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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Thanks Carly! I am def going to look into this.
  2. Jess at first Nic was being sarcastic b/c of all the EDR threads but then I thought maybe he was laughing b/c we had it all wrong. LOL. So then I got confused. But I wasn't confused about your officiant post b/c I know you did your symbolic wedding in Cabo and are getting legally married in Hawaii. So thanks for the clarification.
  3. Wow Carly you had a great experience and Jacqueline had a bad one. Hmmm. I think it depends on the company you use. Some are legit, some aren't. What company did you use Carly? Why can't I just win the lotto?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire he's getting married at EDR... Wait are you kidding? Quote: Originally Posted by Jtds2713 Their officiant is a member of BDW! He was also the officiant at our wedding! Jess That is so cool! Wait now I'm confused.
  5. He cannot get another card with a lower interest (trust me we have tried pretty much everything). Yeah I know about the snowball mehtod but unfortunately we can't do that b/c he only has one credit card (the one with the 24.99% interest) His other debts are car payments and car insurance, as well as a student loan. Its not like he can skip out on the other payments. So he's basically up shits creek right now. I just don't know what to do anymore.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Janet I want to get married (again) at the Palmilla! Me too! Well I just want to get married. Period.
  7. Ann you look great in the pics! That dress really is very pretty.
  8. Ok I need advice and input. FI has horrible credit and way too much debt with high interest rates. Currently his credit card is maxed out at $10,000 and he has an interest rate of 24.99%. He's been sending the minimum b/c he just can't afford to send more b/c of other bills and it is like $300 a month. Well it turns out $200 of that goes to interest alone per month! Yikes! So basically it would take him about 10 years to pay off this one credit card and he would have paid $24,000 in interest. (more or less). I've been paying his bills to make sure that he doesn't mess up his finances anymore than he already has (and I took his credit card away a long time ago) but I am becoming overwhelmed. I wanted to know what everyone's opinion was on those companies that consolidate all your debt into one payment and lower your interest. Do you think its a good idea? Bad idea? Why? Any and all input is greatly appreciated.
  9. For some reason Eli and his FI don't seem high maintenance at all. They seem like really chill down to earth people. I think they will have something intimate and beautiful but not flashy and over the top obnoxious.
  10. How fabulous. I am so jealous! I'm sure it will be beautiful.
  11. You have no idea how many times I fantasized about a time machine so I could go back to being skinny. *sigh*
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LMP333 I dont want my pic posted!! I was totally a season 1 slacker...it got to the point where I sent my weight every Wed am but then ignored this thread the most I could For some reason I could not get motivated but I finally am.....I guess I will be ready for season 2. I ran into a girl that graduated a year behind me in high school the other day and she lost 115 lbs with weight watchers!!! 115!!! If she could do that then I can lose my 20 lbs I want to lose! I went home that day and started my exercising and have now been faithful...my thighs hurt so much but it feels great. There was snow in my backyard last week and today it is 76 degrees out....swimsuit weather is fast approaching! Hopefully I keep my butt in gear for season 2!! We all slacked at one point or another. The good thing is that you found your motivation and that is all anyone really needs. (Said the fat girl as she sat there eating Thai food for lunch) ~Sarah my avatar photo is from college. I used to weigh a lot less back in the day. I have gained an enormous amount of weight, which is why I am doing this challenge now. Now if only I could put down the Thai dumplings that I am currrently stuffing my face with, I could lose some damn weight. LOL.
  13. Ann I'm even scared to send it to you. Nugget may start kicking and screaming inside the womb when you look at the pic. Poor nugget may get nauseaus and it might cause you to throw up.
  14. Awww that's too bad, but that's what you get for snooping! LOL. I don't snoop and neither does my FI but my friends and I have codes for everything in case anyone ever read our texts. We are huge texters and we have code names for people, places, actions, things, etc. I don't think anyone could understand our texts. We do it to protect ourselves from potential catostrophes. LOL.
  15. Well I went from looking like a 9 month pregnant woman, ready to pop, to a 5 month pregnant woman. I'm hoping that by the end of Season 2 I'll look like the "she's starting to show phase".
  16. Yes that makes perfect sense and I am okay with that as long as I don't have to post my heinous sports bra pic. LOL!
  17. Thanks for the info Maura...I really appreciate it. Great tips! So what is the consensus on the pics?
  18. I have a question. I took my before pic in a sports bra and capri style sweat pants. I was trying to be brave and honest. Now the thought of posting that pic for the entire world web to see is giving me heart palpitations. Honestly I'm really embarassed and don't feel comfortable posting my before pic. (Not sure I even feel comfortable with my after pic). Are we posting our pics here afterwards? Uggh what if I find a pic of me before I started when I am fully clothed? And then I'll put the same outfit for the after? To be fair I have no problems sending the pics to Ann or even sending them to anyone who PM's me but I don't feel comfortable posting my tub of lard for the entire Internet to see.
  19. I love deli meats too! I think they are bad b/c they are processed and they contain TONS of sodium. Pay attention to the back of the packages and even the ones that claim to be really healthy have like 600 mg of sodium in them. YIKES! That being said, I love the turkey ones and I eat them all the time.
  20. Ok so lately I have been craving ice cream to no avail. (Damn AF!) So I found Klondike Slim a Bear 100 calorie ice cream. They have low-fat ice cream and taste delicious! There is also the no-sugar added bars which are all natural. They taste amazing too! These have less calories than the Weight Watchers ice cream sandwhiches and other WW desserts. I love them and I just wanted to let everyone know who like me can't resist ice cream. Oh yeah one more thing. A box bring 6 of them so don't buy more than one box b/c then you will be tempted to eat them all in one sitting. Portion control ladies, portion control.
  21. Woohoo Erica that is awesome! Erica I feel like the weeks you really commit to this you do exceptionally well. That should give you motivation to do well every week. Although I admit I really don't think you need to lose weight, you look great! Leia while I agree with Kash that you can eat everything in moderation I have to tell you that obv certain foods are going to pack on the pounds. I am only speaking for myself but if I were to eat a donut I could easily gain 2 pounds by the next day. I know that sounds crazy but it would pretty much undo 2 days work for me so to me it is totally not worth it to have it. And Maura thanks for the list, I think I've cut almost all of those things out of my diet. That was the only way I started seeing results. I really don't crave them anymore although there are days when it is hard.
  22. Darn I read in the NY Post where they are from and now I forgot. Uggh. It wasn't shore hills or deal though. I can't remember what part it was. I feel like there are a lot of rich people in Jersey. Some of those houses are ridiculous. And all the rich rappers buy tremendous mansions there (umm hello remember Kimora Lee & Russell Simmons house w/ the movie theatre?) I can't wait to see this. I'm picturing lots of shopping in Juicy sweat suits w/diamonds to Shore Hills. Range Rovers galore, a lot of processed hair. I love it. Oh yeah and they are coming out with new seasons of the OC and the NYC one.
  23. I'm super late but everyone has given you good advice and I'm glad you guys had a talk. Civility is always best, especially since you have to deal with her all the time. Hopefully nothing will get out of hand, but if it does just remember that it is FI's job to set boundaries. Good luck w/everything!
  24. I hate AF! She ruins everything when it comes to weight loss. ~Erica I would kill (literally kill) to be your weight. ~Kash your weight loss is awesome! ~Sarah and Alyssa, I think its b/c of stress. Once this stress goes away you guys will be back on track. Seriously guys weight loss is super hard. Its kind of somewhat easier in the beginning and then it just tapers off. I am so glad we are doing a second season, I def need it. I also cannot stay motivated. I am bored with my ipod songs, I need to change them up and I am bored with my workout. I am finally going to start weight training today b/c I am super flabby and let's face it summer is coming up and that's not a pretty sight. Hopefully the weight training will change it up for me and keep me from getting bored. Yay the winner on Biggest Loser lost 80 pounds. Holy moly good for her! She looked amazing! I want to lose 80 pounds! Okay I am not letting anyone give up. Let's keep going till the end. We still have two week and there is no reason why everyone can't lost 5 pounds in these next two weeks. Let's keep working hard ladies, we can do it!
  25. Thank you! I think I am going to do major damage to my credit card, but thank you nonetheless.
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