I think what I didn't like about it is that I felt a lot of things were not true to the character:
I think Samantha would have banged that guy next door. But maybe they were trying to show her maturity and how she's changed, etc. But if just felt weird. What makes Samantha amazing as a character is that she always does what she wants. So I felt like the real Samantha would have slept with the guy.
For some reason I didn't think that a character like Steve would cheat. He was always this great amazing guy. And all of a sudden he is a cheater? I know that in real life even the great guys cheat but really I think we have some pretty amazing hubbies/FI's and do you think they would cheat? I dunno again I just felt it wasn't true to character.
It annoyed me that of course Charlotte has a "perfect" life. She gets everything she wants. She was always the one who wanted a husband and a baby and of couse she gets it all, plus gets to marry a wealthy man and live in a beautiful Park Avenue home, etc. And Miranda who is always the eternal pessimist, finally adapts to loving someone and gets screwed in the end. I don't know why but it just annoyed me.
Also knowing Big I don't think he ever would have proposed to Carrie. It was just so weird. Big always loved Carrie. But yet when they were first dating he always honed on the fact that he wouldn't get married again b/c it just doesn't work, blah, blah, blah. But then he and Carrie break up and he had no problems marrying Natasha and having a big lavish wedding. So now all of a sudden he has a problem with the big wedding? I don't think he ever would have proposed to Carrie b/c his other two marriages failed, and I could see never wanting to marry again.
I did however love a lot of stuff about the movie. I wish I had that closet, I wish I could just elope, I wish I could be at that Mexican resort (oh wait its just a set created in Cali, lol) and I wish I had an assistant!