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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. I don't feel like I gained weight (at least I hope I didn't) but I just feel the same. I doubt I dropped anything. Uggh I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
  2. Morgan I was going to mention edress me as well. But I see you already looked on there. I'll see if I can find some more.
  3. Wait aren't Jessica and Ashlee Simpson from Waco Texas? Hahaha. Those are great. The Nicole Richie one looks awful, lol. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by shelleyf Booo. I havent been doing well at all. We had a huge snowstorm and my hunny brought over unhealthy food to eat. Need to get back on track... Don't beat yourself up Shelley! There are going to be days when we don't do so well. But everyday is a new day and a fresh start. So just keep at it and eventually you will be on the right track. We are all here to support you!
  5. The NY Post's front page read "HO NO!" I was dying on the floor laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. I wish you could have heard NYers on their way to the morning commute today. NYers are so sarcastic so some people were like "You know what really bothers me about all this is that he didn't pay taxes on his transactions." LOL. Or some said this "You know how do we know if those hookers were legal? If they were illegal they could have been taking jobs from hardworking union prostitutes." Literally a riot this morning, I could not stop laughing. His poor wife. I would have told him to call his prostitute to stand by his side. No way would I have been standing next to him. I would have packed my bags and my kids and taken a private jet to some remote island where no reports can bother me. Why should she have to suffer too?
  6. Alyssa you basically choose things based on the smell you like and what type of skin you have. They have products for normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, etc. Tammy they even have creams for people with eczema! Its the greatest thing ever, I swear. Can you tell I'm in love?
  7. This is what I got: Vanilla/Coconut Body Scrub: Sabon NYC Vanilla/Coconut Butter Cream: Sabon NYC Vanilla Shower Oil: Sabon NYC Face Polisher: Sabon NYC Carrot Face Moisture Lotion: Sabon NYC
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Stormsong I actually own my own bath line...and create my own as well. That scrub you bought...i could teach you how to make it. It costs about $2.00 to make. I actually am trying to start my own business....the hardest part i have is that i don't know how much to charge. Thank you for posting this website...then i can see what they charge and adjust my own! <laughs> If you can make a product that has the same effect as the bath scrub from Sabon you will probably be really successful! If it only costs you $2 to make, you should sell it for half of what Sabon sells it for and make a fortune! I know people in NY love spending money on bath products and skincare lines.
  9. Ok to answer a few questions: I bought everything under the sun, but to me the best product is the Body Scrub. Tammy that is the thing that I washed my hands with. I love all the smells, I smelled them all. I bought the vanilla coconut smells for my products b/c I like coconut since it helps with dry skin. James bought the patchouli vanilla lavender b/c believe it or not its considered the manlier smell. LOL. I bought a carrot cream for my face and it phenomenal. It feels so soft and silky. But if I could reccomend anything to buy I would say its the bath scrub b/c it leaves you feeling soft and moisturized when you come out of the shower. Ahhh I love it!
  10. Erica those are great! Your BM's must love you. It is a great dress that they can wear again. I absolutely love them!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad no idea but i feel like a loser cause i was upset lol! Umm I was really upset. I was looking forward to it all day and then nothing. *sigh*.
  12. I am seriously going to give these as gifts to people, that's how good they are. They are honestly just phenomenal! ~Carly I don't know if they have nail products. Maybe its something different. Ooh but I would love to know what you have...
  13. Yeah I don't really care for her either. But I do wonder why she was a patient and lied and said she was a psych. Juliette has also grown on me.
  14. Why would anyone want this? I just don't get it. It looks so painful! OUCH!
  15. I'm sorry I don't know anything about it b/c U.S. citizens are not allowed to travel to Cuba. Maybe some of the Canadian brides can help you. I found these reviews in the meantime, but I will try to do more research and help you out. Cayo Ensenachos: Occidental Royal Hideaway Ensenachos - Traveler Reviews - viva la CUBA!!! - TripAdvisor Royal Hideaway Los Ensenachos resort reviews Cayo Ensenachos - Cuba Hotels - Debbie's Caribbean Travel & Resort Reviews
  16. Carrie can you tell us what your FI noticed? Is that clip going to play in an upcoming episode or something? I noticed a guy riding a bike upside down, a God loves you as he loved Jacob, and some other weird guy with a beard. What the tick is going on? LOl.
  17. I can't remember where but I read that Libby is also going to return. But I think it might be in some type of flashback. Not sure. Micheal defenitly comes back in the last episode. And I read somewhere that the actress who plays Juliette cried when she read a script and found out what is going to happen to her character. Also I think the writers said one of the oceanic 6 is going to die this season. Ahhhhhhh! Btw the two characters that were buried alive were Paolo and Nikki. I also think Michael is the man on the boat but it is really obvious. Who knows.
  18. Here are some other threads to help you EDR brides out... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11538 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5190 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t10961
  19. They have diffferent scents. They all smell heavenly! And the good thing is that the scents aren't so thick. So they are soft smelling and not too strong. The whole products are from Israel and are based from sea salts from the Dead Sea. And as an added plus, they don't do animal testing!
  20. Ladies I just wanted to tell you about the best products I have ever encountered (unless of course you can afford thousand dollar bottles of creme de la mer). When I went to Boston to visit a friend she had a bath oil in her shower. She said I could use some so I did and it was the most amazing thing ever! Even James commented on it and he is soooo not metrosexual. So she told us where she bought it and we went to the store here in NY. I think there are two stores in Boston. Either way you can order online. So we go to the store and the salesgirl asks us if we want to wash our hands. We thought that was kind of weird but since I'm a bit of a germaphobe I thought why not. James didn't care either way so we agreed. She put this stuff on out hands which is the body scrub and we scrubbed it on our hands (the way you lather soap) for a few seconds and then we washed our hands. OMG it was amazing! I'm not kidding, almost orgasmic. I have really dry hands and no matter what I put on my hands, they always look dry and cracked (especially with the cold NY weather). My hands looked and felt like they had been lubed up with moisturizer for years. They felt unbelievable. Needles to say we left the store with over $200 worth of products. We got the facial scrub, facial moisturizer, body scrub and body lotion. The great thing is that James has really oily skin and I have dry skin and the products were catered so perfectly for each of us. Girls I cannot rant and rave enough about this so you should def check it out. So worth the money. Sabon NYC - Natural Bath & Body Products, Handmade Soap
  21. I just thought it was so weird how it wasn't on. Hmmmm...
  22. Does anyone know why this wasn't on last night? I was so confused when celebrity rehab was on instead. Did I miss something?
  23. We were literally just talking about this in my office. I don't like him. He was my keynote speaker at my law school graduation. He is so arrogant. I can't tell you how many people he has falsely indicted and ruined their reputations and business. I hope its true and he gets a taste of his own medicine.
  24. I can't find it either. Hmmm... This is so awesome! Yay Jessalyn & BDW!
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