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Everything posted by OneLove

  1. Each are very nice... In addition to the other comments, I think the boldness in option 2 will better draw a readers attention. ~andrea
  2. Hello MagsieMexico...Welcome!.. We're glad to have you here... I'm getting married 12/29/07 in Cancun at Moon Palace. Feel free to ask questions and run by any thoughts/ideas.. This is the best place to do so, and get honest feedback & support. ~andrea
  3. Hello Valerie, I just came across this today....maybe it will help.. It provides 5 options identified as the best excursions in the Mayan Riviera area: StrayWeddings.com Blog: Attractions ~andrea
  4. OH geez.. its always something.. I agree with the others.. I think I'd grin and bear it.. and express how important her presense would mean to us, and wouldn't want the $75 to be a deciding factor in her coming.. Also, I think maybe she is just having a moment for some reason, and will probably not take your $75 when it comes down to it. OK..so yall think that for everyone that chooses not to stay at the AI, we should pay the fee for the day pass That hadn't dawned on me... and the budget doesn't reflect that scenario.... ~andrea
  5. Hi Ann.. Yes, I tried with destinationweddings.com. My assignee didn't seem to be a specialist nor proactive..so I began looking at other options..Thank you for the input! ~Andrea
  6. Hi there.. Thank you for the welcomes... I haven't done much more then nail down the location.. We are est. ~50 guests + / - and really unsure what the response will be considering. I am currently looking at finding a travel agent, ordering STDs, and setting up a website. I am pondering on the travel agent item.. shall i look into a company that specializes in destination weddings or a nonDW travel agency? i started off in that direction and didn't have the best experience with the DW specialist I was assigned. any thoughts?
  7. Hello All, I have been referred to this forum from reading posts at tripadvisor.com. I have browsed around a bit and decided to sign up!.. This forum is a great source with a wealth of information and is very helpful.. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and experiences! I too look forward to participating in the knowledge sharing. Nick and I live in Austin, TX, and are planning our wedding at Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort in Cancun on Sat., Dec. 29. 2007. We're excited! ~Andrea
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