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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Yeah it was pretty depressing reading my weight. I didn't even take my "before" pics yet. I'll do it when I get home tonight. Those should be fun...NOT!
  2. Ooh I want one of these. On a side note: It really pisses me off when popular things get sold out. Obviously something like this is going to sell well, so why not make tons of them? Its like Ugg boots, you know everyone wants a pair so why don't you make more of them instead of keeping them on back order for months and months? Sorry to go off on a rant.
  3. I also joined the gym yesterday and plan to workout tonight. Its going to be so hard b/c I am literally beat when I get home. I work 14 hour days and commute 2 hours each way so I am going to have to muster all the energy in the world just to schlep my fat arse to the gym. Luckily, James promised to go to the gym with me so that I won't slack. p.s. Last night when I signed up for the gym, low and behold, there she was...95 pound girl on the pre-core pretending to exercise, while she talked on her cellphone. Sorry to anyone whose 95 pounds.
  4. Do you guys know that Christina fired her publicist and some senior manager, along with an assistant b/c the People magazine cover of her baby didn't sell well? And now it turned into a big competiton to see who will sell more Christina or Nicole. Apparently Nicole's copies are flying off the racks.
  5. I vote for the first names b/c of all the issues you will incur if you do the initials. I think they will really like it, its a really nice gift!
  6. That's why you need a good BM. My friends would have told that chick to take a hike! How rude. I'm sorry that is just beyond rude. It's one thing if your curious and want to look from afar but don't get a couple of feet away, this is supposed to be this girl's happiest day of her life and here you are with your boobs hanging out! Btw that girl had an awesome dress! I love that Alvina Valenta gown!
  7. Ok I took a pic of my weight this morning but I don't have a computer so I can't upload the pic. (My job's computers are purposely blocked from uploading pics). Does anyone mind if I send Ann my weight pic (I will send her my weight today by PM) on saturday? I will go over to FI's house on saturday and upload the weight pics. Is that okay with everyone? p.s. B/c I know I can't eat yummy foods I am craving everything in the world right now!
  8. I'm jealous! I want to live in Socal! Must be nice to go out in nice weather. LOl. You guys look like you had a great time.
  9. She is beyond adorable! I bought this magazine last week and I was in love. I absolutely adore the name Harlow. I think it is so pretty! I also loved her nursery, it was all white with beautiful stuffed animals. I love white, its my favorite color!
  10. Your pics look great! I'm so happy everything worked out for you! I love the pics, you guys look so happy and in love. See photoshop does wonders!
  11. If I put scrubs on it would look like leggings, that's how tight they would be.
  12. I don't even care about the money I just want to be able to put on my suit pants and sit down and not have the zipper unzip itself b/c my fat is pushing it down!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nueland Just joined the BDW biggest loser club and so exited!!! I have already lost 15 pounds in a month and have about 15-20 more to go!!! Holy shit you lost 15 pounds in a month! Jeez you need to send me your diet/exercise program! Okay girls I bought my scale yesterday and wouldn't you know it, they have a Biggest Loser scale and a Weight Watchers scale. I ended up buying the weight watchers scale b/c it shows body mass index as well as the weight. I am also joining the gym today. So scary. I am more scared of this than anything else! This is my FI's gym and I swear to you every girl there is 2 pounds and wears their sports bras (to hold their perfect implants) and wear yoga pants to hold in their tight asses. People are going to moo when I go in there. I plan to wear baggy sweatshirts everytime I go there. Thank goodness FI promised to go with me. He is kind of muscular so I know if anyone gives me a dirty look he'll kill them for me. Okay, I've also decided I am going to be brave and take my sports bra pic from different views (e.g. front, back and side) so you can see the full beer gut and rolls hanging from my back fat. LOL.
  14. CONGRATS Tammy & Morgan! You both def deserved this! Thank you Tammy for running the best forum ever! And thank you Morgan for your constant help with everything. We appreciate you guys so much!
  15. Realistically I figure I'll lose a pound per week (I think WW and Jenny Craig tell you that a healthy, realistic weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week). So if we do this for 8 weeks that would be anywhere from 8-16 pounds. If I lose 8 pounds, trust me no one is going to notice. LOl. Even if I lost 16 pounds people might still be like "Hmm did you do something different with your hair?" LOl.
  16. I can't help with all the mathematical rules. I don't even care what I weigh when I start vs. what I weigh afterwards. As long as I stop looking like a heffer then I'll be okay. LOL.
  17. Ok: 1. I ate like a fat beast this weekend. No seriously, I ate like the end of the world was coming and this was the last meal I was going to have. 2. I can't lie, my FI bartends tonight and I plan on going over there and eating disgusting, greasy bar good. 3. On a plus note I am going to Bed, Bath & Beyond to buy a scale today. 4. I am going to pass out and be mortified when I actually see my weight. (I don't think I've weighed myself in over a year) 5. This past week my pants have been feeling really tight. Not a good sign! 6. As much as I would rather die than take a pic in a bikini, I think I'm going to do it Celebrity Fit Club/Biggest Loser style and take a pic of myself in a sportsbra and shorts. I figure Ann will have a kick laughing hysterically. 7. Ann if you show these pics to anyone I will hunt you down and...well I don't know what I would do to you b/c your so darn nice and I heart you too much to do anything bad to you...oh forget it. LOL.
  18. It looks gorgeous on you! A perfect fit! I actually could see the blue in the pic, it looks very pretty. And that price is a bargain! I too am a fan of the BM's dresses. Sometimes those BM dresses are just as dressy as the bridal ones.
  19. There are all different types of pave bands. Check some out here: Bailey Banks & Biddle Do you like any of these? You can 100% find a micro pave wedding band in Jersey or NY. 100%. Its one of the most popular bands in these states.
  20. First of all your shoe collection is to die for! Love the red pumps. Secondly you look amazing in your pics! They are so tasteful and classy, very nicely done. Third, Sarah your book is amazing! I'm telling you girls Sarah really knows what she's doing! Phenomenal work. Jen, B is going to die when he sees this! I hope you get Juan to capture his face when he opens it!
  21. I did it but then I forgot to copy and post my results. LOl. Anyways my highest was affirmations followed by physical touch. Melissa I also feel awkward getting gifts, it makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason. But I love attention! LOL
  22. Go to "User CP" in the top left hand corner of the forum. Click on it and go to "Edit Signature". Then type in the URL at the bottom and click "Preview Signature". If you like how it looks click on "Save Signature". That should do it.
  23. Congrats! I hope its going well for you. This is def a great support system!
  24. OMG Alyssa I love it! It looks so great and it is SOOO me! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Alyssa you are the absolute best! And Ann you are a sneaky little one! I love me my budweiser! LOL.
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