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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Martha what thread had the "c" word?
  2. Happy Birthday Sandra! I hope you have an amazing day!
  3. Yay Happy Anniversary! I hope you have an amazing day!
  4. OMG I was googling the crap out of it! I was like that's where I need to go on my honeymoon. LOL. Yup no luck. Maybe I'll paint my own set today. LOL.
  5. Those pics look great! Congrats! You look very handsome and your wife looks beautiful. I love her dress. I'm glad you had an amazing wedding and it all worked out for you!
  6. Jenny this place looks amazing and I have heard from people that it is stunning! You are going to have an amazing wedding, I truly am jealous. Would it be rude if I crashed your wedding? LOL. It was so nice of you to post pics so that any new members that are trying to pick a location can get a feel for the place. YAY!
  7. Michelle everything looks amazing! I love your OOT bags and your place settings. So elegant and stunningly beautiful! I'm sorry you had such confusion with Maye. That is so not like her. I guess she is a little disorganized lately. Hmmm hopefully she'll correct the situation. But I'm glad to hear you had an amazing wedding nonetheless.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by melody This really helps...I have done it and lost 7 pounds...I had overindulged during the holidays. Sacred Heart Diet Okay I am sooooooo doing this. My discipline is kicking in now. I had a grilled chicken salad today (with no dressing) but now I'm going to go home and have some of this Lipton soup.
  9. Okay my wedding is only 7 days after yours and I also barely fit in my dress. We can do a crash diet together. I'm think no salt b/c it bloats, no alcohol, and no carbs. We will just have to suck it up together. Gym at least 5 days a week (we need to up the cardio) and only drink water. I think it will def help. Also, we are going to have to sacrifice and only eat small portions. Like really small. Yes people do swell in the heat unfortunately but I think its doable to lose at least 5 pounds. Maybe 8 if your lucky. Hopefully 10! I am going to PM you everyday to make sure you stay on track. We can do this! Your dress will fit and you will look amazing! I have faith!
  10. Ooh I love what Rachel posted that was so nice. Its so pretty!
  11. Also here is a link to a beautiful villa in Mykonos: Villa Hurmuses ≈ Mykonos ≈ Exterior You can look at the pool area to get some idea. I think if you do floating votives in the pool or just candles all around the pool it will be elegant and beautiful. Or if you are a huge fan of lots of flowers you could do those floating flowers inside the pool.
  12. I think this is a terrible pic but I'll still post it anyway. I'm sure you have seen all the floating votives in the pool already, or tiki torches by the pool but here is a different one: It has overhead hanging lights as well as votives in the pool.
  13. Rachel I'm so late to this but I hope your in a better mood. It sucks being in a pissy mood but the good news is that it usually goes away.
  14. You can absolutely do it! Add exercise and try to stick to a 1200-1400 calorie diet per day and you will lose about 2 to 3 pounds per week. So you can def lose the weight! Good luck!
  15. I also heart your dress! It is gorgeous. I absolutely love it. And it fits you amazing! I love the veil too! YAY!
  16. I think what I didn't like about it is that I felt a lot of things were not true to the character: I think Samantha would have banged that guy next door. But maybe they were trying to show her maturity and how she's changed, etc. But if just felt weird. What makes Samantha amazing as a character is that she always does what she wants. So I felt like the real Samantha would have slept with the guy. For some reason I didn't think that a character like Steve would cheat. He was always this great amazing guy. And all of a sudden he is a cheater? I know that in real life even the great guys cheat but really I think we have some pretty amazing hubbies/FI's and do you think they would cheat? I dunno again I just felt it wasn't true to character. It annoyed me that of course Charlotte has a "perfect" life. She gets everything she wants. She was always the one who wanted a husband and a baby and of couse she gets it all, plus gets to marry a wealthy man and live in a beautiful Park Avenue home, etc. And Miranda who is always the eternal pessimist, finally adapts to loving someone and gets screwed in the end. I don't know why but it just annoyed me. Also knowing Big I don't think he ever would have proposed to Carrie. It was just so weird. Big always loved Carrie. But yet when they were first dating he always honed on the fact that he wouldn't get married again b/c it just doesn't work, blah, blah, blah. But then he and Carrie break up and he had no problems marrying Natasha and having a big lavish wedding. So now all of a sudden he has a problem with the big wedding? I don't think he ever would have proposed to Carrie b/c his other two marriages failed, and I could see never wanting to marry again. I did however love a lot of stuff about the movie. I wish I had that closet, I wish I could just elope, I wish I could be at that Mexican resort (oh wait its just a set created in Cali, lol) and I wish I had an assistant!
  17. Btw does anyone know what resort they were at in Mexico? It looked heavenly and I want to go there. LOL.
  18. Ok I know I'm going to be crucified but I didn't like it so much. Ok that's actually not true I enjoyed it but at some points I felt like it was getting long and drawn out. I just felt like some stuff was unecessary. I loved the beginning and all up until the Mexico trip and then it started getting a little long winded for me. I know, I know there is something wrong with me. Don't get me wrong I will 100% buy the DVD and watch a million more times and I did enjoy it but I didn't think it was the best masterpiece ever. LOL. Okay you can all kill me now and exile me from the yaya sisterhood. LOL.
  19. Alyssa your the worst BL buddy ever? Umm hello I just ate Baked ziti for lunch. Let's just say that the stress of the wedding is freaking getting to me. But I can absolutely help you with stuff. I'm never too busy for a friend. Let me know what you need help with, I'm on it!
  20. Welcome back Jackie! I'm so glad everything was amazing! I can't wait to see pics!
  21. Alyssa you are almost there! I feel you on freaking out I have twenty five days! YIKES! Do you need help with stuff? I can do iron transfers for you. Believe it or not I am an amazing ironer! (is that even a word? lol) Seriously let me know how I can help you I would be happy to do it for you. And don't stress b/c Hawaii is going to be amazing!
  22. Have an amazing time Sarah! I hope Cabo is treating you well!
  23. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JAMY! Wow I can't believe that its been one year already! It really seems like just yesterday you were giving us all the details of your wedding. Congrats and I hope it was a great anniversary!
  24. Yay a week from tomorrow! I am going to remember that next saturday! I'll have a drink and toast your shower! YAY! And yay you are having another one on my wedding day! I will again have another drink and toast your shower! LOL.
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