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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. I also voted for Tammy! Sorry Tammy but you do so much by even having this forum here for us that you def deserve some recognition.
  2. I really don't know anything about weddings there but from what I'm told its gorgeous and pretty affordable. I think it would be a great place to have a wedding! Can we all be invited? B/c that would be awesome! LOL. J/k
  3. OMG Alyssa tell me you posted this siggy??!! LOL. I am on the floor right now laughing so hard!
  4. Wait we can use Microsoft Paints? I should at the very least be able to do it that way. Alyssa's powerpoint instructions were all hyrogliphics to me! But thank you anyway Alyssa! And if I still can't figure it out then I am jgoing to take you up on your offer and send you the stuff so you can make me one.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host you can get a site visit rate. i was able to get trish a rate of $89 per person during the high season. That's because Tammy is amazing and the best TA ever!
  6. Here are some links: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6270 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t61 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3680 If you go to the Search function on the top right hand corner you can type in "Excellence Riviera" in the advance search and it will give you tons of info.
  7. Umm Martha I've been asked if I was pregnant numerous times. One time I was sitting at a desk and you couldn't see my stomach (I don't have huge boobs btw) and this woman kept insisting I was pregnant. I guess even my face is so fat that she thought I was pregnant. Another time my FI's barber asked him if I gave birth yet. Umm yeah embarassing and rude!
  8. I literally just PMed Alyssa asking her if she could show me how to make one! I am also computerate illiterate (it seems like I've been left back one time too many). LOL.
  9. I love the boys songs! I really truly enjoy their singing. I think DanityKane wants to be more pop and they are giving them all these slow songs so I can totally see why they were upset. I think they want to do songs like the Pussycat Dolls. More upbeat dance songs for the club. Not the whiney he dumped me crap. I also think Diddy doesn't like Aubrey. They rub each other the wrong way. He thinks she is diva and has a gassed head. She was quoted in the media before saying that Diddy doesn't care about their group, etc. It supposedly pissed him off so I think things are kind of sour for them. Plus she was seen hanging out with the Pussycat Dolls creator and there were rumors she was going to leave Danitykane and go join PCD. So I'm sure that created even more friction for the two of them. Not to mention that the Hip Hop radio stations were claiming last summer that Aubrey was pregnant with Diddy's child. Oh the drama!
  10. Wait what if some people take a pic of themselves now and on the scale but then cheat and start dieting and excercising before wednesday and get that initial 5 pound water weight loss? The things I think of...
  11. Ooh Ooh count me in! My fat arse needs motivation. I am so going to lose this thing b/c I am the laziest person and have no will power but hey worth a shot! Yari Saraha DreaW froggie1013 ? sodria gkashmira chprfan jilly76 sarah alyssa Just Martha Betsy LMP333 tlomlad amandalovesryan Shelleyf cessyboston Dlyteful Barefootbride Klavallee beachbride08 Nrvsbride-Glenda
  12. Carly I also saw the Nine West one and was about to post it until I saw somebody else already did. Either way I'm glad you found a bag, it is super cute! Btw you look great in your wedding dress! I heart it!
  13. Just wanted to ditto what everyone else said about checking out the larger chain stores first, they will have more of a selection. And I must say you girls look fabulous in your dresses! They are so beautiful and flattering.
  14. Oh hell no! Girl you are from Jersey butt buddies to NY. You know better than to take $10. You should have gotten loud and made a scene like a true NYer. They would have refunded you, trust me. My friends always make scenes and they get everything comped. LOL. Seriously though, I'm glad your okay!
  15. Ahh I'm dying to know how the photo shoot went! Did your face clear up in time. I had my fingers crossed for you all night. I hope everything went okay but either way I know your pictures will come out beautiful!
  16. No prob! I'm cheering you on in the hopes that your face clears up soon! -Glenda
  17. Well actually the pic to the left is Lindsay when she was 13. LOl. But the top pic is Ali at 13 and the bottom right is Ali at 13. I think they used Lindsay's pic to show how different two sisters can look at 13 with makeup and hair.
  18. Don't do the desitin. Get the cortizone. But if you got it done on friday I really think you will be okay for tomorrow. Do not put too many products on your face. I'm warning you its going to get worse. Just put some ice on it and try to relax while you watch a movie or a show or something. You will look beautiful tomorrow, you'll see. If worse comes to worse buy a good tinted moisturizer at the drug store today. It will help make your skin look even instead of blotchy. Everything is going to be okay.
  19. If you do heavy makeup such as smokey eyes and dark eyeliner and you add volume to your hair you will look older. Or you can do lighter eyes and darker colored lip stick. Take a look at these pics of Ali Lohan (Lindsay Lohan's sister). She is thirteen. She looks so much older in the second picture. She looks so much older b/c her eyes are darker and instead of pin straight hair she added volume and a little bit of a pouf to her hair.
  20. Ok first of all stop putting stuff on your face. It is going to make it worse. All this stuff will just make it redder. This is a normal reaction. Usually when you get waxing or threading and you get this redness with bumps it will start after the procedure and last until the entire day. Did you say you got it done today or yesterday? If you got it done yesterday you should be good to go for tomorrow. If you got it done today then they may still be there tomorrow. Sorry I don't mean to upset you but it usually takes a day to calm down. I would apply the hydrocortizone that Morgan recommended. But don't put all this other stuff on your face b/c it is going to give you an adverse reaction (b/c you are mixing so much stuff together) and you will only make it worse. Apply ice if you want and then put some of the hydrocortizone. Hopefully they will be gone by tomorrow. Also, try not to stress (I know easier said than done) b/c then you will just make it worse. Crying makes it erupt more to, so try to stay calm.
  21. Congrats that is so awesome! I am so jealous. I think running off and getting married is terribly romantic! And now you get your beautiful Cabo wedding as well and you get to move to PR. You are one lucky girl!
  22. LOL this is so funny! Rebecca you just reminded me that I had a dream the other day that I met Erica (Cessyboston). I can't remember what the dream was about but I remember being shocked to meet someone from the forum. I think Erica was trying to use me for something. LOl. It made the dream all the more funny b/c Erica is like the sweetest girl.
  23. Welcome! They are both beautiful locations yet different in there own way. Do you want a location that is more traditional Mexico or do you prefer that desert locale?
  24. There are a lot of Riu Ocho Brides. You will find lots of information on this location on the forum. Enjoy your planning and let us know how we can help.
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