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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Ok so I did a ton of research yesterday and I decided to purchase this book (which meant I called my dad and begged him to buy it for me). Amazon.com: The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics: A Philosophy for Achieving a Radiant Mind and a Fabulous Body: Jessica Porter: Books Its called the Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics. I read good reviews on it. Supposedly it explains it the best out of all the other macrobiotic books so I'll let everyone know if its good once I finish reading it.
  2. Ann you have nothing to thank us for b/c we just did for you what we know you would have done for any of us. Plus you really deserved it after all the hardwork you put into this forum and the tremendous amount you help everyone else out. Gwen is absolutely adorable...I've already told you numerous times that I think she looks like a brown haired Shiloh. She is just so darn cute! And I think she's crying in the cubs outfit b/c secretly she wants to be a Yankee's fan. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel So I'm in agreement that this season is obviously too edited. It may have been before- but it wasn't as noticeable as it is now. It's like they are stretching to find some drama. And WTF was up with the freaking lack of fireworks at Stephanie's party. Why the hell would Lauren let Spencer and Heidi get to her that much. Those bitches wouldn't run me out of anywhere- then again, I'm not classy. LOL I would have brawled iwth them the whole night and then be embarrassed about my reaction the next day. Anyways- in respect to their "jobs" I heard on the radio that EW (at least I think it was that mag) released what they each make per episode. Lauren has a clause to make more than any cast member- I guess she set that up back in the Laguna days- good for her. She makes $85k per episode which ends up being like 2 million I think. Heidi, Spencer make like $75k per epsiode. Audrina and Lo were in the $60k range with Whitney slightly below them. I can't remember Brodie's or Stephanie's- but yah, they makes some dough too. Frankie does it for free though! LOL Yeah Rachel I saw this too but it was In Touch not EW who released it. I'm actually surprised that Lauren makes so little b/c other reality stars like Paris or Nicole Richie make like $100,000-$150,000. And I think they paid Tila Tequila more money to do her skanky show! LOL.
  4. OMG I almost broke out in a sweat. I swear I know nothing about math (it was my worth subject) which is why I became a lawyer. I'm pretty sure you multiply by the recipricol but knowing my pathetic 83 in 7th grade math I'm more likely than not wrong. Hopefully someone who is good at math like Christa or Ann can help you out.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 What I don't understand is why Heidi still has her job? Have they explained why she didn't get fired when she didn't show up for the meeting with her boss and the client in Las Vegas? She just took off with no explanation and she's still employed? I guess I'm trying to make sense of this show That's b/c its not a real job. MTV gets them these fake "jobs". Audrina doesn't really work at EMI and Lauren doesn't really work at People's Revolution. They just go there to film for the show. Heidi and Spencer don't even live in that apartment they just shoot scenes there. They actually live with his parents.
  6. I'm not a part of this thread but now I'm jumping in. I love the Hills but this season already has been lackluster. Spencer and Heidi are boring me already. And they always edit things to make it look better in commercials to suck us in but then its something completely different. They are 100% editing Audrina and Lo's convos. What we saw was Lo and Audrina talking about trying to be friends and making an effort. But then Audrina tells her co-worker that Lo was accusing her friends of being rude to her. We never got to hear that part of the convo. Its annoying that the segments are so short. It just looks so rehearsed and scripted. It looks like everyone is holding their true feelings in and just trying to act civil. No one is that composed all the time. I would have balled Lo out like 90 times if I was Audrina and if I was Lauren I would have torn Spencer a new one. Especially if I was drunk at a nightclub. LOL.
  7. I love brown rice and veggies so I could def see myself doing this. I also love miso soup, beans and nuts. I know you can have some fish on this. But I don't know how I feel about giving up dairy. Sometimes a girl wants an omlette KWIM?
  8. Erin upon closer examination I think (if I understood correctly) that the focus in not on how much you ingest just on what you are ingesting. So in other words they don't focus on the portion so much as balancing the types of foods you eat to make sure you don't overstimulate your body (with foods such as sugar and alcohol) or stagnate your body (with foods that make you feel sluggish). There are so many books out there I was just hoping someone would know of a good one. I haven't even heard of half of the vegetables they mention. LOL. I guess I'll go on Amazon and read reader's reviews to figure out which one might be a good guide. I think I'm going to try this b/c I'm so sick of feeling sluggish. I want to feel revived and with energy!
  9. Erin I actually read this before you posted it but I guess what I don't get is that I understand their percentage breakdown but I don't understand how much of it to eat. For example they say that your diet should consist of 50-60% of brown rice or whole grains. But how much brown rice do I eat in one serving KWIM? That is what I am confused about. I've noticed that a lot of people that are on macrobiotic diets tend to be lean but how can they be so lean when 60% of their diet consists of brown rice? I dunno I think I'm just confused. LOL.
  10. OMG this is so freakin funny! Those babies are so cute!
  11. So recently I've been trying to change my entire dietary intakes. I've been trying as hard as I can to go vegan but I just can't seem to give up the fish or the chicken sometimes. This woman I know was telling me that she eats macrobiotic which I had always heard of b/c of celebrities like Madonna and Gwenyth Paltrow. I was randomly doing research just to check it out and some it sounded great but it seems really hard to follow. I was wondering if anyone eats macrobiotic and if they could give me a resource for trying to learn where to begin. I should also preface by saying that I'm not trying to go on a diet I just want a lifestyle change.
  12. umm yeah that deep blue/pink combo is hard to find! I can find ones that are just deep blue or just pink but the combo is tough. I found these pink ones: Hawaiian Shirt #20 Pink land L-3XL Hawaiian Shirt #17 Pink orchid 2XL, 3XL Hawaiian Shirt #3 Cherry Pink Tiki, S-3XL Hot Pink Hawaiian Shirts They are not flamingo.
  13. April I am so late to this but I wanted to start off by saying that I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers. Secondly, I am so glad that your FI had a talk with Satan...ehem excuse me I meant to say your FMIL. Hopefully she will come around like they all do. And if not that is too bad for her, it will be her loss. I hope that you get through these hard times and know that we will all be thinking about you.
  14. Custom Made Suits • LS Mens Clothing • 49 W. 45th St. NY • 212.575.0933 Austin Reed London Men's Tan Multi-pane Suit from Overstock.com Also check out Men's warehouse b/c they have tons of different tan suits.
  15. I know most of us bought it at Bannana Republic. Have you tried there? I would also say try JCrew and Tommy Bahama. I will try to research some now for you.
  16. I'm not currently doing it but I have done it before. At first I absolutely loved it b/c I am the worst at calorie counting and fat intake and all that other stuff. I like someone telling me what to eat. I lost a lot of weight on it but then it got super expensive and its so restrictive in terms of eating out. It got to be really tedious after awhile so I stopped. But I do think its a great plan if you can stick with it. Mmmm I love the silver dollar pancakes, the chocolate cake, the blueberry muffins....yummy!
  17. I heart these pics! It looks like you guys had a great time! You are all so freaking stunning it makes me quite nauseaus. LOL. J/k chicas, you know I love you all!
  18. If you get facials often they will remove the blackheads for you. Another thing you can try is to let the hot water run in your bathroom sink. Once it gets steamy place your face over it with a towel over your head. Slowly breathe in the steam so that it opens up your pores. Then use a cleanser to remove the blackheads. After that, use a tightening mask to close up your pores. This usually works very well. My sister gets blackheads all the time and when she is too lazy she uses hydrogen peroxide to remove them. But that only temporarily removes them. Another good product for removing blackheads is cetaphil.
  19. Leia I felt like I had dejavu b/c I got the same coffeemaker for my wedding and recently James threw me a suprise b-day party and it was decorated pretty much the same way! I also had cupcakes (they were all pink) and I had a pink pinata with funny stuff in it like condoms and lube. LOL. Your friends are the greatest and your party looked so cool and fun! I love the dress your wearing btw, you look so pretty!
  20. Becks I absolutely heart the pics! It looks like you guys had soooooo much fun! You look stunning! I love your hair and make-up and I agree with Carly you have gorgeous shaped eyes! Woohoo looks like it was a good party!
  21. I actually don't know any but I just wanted to say that its so cool that your doing henna for your wedding. I love henna! Are you planning to have a henna party the day before? If you can't find someone do you have a friend or family member that could do it?
  22. Gosh Maura you are so photogenic! I've only seen half of them I have to finish the rest but I wanted to post so that I don't forget what I want to say. I love the contrasts of the orange and yellow from the resorts building walls. It looks great. I heart, heart, heart the all white set up for your ceremony with the colored roses thrown on the aisle runner. Absolutely beautiful. With the background of the ocean it really popped. What was that bluish looking thing that looked like it had a ring or button in it? It was something having to do with the "something blue" poem.
  23. Ooh I didn't see this till now but I'm glad you had a good anniversary! And I'm glad he liked the shrine of yourselves. LOL.
  24. Erin that porch sounds so cool. I want to come over and have margaritas while we sit in it. LOL. I think that as stressful as it is, it must be fun to decorate and just nest. Have fun and make sure to show us any cool projects your working on!
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