Hola Everyone! I’ve been browsing this site for a few days now and have found all of your information very helpful, so I thought I’d join. But, I’m new to this whole forum thing…so I hope I’m posting properly. We are trying to plan a DW in Los Cabos, Mexico preferably for July 2007. My fiancé and I currently live in manhattan. His friends are mostly from Cali and mine are here in NY/NJ, so we thought Los Cabos would be a fair option.
My choice – Fiesta Americana
His choice – Dreams
Right now, we are leaning towards Dreams because the AI option sounds more budget-friendly for us and our guests. However, I’m debating if it would be a good idea to ask our guests to stay and hang with us at Dreams and then host the ceremony/reception elsewhere. I would really appreciate your opinions since many of you seem to have more experience with the location, planning, and such. Mostly also, I just wanted to introduce myself and say “HI!!â€
-- Wendy