Ok first of all stop putting stuff on your face. It is going to make it worse. All this stuff will just make it redder.
This is a normal reaction. Usually when you get waxing or threading and you get this redness with bumps it will start after the procedure and last until the entire day. Did you say you got it done today or yesterday? If you got it done yesterday you should be good to go for tomorrow. If you got it done today then they may still be there tomorrow. Sorry I don't mean to upset you but it usually takes a day to calm down.
I would apply the hydrocortizone that Morgan recommended. But don't put all this other stuff on your face b/c it is going to give you an adverse reaction (b/c you are mixing so much stuff together) and you will only make it worse. Apply ice if you want and then put some of the hydrocortizone.
Hopefully they will be gone by tomorrow. Also, try not to stress (I know easier said than done) b/c then you will just make it worse. Crying makes it erupt more to, so try to stay calm.