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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. OMG I edited my original post like 90 times I kept forgetting people. And then I realized that I heart everyone! I mean really who do I not love on here? No one! You guys are all awesome!
  2. I have crushes, I have crushes! I have crushes on what I call the "old school" girls...Tammy (host), Christa, Kash, Rebecca, Tammy B, Ann, Christine, Amy, Anny, Jackie, Nicole, Kate and Sarah and I'm probably forgetting a ton of others. Then I have mod crushes on Alyssa, Jamy, Maura, Courtney, Jill and Shelley. Then I have what I call "younger member" crushes (b/c they joined much later than me) on Jenny K, Morgan, Becks, Ana, ErinB, Jacqueline (yes, Jacqueline, I'm a freak). Then I have senior member crushes on Mel (raeka), Maria, Julie, Jessica, Leia, Jaimelynne, Carly, Abbie, Yari, Jason (that's right Karen I want your man!), Karen, Rachel (LC_Rachel), Heidi, Lisa, Lizz, Jenn, Sarah, Paula, Catherine, Tara, Trisha, Michelle, Erica, Laura (Raydensmama), Angela (cheesediva), Susan, Sarah, etc. I'm sure I forgot a ton of people but you guys know I love you all!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Amy&Andy Glenda... My fav gift was from my mom at my shower: She had taken my wedding invitation and gotten it framed in a gorgeous thick silver frame with about 4 different mattings and a neat band of silver kind of studs around it. It's hanging on my wall already...just love it, and so creative. Oooh that is really cute but unfortunately she doesn't have a wedding invitation yet b/c she hasn't even picked a date or location. LOl. But I will def keep this in mind for her shower. I also used to get all my friends the Tiffany's heart keychain with their new initials and wedding date engraved but since she doesn't have a wedding date yet I can't do that. Hmmm...thanks for the ring holder idea Alyssa and Maura I def have to check these out.
  4. Amy don't worry hair grows so fast! And I'm sure you look beautiful! Can't wait to see pics.
  5. Jaime that dress is gorgeous! Congrats on finding the one! Sometimes when you know its the one, you know its the one!
  6. Hey guys, I'm trying to put together something special for a good friend of mine who just got engaged. Her engagement party is August 23rd and I have decided to make a wagon (using a child's toy wagon) filled with exciting bridal stuff. So I am trying to come up with ideas of stuff to put in it. They can be little things or big things. Basically I want to know what was some of your favorite stuff that you got either at your bridal shower, wedding, engagment party, or just any old gift. I want to do really, really cute things. Money is not a factor, I'm going to go all out so please let me know any cute ideas. I've already ordered the wagon (its pink) and a wedding planner book. Plus I ordered two books "Something Borrowed" and "Something Blue" to throw in there. I will probably get her a monogrammed "soon to be" hoodie but I need more stuff. Any ideas?
  7. Amy so does that mean they are not closed? Hmmm that seems kind of weird that the media would report that they closed down already and were evacuating people. Well either way I'm glad to hear that they are not closed. Hopefully the situation will change for the better soon with all the resorts.
  8. Congrats Martha that is awesome! I am so excited and happy for you! And how cool that your BFF got to marry you!
  9. Maura that is really beautiful! I wish I could have done the lazo but my parish doesn't do it, since its typically a traditional Mexican ritual. But I did get to do a presentation to the Virgin Mary which was especially nice b/c James' deceased grandfather loved the song 'Ave Maria'. It played while we did the presentation and his grandmother was really moved by it. I think your ceremony will be beautiful but if you can I would ask for a mini trial run b/c believe it or not all this stuff can get messed up really easily. Mine's was a mess and Amy's got screwed up a bit too in PV. So just make sure you and Jose and the priest know exactly what your doing.
  10. Amy I think back in the day it was scary to get a haircut b/c if it looked ugly you were screwed. But nowadays you shouldn't be scared b/c worse comes to worse you get extensions until it grows out. So don't be scared just go for it! I have a good feeling its going to come out gorgeous!
  11. Laura those pics are amazing! I absolutely love them. You had a wonderful photog! Rayden looks so cute, I love his outfit. Your shoes were so "you" I absolutely love them! You looked so pretty and happy. I loved your dress and the flower in your hair. Congrats on beautiful pics and a beautiful day! Julie your cake looks AMAZING! I swear if you lived in NY I would just hire you to bake for me all day! I want to know what it tasted like. The flowers were gorgeous! Congrats on a job well done! The cake is STUNNING!
  12. I was going to say a bob but you want it shoulder length so I think you should get exactly what Nicole Richie has. I heart, heart, heart that hairstyle! It would look so good on you!
  13. I'm having a really hard time finding them. I think I found them and then the site tells me they no longer have that style. I think its an older style. Hmmm....I would recommend buying them in white and then having them dyed in ivory. If you really love them that much (or moreso that FI loves them that much) then you might as well just get them in white and then dye them. Sorry I wasn't much help but I literally poured over everything and I got zilch.
  14. Lauren I'm going to call him now. You said its for around 12 people right? You just want a prefix menu with drinks included? And you want approximately $100 per person right? I agree I think if I was invited to a b-day dinner for a friend I would expect to pay for my portion. I don't know how everyone else does it, but when we go out for someone's b-day we pay for our own portion and we usually all chip in for the person whose b-day it is. But since your throwing him the party I would think your guests would just expect to pay their own portion. They will def be shocked to find that you paid for it all. Places like the ones you are looking at are super expensive. I don't think anyone would expect you to foot the entire bill.
  15. I can't wait to see pics Jill! I'm glad you had an awesome time!
  16. So my friends and I went to go see him perform a couple of months ago at a local bar. He was terrible. There were tons of girls flashing him. It was so pathetic. Most of the women were in their 40's. I mean do they honestly think that by flashing their boobs they are going to get him to fall in love? He should have picked Daisy. She is more his lifestyle than Ambre. I did not like Ambre she was so manipulative but then she lied about her age. Daisy is dating Dave Navarro now so I guess she is moving on up to younger guys. LOL.
  17. Morgan you are Arielle! I love it! These are great! I can't wait to see more of these underwater pics!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 OK girls... here is a little hillbilly info that might explain the cost of flour, wheat etc, They are trying to make fuel out of ethanol, which I am sure you know. In doing so they have to produce tons and tons of corn. To produce the corn like they need to, they need a lot of fertilizer. The fertilizer nationwide is being shipped to the midwest for the corn. In turn it makes the fertilizer hard to get. So, the farmers that were use to paying 125 a ton for fertilizer are now having to pay 500 a ton for it. A lot of farmers CAN'T do that. So, they are either getting out of the farming business or paying it and increasing their prices to cover the cost of it. So, after we factor in the increase in the farmers expense and the increase in fuel to get the produce where it needs to go, that explains the super high prices. If you notice meat is also going up. The same principles apply. The farmer needs fertilzer for hay, it's so high they either have to pay it or supplement with feed. Well, feed is made with wheat and corn and soy beans. All of which have skyrocketed. I understand the reason for making ethanol, but really it is what started this whole mess. Kat along the same lines the speculators drive up the cost of the corn and cause all these poor farmers to go out of business. Ugggh I hate them! They are the real people who are ruining everything. My best friend works for Goldman Sachs and does the future's market and she tells me how all these speculators ruin it for everyone else by driving up the cost.
  19. Maura and I personally did searches for verifiable news sources and as of now Dreams Tulum shutting down is just rumors and speculation. We will keep monitoring the news and keep everyone as updated as possible. Please do not panic and freak out. This will only cause more problems for the resorts if everyone starts calling their WC and asking them a million questions. As of now there is no reason to get upset since everything is purely speculation and rumors.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I try not to let it bother me. Although I'm always sort of stresed financially just because Brian is soooo not good with money. We had a nice emergency fund in our joint savings and he managed to plow through it all in a month (it was about $10,000) and needless to say that cased a MAJOR fight with us. I've tried to ake over the financial aspect of the household, but it's hard because it does all go ino the joint account (although we also both have our own seperate accounts) so Brian can easily transfer funds to his account. I like to have my own safety net with my own account, but since not working (but still having to pay credit card bills) that net is pretty close to nothing. So that definitely stresses me out although it has less to do with the economy and more to do with Brian's loose spending habits. However because of his spending habits (he tends to blow money on crap we totally don't need) things like rising gas and food prices, etc are becoming more of an issue. He has good job security but you never know. I always like to have a backup and that's sort of been hard to do when you have a spouse who's totally irresponsible with money. And yes I've tried to put him on a budget! Welcome to my world! I swear James buys a DVD every other day. If he buys one more DVD I am going to cut his hands off. Hamurabi's code is going to come back into full effect in my house. LOL.
  21. I am super jealous, miami is so much fun! Have a safe trip and enjoy! Can't wait to see pics!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline That's a really cute idea and I never heard of that before! Geez at this rate I'm going to dedicate one room in our house as "Our" room and hang all this sh*t up! hahaha HAHAHA! Then your friends can come over and think you two are completely obsessed with each other. Hehe. You can call it the "Narcissistic Room"
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