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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I think so Alyssa. It's a stretchy material so it has a lot of give. My mom liked it so much she went and bought one right before we left so we looked like twins. LOL She always does that! Rachel your mom is so cute!
  2. Those are super cute Rachel. I was going to get those for my OOT bags way back in the day when I was an actual DW bride. LOL. They look super comfy!
  3. Crazy, crazy, crazy... I was reading your post and waiting for the part where you told us she was AI. I knew he didn't do it with her. LOL.
  4. Yeah! LOL. I think stars usually get a couple of designers to make a dress for them and then they decide last minute. Its just like the oscars. The stylist call up the fashion houses and say "so and so is interested in wearing your dress", so all the designers die from joy and prepare a beautiful gown only to be told at the 11th hour that they have chosen to go with someone else. Must be nice to be rich and famous. LOL.
  5. OMG I love this dress! Okay I'm off to purchase it. I hope no one else gets it! Thank you so much!!!
  6. Calia I'm sorry you are having difficulty TTC. I hope that sometime soon you will be pregnant with your little bean. I can't even begin to imagine how upsetting and stressful it must be for you to constantly evade questions about when you are going to have children. People don't realize how upsetting it can be for someone who is trying to get pregnant. As far as c-sections go, I think everyone should do what's best for them.
  7. I've been trying and I've found nothing. Only a newer longer version and one with prints. Jenny that is super nice of you to pick them up for Alyssa!
  8. Darn I keep getting dresses with patterns or similar ones but they don't tie at the shoulders. They are just straight. Darn! I hate when I can't find something, it drives me crazy! I searched UK too and nothing. Sometimes they have stuff that is no longer available anymore.
  9. Alyssa could it be called a "Smock" dress? I'm going to google now. BRB.
  10. I think you could def tell in the People magazine pics. And I heard her original dress didn't fit so she got another one the day of! LOl.
  11. I am so genuinely and utterly sorry. My condolences go out to you and your FI and of course his BF's family. I am so sorry for your loss. If you need anything please let us know, we are all here for you.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa you are right Glenda - this is a new poll i tried to change the last one but then i realized that if you already voted you couldn't re-vote so i just deleted it and created a new one! In your first poll you didn't have your ceremony shoes. You just had three to choose from and one of them was a flip-flop. So I picked 1 the best. Then you added your ceremony shoe (the wedge) and took out the flip-flop and added another two shoes right? (My head is dizzy). So then I posted again that I liked 1 and 2 the best. Then I saw this poll so I got confused as to whether or not you started a whole new one or if this one was the same as the last updated one. I think I get it now. I'm really sloooooooooow today. I think its all the weight I gained. LOL.
  13. Oh that really sucks! I hate when that happens! Do you want any help doing research? If you send me the names of places I'll write e-mails or make calls for you. Just tell me what kind of food your looking for and I can make some calls.
  14. Abbie I hate the big at home weddings! They give me anxiety so I feel you on the relaxing part of it!
  15. I'm so confused is this a new poll? LOL. I thought I posted on the second pair already but here is my echo speaking once again... I like number 1 the best and then number 2 a close second. If you do sparkly jewelery then I think you should go with number 2 b/c it matches the clasp. If you do pearls or something else classic then I would do number one.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB This season of BDW-BL2 has not been great for me. I have been up and down like a freakin' rollercoaster! And, I've been so busy with work and stress with the upcoming wedding I feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions! This past weekend was the holiday and FBIL's wedding and I pigged out the whole time! I think I may have to bow out of the competition, at least until I get back from Jamaica. I'm pretty far behind on planning, I've got 900 ppl to feed everyday next week, and the week after, I have to move my entire office and 4000 ft. sq. commercial kitchen to a new location. Maybe hauling equipment can count as cardio! I feel like such a slacker! I've been weighing myself but haven't even had time, when I am in the same place as the camera or correct computer, where I can send them to Ann! I wish all of you ladies luck and I promise I will keep trying, I just really feel like I'm not doing my part for myself or the group. I'm guessing my BDW time will have to be limited the next few weeks, but I'll keep checking in! Erin do you want help with anything? We can help you finish up last minute plans. Hopefully this will allevaite some of your stress.
  17. I love them! They look tall! Ouchie my fat arse would topple over if I tried to wear those. FI is going to die when he sees them.
  18. Abbie I don't know if I smoke crack or what but I never saw this thread. Umm yeah this thread is dated March...guess I'm a little late. LOl. So funny b/c everytime I saw your profile I was like huh isn't RIU santa Fe in cabo? LOL. I was always so confused and then finally I just picked up in other threads that you were doing Mexico. But I figured you just changed your mind, I didn't know the back story. Well I guess better late than never to catch up. LOL. Either way I'm happy you are doing what you want, that is the best news ever.
  19. Okay check out this thread. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5916 Look through this member's pictures. Her BM's dresses look similar to what you want. They are pink in the pics but they might sell them in white. Hope this helps.
  20. I don't know exactly who makes that dress but I found similar ones: This one is from: Sexy Mini Tango Dresses by eDressMe And hold one on sec b/c I think someone on this forum had a similar dress as their BM dress. I'll be right back.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jmill130 I am in Cabo on our site visit and I just watched Jackie's wedding from the sidelines and it was BEAUTIFUL! She looked so good and I am sure the pics will be great:) Jackie I hope it was amazing! I am super excited for you! This is awesome! And you see we already have confirmation that it was BEAUTIFUL! YAY!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by scporcelli Have u by any chance looked over the Maggie Sottero Collection from Jay's Bridal? If you have and you saw something similar have a great contact there and they to sell there sample dresses to in a rush brides and I will be going there on Wed to try on someothers. I would be glad to get you as much info while in there. Let me know, I know it's hard when you want something so BAD and can't get your hands on it. No I haven't looked over it. I'm scared that its so late that I don't want to go crazy looking at dresses now. LOL. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Hey Glenda. I actually got my Mori Lee dress in 2 weeks!!! If you are a size close to a sample size (6-12) then I'd say you could possibly get it VERY quickly. That's what I had. If you recall I bought my dress last minute I do remember that. But you of course are tiny so no problems for you. Unless they sell samples in size "heffer" I don't think I'm going to get that lucky. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Glenda, there is a new David's dress that has a similar cut. I've seen it in person and it is very pretty. Maybe you could find a seamstress to add the sleeves? David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns P9345 Allover draped taffeta trumpet with button back. I also did a search on their website for trumpet gowns and these were the results: David's Bridal | Search Here are Mermaid gowns: David's Bridal | Search There is always teh e-bay, craig's list, savethedress.com, etc route. Keep us posted! I tried ebay, craigslist, pretty much everything but no one has it. I love the first one from David's Bridal. I've also seen it in store but I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get it in time. Thank you everyone for your help, I'm sure I'll find something somewhere. I'm not worried about it. As long as I marry James on that date, I will be happy. Thanks again!
  23. OMG I gained so much this week. I gained like 3.1 pounds. OUCH! This is what happens when you don't eat properly, you lose weight, but then you gain it all back once you start eating again. Of course it didn't help that I stuffed my face all weekend long. Oh well today is a new day and the start of a new week. Good luck girls, I hope everyone has a good weigh in!
  24. OMG they are amazing! I love everything about them, the color, the stamps, the map, the cute photos of you two! They look so good, you must be so proud of yourself! Did you send them out yet? You must be super excited to send them out. Btw you can just mail mine along with Rebecca's. Thank you. LOL.
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