding, my grandma wore, and her daughter wore. I was only going to wear it during the ceremony because it didn't really match my dress but I couldn't bear taking it off and left it on the entire night. It was too long and was pretty much inside my strapless dress all night because I had borrowed it and didn't want to shorten the chain. My grandma ended up telling me the necklace was mine to pass down to our future daughter at our reception.. I was sooo surprised and felt so loved. Sometimes it isn't about how well something goes with your outfit, it's the meaning behind it. Your fiance loves you and spent so much to give you something special, even if he says he doesn't mind, I'm sure it will always matter if you "exchange it" for something else. It's gorgeous and I think you should wear it.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by kcantrel Sergio got back to me in less than 24 hours with a request for more specific dates. I haven't heard back yet but am seriously considering this place. The rooms are amazing, the restaurants seem good. Do you all know if you can swim in the beach there? That is a must for us!! The man I spoke to said yes, but added that a 12 year old who doesn't swim much probably shouldn't but adults would be fine. What does that mean?? It means there's a strong undertow (current) in the ocean and if you aren't a strong swimmer you shouldn't go out. Be sure people know to swim parallel to the shore if they get caught in an undercurrent until they're no longer in it before trying to swim back.. otherwise they'll just get tired trying. That's why prefer the swim up bar in the pool.
  21. Oh yay! Sounds like you had a GREAT time!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 I don't know why they pee on the floor?!?!?! I mean we can make it in when we hover in scary public bathrooms! All they have to do is stand up and aim! How hard can it be? If they have been potty trained for 20+ years they should have figured it out by now! Matt explained.. it's the dribble at the end that may or may not end up on the floor.. thank goodness he's considerate. I get the seat down and he wipes the rim before doing so.. good boy.
  23. When traveling anywhere you should be careful with your valuables and if there's anything I've learned from those reviews.. do not use the hotel safes.. my suggestion is to bring a luggage lock and place your valuables in an empty suitcase with your other empty luggage. Theft does and can happen anywhere.
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