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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Personally I love Andrea Bocelli for romantic songs. And I think the older crowd will probably like to hear all the traditional italian songs. Will you do the tarantela (sp?) at your wedding?
  2. So Daisy's real name is Daisy De LaHoya. So she really is Oscar De LaHoya's niece. Too funny.
  3. Maura this is the website that I ordered from: The Top Authority on Colon Cleanses and Detox Programs A bunch of girls did it together but I deleted the thread a long time ago when we were doing maintenance upkeeps that's why you don't see it. I'm going to try it out for a month and hopefully it will help my stomach stop feeling so bloated.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Great job on the 2 pounds lost! I dropped one pound this week so that put me over the 10 pound mark! Yay! The first mini goal has been completed! Next is my 10% goal (all you WW girls know what I'm talking about). Let's kick it into high gear for our final week! (Can you believe it?!) Awesome, awesome, awesome! I'm so glad you reached your mini goal. Its the best to reach the mini goals!
  5. Girls we are officially in the last week of the season! Its actually nice out today here in NY. Which means summer time is coming. That of course means I can't hide out in sweatshirts anymore. So nice weather should motivate everyone to want to stick with it. I did okay this week I lost 2.6 pounds. I was really stagnant for the beginning of the week and then my FI's cousin gave me a tip and told me to change my routine (I was doing cardio then weights, he told me to do weights then cardio) just to trick your body. I think it worked b/c as of two days ago I was still the same weight. ~Erica congrats on the loss that is awesome!
  6. I just sent Ann my money! Woohoo! Also I'm going to do a colonix cleanse (the kind you do at home not the hospital kind) so hopefully on the week we have off from season 1 to season 2 it will kick up my metabolism. (Sorry if this is TMI)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Thanks! I had 3 years of zero fun, but I did it! I even moved back in with my parents for a year. (I am very lucky to have fantastic parents.) And when I was getting my MBA, I really didn't have a dime. I remember being at a bar with friends once and all of my credit cards were maxed out and my checking account was at $0. So, I was drinking water. My friends ended up buying my drinks that night and I promised them I would repay them one day! And I have! It was a really good feeling, but I couldn't have done it without a wonderful family and friends... That is awful. I had a friend who that happened to. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I just finished reading Tori Spelling's autobiography and she said some guy ran up her credit cards and he ended up spending all her 90210 money.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 I just re-read my post and that sounded harsh. I think it's great that he's working a 2nd job to try to pay it off. That is excellent and shows he has a good work ethic. I'm sure he is a wonderful guy! I just feel badly that you are having to deal with someone else's debt! And I shouldn't have called his spending "careless". It sounds like you guys are on a tight budget, and in the grand scheme of things, 10k is not that much. But that interest rate is a killer! I really do hope things work out for you guys. It sounds like he's a good guy and he definitely has a good support system in you. Don't worry you weren't being harsh. And you had every right to call his spending careless b/c it was careless. LOL!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Great advice everyone! Especially Christa! Glenda - it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. When I finished grad school, I had 30k in CC debt and 60k in school loans. Paying that off was the hardest thing I've had to do, but it taught me that I will NEVER be in debt again. (And I have quite a good nest egg built up now, too!) So, I think it's good that you're not bailing him out. He needs to feel the pain and understand how serious this is! Does he recognize how impressive it is that you have paid off so much of your debt? My concern is that if FI doesn't think debt is a bad thing, it seems that he'll just continue down this cycle. He needs some sort of mental shift, or once he pays this off he'll just accrue more debt elsewhere. Perhaps he needs to be explained the difference between compound interest working FOR you vs. compund interest working AGAINST you? What if you put together an amortization schedule showing how much money you'd have at retirement if you invested that $300 each month? Maybe if he saw how much the money would grow if it were put in savings rather than paying off interest for a credit card? The thing that eats me up about paying interest is that it's FOR NOTHING!!! It kills me! And if that doesn't bother him at all, I worry that he'll continue down this cycle. In the excel help tool, if you put in "amortization" there is a template you can use. I used this to calculate the interest paid on all of my dates and also the interest earned on all of my investments. He also needs to recognize that once you're married, it's not just HIS debt, it's your debt too. I assume you are making good money and having to sacrifice things because of his careless spending. If that's the case, he should be bothered by that. If he doesn't care about getting out of debt for himself, he at least needs to care about getting out of debt for you! I hope everything works out. It took me a long time to figure out how horrible debt is, but I'm glad I got that lesson in my early 20s. It was so rewarding to pay it off myself and it was a priceless lesson! I do think the CC company will lower the interest rate if he consistently makes payments on time, but I think the bigger issue is that he doesn't seem to be concerned about the debt. Hugs. You are so right about all of this. Its his thinking that I'm the most concerned about. I've actually done an amortization table for him. He says he realizes what he's done but I don't believe that's enough to prevent him from running up his debt again. Even though I'm not bailing him out its still hurting me b/c that's money we could have used towards other things. That is really impressive that you were able to pay off all that debt! Congrats that is a great accomplishment!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host haha...glenda is being too kind...do not look at my wedding pics...my makeup was a mess that day. i stayned in the sun too long, burned my nose and my foundation no longer matched so i just used loose powder...and my eyelash was falling off... thats what you get when you spend too much time by the pool and not enough time getting ready. Don't listen to her! Tammy is just being modest. Look at her slidseshow in her siggy and you will see how good she looks. Her sisters look really pretty too. You can get inspiration from those pics.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by neen i'm very late to the party here, and it sounds like you have all the advice you need in terms of debt consolidation. and since you have a good head on your shoulders, I'm sure you've already thought of this, but just in case i wanted to mention something on the budget front...you should get FIT: examine and set a strict budget for the three most common budget suckers - FOOD, INSURANCE, and TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Before I got serious about saving and sticking to budget, our food bills were OOC because I'd just throw any ol thing into the cart or head out for dinner three or four nights a week. I also had the same car insurance co since I was 16 and never price- shopped, but FI may be able to save seriously $$$ by doing some research. Lastly, telecommunications is a big sink hole...cell phone, home phone, cable, internet. Look at FIs plans for each of these things and see if there are some "luxuries" you can cut out for awhile, until the CC is paid off. For instance, do you really need to be able to send 1000 text messages a month? Do you need long distance service on both your cell AND home phone. I know some of this may sound crazy or may not apply to you guys, but wanted to put it out there! Thank you so much for your input. Unfortunately for our situation I think we are just screwed. I have thought of everything I possibly can. We don't pay cable, it comes included with our rent. We don't have a house phone (only cellphones) and we have the most basic package. Also we really don't spend a lot of money on groceries. We never eat out (b/c we are broke) and we don't go out to the movies or bars or anything like that. (Yes, I lead a boring life). He already has a second job so I can't even imagine what else we could possibly do short of selling my liver on the black market. But I do appreciate everyone's input, it really helps at the very least to reaffirm that I'm not crazy and that I'm not an awful person for not wanting to bail him out (again).
  12. OMG that is awesome congrats! I am so happy for you!
  13. Janet you can have the cash. I just want the size 2 jeans! LOL.
  14. Thanks Melissa I am def going to look into that! ~Morgan he leased a 2005 Nissan Maxima (back in 05) but now he bought it (well financed it) and now we are up shit's creek so to speak.
  15. That is so funny! Leave it to hubbies, to always say something at the appropriate moment. Love the pic by the way!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Glenda you are too sweet! I heart you and all the girls doing BDW Biggest Loser! You are all my motivation. Wahoo's is a fish taco place...so yummy. All freshly grilled fish. Mmm that sounds yummy! I wish there was a place like that here. All we had was some gross fried fish place. Yuck!
  17. Yeah Leia I agree, fake eyelashes and smokey eyes really enhance the almond shape feature. Nikki that's a great site, I forgot all about it.
  18. I find ways to get every inch. Sorry if TMI but you gotta really spread your butt cheeks so that it gets your entire butt and you don't get those wrinkles. LOL. And you should only lay on your back and not lift your arms over your head b/c then you don't get the other part of your arm. You have to make sure you don't keep your arms so close to your body, like separate them enough that the machine will hit the side boob.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari So I haven't been very active on the board the last week cause life has been hectic for me. I had three events last week in the evenings that I was managing. The walk is coming up in two weeks and needless to say I am busy. In addition, my boss quit and I am going for her position. There has been a lot of political stuff going on with that and making me freak out. Long story short I have not been eating right or exercising at all. I bailed out on my trainer last week and threw all my healthy eating habits out the window. I am expected a gain tomorrow, but I am ready for it. I know I can do this! I am proud of myself cause my coworkers were going to go to Tommy's Burgers (greasy chili burgers) for lunch and I said no. I am going to Wahoo's instead and now they are all coming. LOL. Yay, for eating and staying healthy. Yari, First of all good luck on trying to get your boss' position. That would be awesome! Secondly, I realized a couple of weeks in this contest that its a life change. And like all good changes worth making its going to be a lifelong battle. We are not going to change in 8 weeks. It will be a continuous fight to be healthy and eat right. We will have days (even weeks or months) where we console ourselves with food for whatever reason. Its normal and its okay. I don't know what Wahoo's is but I'm proud of you for never giving up. You are the reason this whole thing got started in the first place and if it wasn't for you so many of us would still be sitting on our lazy asses complaining that we can't fit into a bikini. B/c of you I have dropped 2 sizes! I can't thank you enough for the motivation and inspiration you have given me.
  20. Obviously I can never say enough good things about Tammy. She is just amazing on every level like Leia said. I feel so bad for girls that don't have great TA's like Tammy. Thank you Tammy for all that you do!
  21. Duh! I swear lately I've been really stupid. Please don't mind me. LOL. Thank you.
  22. Eeew sorry to be gross but I skeeve salad bars. I'm a little bit of a germaphobe. Well thanks to Maura I've decided I'm going to bring a chicken and just grill it instead. I might bring some shrimp too, that would be yummy. Unfortunately Jill I know there won't be any salad. These are not salad type people. They eat unhealthy food all the time. LOL.
  23. Ann I still haven't sent you the money b/c I still don't know how much it is. Did we decide on $15? Was that the consensus?
  24. Or how about something like this? If you notice she has smokey eyes, rosey cheeks and pale lips. Personally I love this look but I don't know if you want to wear a lot of make-up or not. If you want to look more neutral you can lighten the eyeshadow. But since its a special day, I think the eyeliner and eyeshadow will make the eyes pop.
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