Ladies I just wanted to tell you about the best products I have ever encountered (unless of course you can afford thousand dollar bottles of creme de la mer). When I went to Boston to visit a friend she had a bath oil in her shower. She said I could use some so I did and it was the most amazing thing ever! Even James commented on it and he is soooo not metrosexual. So she told us where she bought it and we went to the store here in NY. I think there are two stores in Boston. Either way you can order online.
So we go to the store and the salesgirl asks us if we want to wash our hands. We thought that was kind of weird but since I'm a bit of a germaphobe I thought why not. James didn't care either way so we agreed. She put this stuff on out hands which is the body scrub and we scrubbed it on our hands (the way you lather soap) for a few seconds and then we washed our hands. OMG it was amazing! I'm not kidding, almost orgasmic.
I have really dry hands and no matter what I put on my hands, they always look dry and cracked (especially with the cold NY weather). My hands looked and felt like they had been lubed up with moisturizer for years. They felt unbelievable. Needles to say we left the store with over $200 worth of products. We got the facial scrub, facial moisturizer, body scrub and body lotion. The great thing is that James has really oily skin and I have dry skin and the products were catered so perfectly for each of us.
Girls I cannot rant and rave enough about this so you should def check it out. So worth the money.
Sabon NYC - Natural Bath & Body Products, Handmade Soap