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Everything posted by cheese_diva

  1. I believe they are rented from an outside company. Dreams only offers the chairs covered in white and you can pay addition costs if you want a colored bow/tie.
  2. I made them but even though all our guests were crying, nobody really knew they were there. They were in a basket somewhere at the ceremony site... Here's what we bought and made stickers for. Template is in our planning thread. Artist Trading Card Envelopes
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I really like the saying in the first one, but I love the way the 2nd one looks. So cute!!! I agree. I like the "passport to love" and your names but I like the look and spacing of the 2nd one.. maybe keep the flower but sorta merge the two looks? They both have rather large spacing in between words.. maybe tighten it up?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE THANK YOU!! I didn't know that! I called Consortium and they gave me the number of a local stationary company and I am going to go by this weekend! YAY! She told me the same thing that I could change the terra cotta color to blue I just couldn't change the paper! I am so freakin happy I could scream! Thank you!! Some designs are more customizable than others but I'm glad it sounds like it will work out. That's great! It's tough searching and searching for invites. I spent DAYS looking. Be sure to post when you pick something out!
  5. Congrats! I loved the last picture with the folks in the background looking at you! Yay!
  6. I agree. I think you need to go to your local invitation shop that carries this brand. Usually paper/ink colors aren't a problem to switch and they'll have swatches which you'll want to see in person. The Consortium Invitations
  7. Where did you find that invite from originally? Usually you have paper/ink choices.. BTW I really like it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jillhigginsphotography This isn't my best ring shot - but - it will demonstrate my tip. Buy some dental wax from a drug store - you know - the stuff you use when you have braces. Place a small amount of the wax under the rings if you want them to stand up. That's a great idea!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaica08bride I just watched your slide show and everything is so beautiful. You added a lot of cute touches to your wedding and reception that I may have to borrow. Where did you get your sand ceremony container. I couldn't tell if it was a frame or a box but either way I really like it. I also just noticed that you are from Camarillo. I am from Oxnard but live in VA now. The Nard! lol For our sand ceremony we bought a frame at Target. (I know there's a thread about it somewhere.) It has several panes of glass and we taped off the two outsides so no sand when in there.. I now have a smaller picture of us during the ceremony that I need to mount in front of the sand. It was fairly easy to transport with a bit of bubble wrap and a large ziplock baggie.
  10. I thought 6:00 was in the evening.. not afternoon? You could always put "Reception to follow" What do you want them to do for the 1.5 hours between the ceremony and reception? Are you hosting a cocktail hour or will people just chill?
  11. I would be irate!! Be nice but firm.. you won't budge.
  12. We had a friend video tape and we ended up hiring a videographer a month or so before the wedding. BEST decision ever! We love our video. Although I'm glad to have my friend's video it's almost impossible to watch.. unless we take it somewhere for editing.. (plus she had to switch discs in the middle of the ceremony! lol) I have a link to our highlights on my siggy. Obviously all videographers are not created equally so look at their work first if you can. We bust out the video quite a bit.. at least I can watch the web version whenever I want.
  13. I always thought the pictures of your rings over something in print with an "O" in it was cute.. I was messing around at our hotel on morning and here's what I did.. I'm sure professionals would do much better.
  14. Welcome! I was a Dreams Cabo bride in October 07.. there's tons of info on this forum for that resort/location. congrats!
  15. I thought you had a "beef" about someone being banned when I read the thread title. I saw the video and it's very upsetting. The local schools have taken meat out of their menus for awhile because that meat got into our food supply. (At least that's what I heard on the news). Gross.. but then I think about what the farmers do to those poor veggies. They yank them from the ground and cut their tops off! lol j/k
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Angela- I'm not in shape. I used to be and it's so sad for me to try to do this and struggle. You can definitely do it though. It's very hard, but doable. If I can do it, I'm sure most can. You know what. I just read the Fitness test requirements (notice I said read and haven't actually done them) but it doesn't seem to bad. http://www.beachbody.com/text/produc...90xFitTest.pdf I really need to do something. I was in decent shape last year, now the pounds are coming back. I haven't felt a "burn" in a long time. I miss that.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad great review!!!! sorry about the room service and the fish lol Re-reading it now makes me feel so dumb for even including it in my review. It was such a small thing (not at the time) but in the grand overview of everything, those parts aren't even memorable.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Minx1969 Thanks Cheesediva. I did quote those two rates I saw in the thread: 30 people = $1500 and 75 people = $3800 Just doesn't compute to my why 40 people = $3500 but I will wait to hear what the owner says. FWIW - my WC has been great - not complaining about the service -think they have been very thorough - just questioning what appears to me a pricing discrepancy. That's good news. Sounds like there's room to negotiate. I can't wait to hear how the wedding goes.. It's coming up fast!! congrats!
  19. It seems pretty hard core. I'm not in good enough shape to do this but I'm sure there are girls are here that are. Lots of great reviews/blogs online about it too.. Shaping My Way
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nene Dear Cheese Diva (love your name) I really appreciate your review. I am not a good bride- I wish someone would just plan it for me - I am horrible on making great choices... I contacted your DJ since you gave him a A+++ so we will see. My WC is Yesica at Dreams-do you know anything on her? Your review is fabulous!!! Thanks.. you know, once you get the major stuff over (location/photographer) the rest is fairly easy and fun.. although as a bride we go over every detail and freak out allot... when you look back you'll be glad you made your wedding everything you wanted it to be. I wish I could do it all over again! (because we had a such a great time!) We worked with Marianna. I think Yesica was newer when we first started planning but I've heard good things since then. They're very busy ladies so sometimes it takes awhile to get back to you but the closer you get to your wedding, the more on top of your questions they are.. you'll find almost all of the answers to your questions on this forum which I'm sure they're glad about.
  21. Here's another tip.. face your sticker paper with design up.. put the hole punch upside down on a firm surface and push evenly with both palms.. That way you can line up your circle fairly easily and the circle won't dig into your palms as much.. although expect some sore hands if you have allot of circles to make. We used it for a bunch of projects.
  22. Awesome post. Do you use all the DVDs or do you find yourself using one or two of them the most?
  23. That sucks! My guess is their rate isn't based on per person.. it's per event. Sounds like your only recourse is to negotiate it down as much as possible and for sure get an itemized list.. A newbie just wrote recently about a Karla at Baja. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...589#post268512 Here's another about how expensive they are but that they loved working with them: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5788
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