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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Keep up the good work Alyssa! I on the other hand feel full yet hungry. I know that makes no sense whatsoever but leave it to my tummy to be schizophrenic. I feel full but my brain keeps telling me I'm craving something. Uggh!
  2. Personally I like the 1st one better b/c the water is lighter and it gives off a fun, soothing, feeling. But is there anyway you could remove the chairs? I think the chairs makes it look a little busy. If you didn't have the chairs and just kept the rest I think the first one would look great. But that's just my opinion. Even if you use the second one I like both of them very much!
  3. A couple of weeks ago there was an advertisement in the NY Post for cruise deals. There was this cruise that left from Barcelona and went (not in this specific order) to St. Tropez, Paris, Monaco, Venice, Mykonos, and I think Santorini. It basically went to every city I've ever wanted to visit. I lost the ad and I've been searching the internet like crazy and I can't find it. I can't for the life of me remember what the name of the cruise line was. I remember it was one I hadn't heard of before (although that doesn't mean its not a popular one). The special was for July and I remember it was really expensive (over $5,000 pp). If anyone can help me find this cruise I will love you forever!
  4. Tlseege is also an April bride. I believe her wedding date is 4/11/08. She is getting married in Mexico.
  5. It sounds like fun! Maybe I'll order the DVD's and try them in the privacy of my own home where I can privately embarass myself.
  6. Uggh I don't envy you. I hate home repairs and building stuff! It drives me crazy not to have things settled and in order. I do love the way the kitchen is turning out though.
  7. Umm can we say stunning?! That is a fabulous dress! I love it! And don't worry about the pounds you will def drop them with the support of BDW and you will look fabulous!
  8. I love these invites, they are so beautiful! They are so elegant and beach chic!
  9. Ooh I love those two colors mixed together! It looks awesome! I agree with Morgan you should def do TTD pics so b/c it will photograph so well.
  10. Good job to all the ladies that have been doing well! Mel I'm proud of you for going to the gym! Erica I was also cranky but I think I'm getting better as the hours go by. Amy I'm so glad you joined this with us! Tara, don't worry everything will work out! And its okay that you had chipotle, you were both sad and you needed some comfort. You can get back on track today. Don't beat yourself up.
  11. What exactly is it? Is it kind of like a dance fitness class?
  12. You know what I never knew that! Thank you for sharing that info! I had no idea that if you maximized the screen it would show all of them. I swear I learn something knew everytime. Hehe.
  13. Mel it is so hard but we have to stay strong! Don't give up, the first few days are the hardest. Once you get into a routine it will become easier. And as each day goes by your stomach will shrink a bit and you won't feel the need to eat as much each day. You can do it!
  14. Jill what's a turbojam workout? And congrats on working out this morning! Keep it up!
  15. Mel you have to go to the gym! Don't give up! Once its over with you will be so glad you went! ~Oh I meant I was hungry at like 11:45 AM. LOl. That's not all I'm eating for the day, that would be crazy! That was all I had eaten up until that point. Thanks for the snack ideas I def have to bring these into work tomorrow!
  16. Kristin your review was awesome! But I want to see pics...lots of them! LOL. I'm so glad everything went well, it sounds like it was amazing! Thanks for the review, I know the Cancun brides will benefit from this.
  17. Oh that really sucks! I hate jobs like that. When I started my job I was fresh out of law school and knew nothing about litigation. NOTHING. They literally sent me to court my 2nd day of work and just expected me to figure it out. It really sucks to be approached like that. My first week my boss said something rude like that to me as well. Uggh bosses!
  18. I like the idea of doing it during the sand ceremony b/c sometimes when people are leaving they don't really pay attention to the music that is playing. They are usually just hungry and want to get to the food. I think during the sand ceremony would be really pretty.
  19. Guys I had one of those Dannon Lite N' Fit yogurts this morning for breakfast. Then when I got to the office I ate an apple. I am now going to pick up a salad. Is it normal to be so hungry? I feel like I haven't eaten in months. Why can't their just be a pill that kills your appetite?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx Me too.. are you a bit disappointed with their names? I mean, she didn't have to name them Apple or anything but I thought they'd keep it closer to their roots. Plus Max is Xtina's kid's name I agree 100%! Jlo is such a diva that I expected some divalicious names. I'm shocked she would name her son the same name as X-tina b/c I feel like stars are competitive about this stuff.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR we can always do a "2nd season" I love it! Season 2! LOL. Hey we should get people like Tammy B and Susan to be our trainers and give us exercise tips! LOL.
  22. I wish we could do this for longer. LOL. This way we will be forced to be good for an even longer period of time! Well at the very least this will probably jump start our weight loss and we can continue on even after the 8 week period.
  23. I am drooling in anticipation to see Emme & Max. Those spark way more curiosity.
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