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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Shelley you didn't spoil it for me. But I wanted Daisy to win. I thought Daisy was a hot mess and that is why he should be with her. Ambre is sooooo not right for him, let's just be honest. He would get bored with her in a heartbeat. Did anyone watch the lost moments that they didn't show? I thought it was so funny b/c the girls were talking about how Bret told Ambre that he liked her abs at one point and she went and cut all her shirts to show off her belly after that. I can't wait for the reunion show. I love them!
  2. Oh so touching the coral reef I get. I guess I misread the law. I thought they meant any animal in general. Hehe. Sorry I'm having a blonde moment with my black hair.
  3. This is so weird. What do they mean by touching animals? What if you see a dog you can't pet it? Or do they mean touching animals from the sea or hurting them or something. Odd..
  4. Hooray for Robertito! YAY! I love babies, I can't wait to see pics! Hope you feel better Anny!
  5. Actually Kash had a different Monique but she also paid a lot for it. Kash's dress like this one is to die for! I was going to say that I've seen a lot of similar dresses like the one from DB's but they are halter top of have different embellishments.
  6. I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish. LOL. When I was doing Jenny Craig it came out to $117 a week or something like that. That's why I stopped it was so expensive. And a lot of the meals you needed to add stuff like milk, vegetables, fruits, salad, so needless to say my grocery bill was getting out of hand.
  7. I love the pics! You look absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
  8. Aww Alyssa I'm so sorry you are having all these dental problems. I hope your getting anesthesia so you won't feel any of this. I'm sure everything will be okay and I have heard that a root canal is worse so if you survived that, you'll def survive this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for no pain for you.
  9. You know people want to look perfect on their wedding day? Well my sick in the head dream is to be so emaciated (we're talking Mary-Kate Olsen skinny) that the dress just drapes on me like I'm a hanger. I would love for it to be so huge that it looks like a tent. Yes I am demented but when your fat these are the things you think about. LOL.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Hmmm good question! Doesnt matter to me! Excuse me missy but I saw your posts w/pics of your wedding dresses and you look amazing! You sooooooo do not need to do Season 2! LOL. I vote winner takes all. But that's just me.
  11. 1. Your hair does not look orange! 2. I love all your dresses, they look so good on you! 3. I can't believe your trying to lose weight, you look amazing!
  12. Obviously I am in. But let's make sure that we have clear rules and dates so there is no confusion. Also for any new girls, there are no rules as to how you can lose weight so just do whatever is best for you. Of course we don't want anybody starving themselves though. LOL. So just find a healthy choice that suits your lifestyle.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Thanks everyone. I'm going to be on ibuprofen all day and hot and cold compresses. If it's still there tomorrow I will go to a doctor to get it checked out. Glenda, yes I did have my pole dancing classes last night but I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.. however you could be right. Without realizing it I could have thrown my body slightly off when I was going upside down or something.. Sometimes you don't have to do anything out of the ordinary. It could just be the repetative motions that caused it to tense up and give you that pain. I'm sure it was that and if you just relax it and take medication you will feel so much better. I'm sending you good vibes so that you will feel better.
  14. I love this idea, its perfect! You avoid drama at all costs (I'm a huge fan of that, I hate confrontations). You will keep peace with your family and get the support you deserve! YAY!
  15. JM I love cleaning. In fact friday is my cleaning day. So when I get home today from the gym I am going to blast the ipod and clean my apartment head to toe. I love cleaning the bathroom and having the toilet sparkle. I love vacumming b/c it leaves the carpets so nice and clean. I pretty much just love everything about cleaning. I know I'm sick in the head.
  16. I had the same exact high and lows. Especially on weeks like today when I have AF. I have zero energy. And I'm so weird. Like if I have a good week and lose a lot of weight I want to celebrate by eating! Who does that. You would think it would motivate me more but instead it just makes me want to eat more to celebrate. LOL. And I feel so bloated when I have AF that it feels almost pointless to work out and eat right. But nevertheless I force myself to get both done. I think we need to start a thread soon about Season 2 so that people will have enough time to sign up. This way even if people see the thread late they will be able to join. I dunno I def need a season 2!
  17. You should def get it checked out by a doctor b/c you never know what it might be. I remember you saying that you do S factor classes. Have you done any streneous activity recently? Maybe you threw your head back too far in one of these classes and it caused you pain to your neck?
  18. In the end whoever wins the money can decide what to do with it as they please. I think losing the weight is prize enough personally! I would rather lose the weight than win the money anyday.
  19. So cute. Is it sad that I a 27 year old female want a super furry bunny jacket like Aiden and Jackson's too?
  20. Eew I can't believe she tells you those lies. Ok she is def passive-agressive. (No offense). Well I'm going to stay optimistic that everything will work out. And I know no matter what happens you are going to have an amazing wedding!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host something like this happened to me my sophomore year in high school...i was a cheerleader and this gangster girl didn't like cheerleaders...she went on a mission to beat one up...since i was the smallest she went after me. told everyone in school that she was looking for me to beat me up. it was a "spirit day" so i was in my cheerleading uniform...her nickname was "the hammer"...she came up to me and slapped me and tried to beat me up. little did she know i grew up brawling with my sisters so i totally kicked her ass and did NOT get suspended...after that people started calling me "tyson" behind my back. Oh so that's how Tyson came about. LOL. I'm glad you beat that girl up! How dare she try to pick on our Tammy?
  22. I saw this the other day. These girls are sick in the head. And stupid to say the least b/c the videotaped and left evidence behind. What is wrong with their parents? I mean really. My mother would beat my ass if I ever did something like this. Jessica I think myspace is the devil, I don't care what anyone says. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I hate it, I think it causes so much problems for todays youth. B/c of a fake myspace some kids ended up dead, getting shot in the face by accident, a girl killed herself due to comments made by another girl, etc. Its just awful.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess When you guys go in for the dresses, wont they be in plastic dress bags? Inside the bag, they will all look the same, right? Then you can go into the dressing room, get the dress on, and look just as stunning, if not more stunning than some size 0 sticks. Let them be jealous of your curves! No offense to size 0's, just the ones that are making her nervous! Jamie thanks for the confidence boost! That was super nice of you. I hope they come in those plastic dress bags and they call them out by name and not size! Okay now I feel much better. Thanks.
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