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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. I've bought jewelery before from Overstock (mostly Movado watches) and everything on there is real and they are reputable and have excellent shipping and return policies. My friend works for 2(x)ist (a men's underwear company) and they sell a lot of their stuff to them so I know the stuff on there is real. Secondly, if you want a quality diamond then you should take your time picking out one that is right for you. But if you love that ring (which btw I think is beautiful) then I say go for it. It is pretty affordable and the important thing is that you love it and will be happy to wear it. Personally I have never cared for name brand jewelery or how expensive, etc. I know you love Lawrence and would be just as happy wearing a Ring-pop if it meant you guys could be happily married. So if this is the ring you want, then get this ring. Don't let silly things like SI-VVSI deter you from getting something you love. I'm with Morgan, inexpensive doesn't necessarily mean that its a bad quality. There a lot of beautiful things you can buy that don't have to break the bank.
  2. If you were the last person to post then the title won't come up in bold or as a new unread. It will only appear in bold and as unread if someone responds to your post. Does that make sense?
  3. Ok this is what I think: This flash forward was post Kate's trial but pre-Jack's meltdown. It said in spoilers that we would get to see how Jack becomes disheveled and goes a little nutty. I think this flash forward shows that. I think Kate is helping Sawyer's daughter. Remember that Sawyer has a daughter with that lady he conned. I think Sawyer stayed behind on the island but asked Kate to maybe take care of his daughter or look out for her in a way and she didn't want to break this promise to Sawyer, especially since she is caring for a child herself. With regards to the flash foward where we saw Jack telling Kate that he rides the plane in the hopes that it will crash and Kate says she has to go get back to him...I think the "him" is Aaron.
  4. Uggh its only been 4 days and I already hate this stuff. I am so sick of gagging! And drinking the tea every night is super annoying. I had no BM today so I guess it didn't work for me today. Tomorrow is the last day of the small does so maybe once I up it on saturday I will see more results? I dunno.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 OH I LOVE Kashmira's dress! She was beautiful in that dress! No, I'm not doing a Tiffany themed wedding. I get sucked up in all the little (expensive) details and then I realize I'm not rich! HA.....I love watching platinum weddings. That may be my problem BTW- I love that quote by Mrs. Beckham = ) That's a great motivator! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2631 I was going to send you this link just in case you wanted to do some Tiffany themed stuff on a bargain. And I love Vicky B, she is fabulous!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Seriously..all you girls need is a good night of beer drinking. I went out with some girlfriends who were in town Tues night and we had a bit too many cervezas. But I went to the bathroom like 6X yesterday..no joke Umm my favorite drink is beer and I love Budweisers (I know they are gross but whatever). Everytime I drank them we would call them mudweisers b/c I had to poop all day. But unfortunately it gave me beer gut so that's out. LOL.
  7. Ooh I love your dress it is so different and looked really nice on you. Your hubby is dressed so cute! The pics look so nice. Do you have any more pics to share? Would you mind writing a review of your experience with El Dorado so that other brides can benefit from it? Congrats on the wedding! I'm glad everything went well!
  8. They have a really old episode that was done at the One & Only in Cabo. She had my dream dress (Kashmira's wedding dress) and everything about her wedding looked amazing. Monica are you trying to do a Tiffany themed wedding?
  9. Wow that sounds so fabulous! I am so looking forward to this movie. I love in the commercials when they are drinking the cosmos and Carrie says they stopped drinking them b/c everyone else started.
  10. Ooh goodie I'm glad you found a happy medium. I think asking your guests to join you will make it so much fun! Especially since it is a great, fun song!
  11. Ana I love these, especially the first one! You are going to look so hot! I'm so glad you got a better deal on something you love.
  12. Since its only 10 more people I say invite them all but just call it a welcome dinner. Its a great way to welcome your guests and get them excited about being at a DW.
  13. I think most songs are like 2 minutes and change. The thing is most songs are longer but in traditional weddings they usually ask the guests to join in at some point so that they are not bored. If you are not asking the guests to join in and they have to watch you dance for over three minutes it can get a little boring. Remember its your day but you also want your guests to have fun. Think of how excited they will be at your wedding, they will want to get that party started ASAP so the longer you make them wait, the more likely they are to be a little on the bored side. BTW I love, love, love that song! Its the best song and a great song to choreograph to. Nice choice.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl our song is over 4 min! and doug wants the whole thing to play without a dj invite for other couples to join us! ahhhhhh! people might get bored and leave in that amount of time! we had an earthquake that was just under a minute before. do you know how long that REALLY is? haha Abbie you crack me up!
  15. How cool! That must be so exciting that now you both have something to celebrate. If she is a month pregnant she would be about 5 months at your wedding right? She might still be able to fly. Good luck with finding a dress. I think there a lot of cute ones that are super stretchy that should fit her perfectly.
  16. Ok its your wedding so you should do whatever you want and whatever is going to make you happy. That being said I'm going to be honest only b/c you asked for opinions. I think 3:18 is too long. I'm not a choreographer but I used to choreograph dances for dance schools and shows. It is a lot, trust me. If you guys are excellent dancers and think you can remember three minutes worth of music, then hey go for it. But just keep in mind that its longer than you think once your actually dancing to it. Another thing your choreographer maybe thinking about is your guests. Sometimes it can seem really long for a guest to watch the couple dance for over three minutes. But ultimately its your wedding and you guys should do whatever is going to make you happy. So if you want your full song, I say go for it!
  17. Thanks again guys! And Yari, Sarah, and Erica I am so proud of you girls too! You did so good!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Janet Glenda! you skinny biatch! (kidding) That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!
  19. So I took my recommended dosage today and nothing. I'm waiting to see if I'll go today. I went a lot yesterday but nothing today. I can't seem to regulate myself. Hmmmm.....
  20. OMG I just read Ann's PM. I had no idea I won! I could have sworn for sure it would be Jill or Dietra. I just want to say that I am so thankful to everyone for their support. I never would have been motivated to change anything if it wasn't for Yari starting this, so thank you Yari! I am so proud of all the girls who did this. It was hard work but we did it guys. Congrats to all the ladies who lost weight!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by angitalia23 Glenda...how are you getting the darn fiber drink down! I give you credit..that was my biggest problem and the reason I stopped. It is nasty nasty nasty...but I would be willing to re-try if their was a secret to not gagging..lol(this bunny is too cute) OMG it is so nasty. What I do is I pour the recommended amount into a cup and then I put very little water into it. Then I mix it quickly and chug it like a shot. The less liquid you put the better. I would never be able to mix it with something and drink it. Never! Quote: Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford So here is a question for you girls.. does anyone know if cleansing like this has any adverse effects on birth control pills and might possibly make them ineffective? Thanks I don't think it has any effect but just to be sure you could call the number on the website. But I can't imagine that it has an effect b/c birth control is absorbed by your blood so it really has nothing to do with it. Then again I'm not a doctor so maybe the best thing to do would be to check with your doctor/pharmacist/the colonix website.
  22. Oh hehe, its okay I just wasn't sure if you had gotten it or not. My boss does the same thing.
  23. Great detailed review. I'm glad everything went smoothly aside from some minor details. It seems like you had a great wedding and that your guests really enjoyed it. Too bad you didn't get to hear all your wedding CD music.
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