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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Thanks Christine this is very helpful. -Glenda
  2. Welcome! I totally understand your reservation in joining b/c I felt the same way. I am so not that bride so I felt like I had nothing to contribute and I would just annoy everyone on this forum. Turns out I was right (lol) but I found that the girls here are so nice and trust me you will become addicted and love it. Do you have any idea of what kind of wedding you want? If you give us some kind of an idea then we may be able to help you choose a location. -Glenda
  3. These pics are so cute! It's so disgusting being a lawyer b/c all I do all day is reason things out and think logically. So when you first posted I was like "oh then only Amy I know is Amyhmartin so it has to be her". Then I recalled Amy making a comment on another thread about how she had referred Christine to the forum and when I had read that thread I realized that they were friends from before. I actually thought maybe you guys were sorority sisters b/c Christine you mentioned that you did your bridesmaids poems/frames from all your scrapbooking from being a sorority girl. Ok this post is just pathetic, I need to get a life. This just shows that I am on this forum way too much. LOL. -Glenda
  4. Nrvsbride

    New member

    Welcome and congratulations! I am so excited for you. St. Lucia is so pretty. Please let us know more details of your wedding so we can live vicariously through you. And let us know if you need any help. -Glenda
  5. I must say this thread is very useful. Thank you everyone for all the input. And Karla I happen to like cotton eye joe (especially when I get to do the dance) but my friends are snobs and would kill my life if I played cotton eye joe at my wedding. Damn NYers! Love the polaroid guest book idea. I def have to do that!! -Glenda
  6. This place is supposed to be fabulous. I have never been there but I highly recommed it based on all the rants and raves I hear about it. -Glenda
  7. I have never been there nor have I ever heard of it but I just asked my co-worker who is Dominican and travels there frequently about it and she said that it is ridiculously nice. She also mentioned Casa de Campos which she said is a great hotel that does very nice weddings. -Glenda
  8. I love hearing that good thing happen to good people. That is so nice if she is doing all three weddings! Weddings are supposed to be a happy day and now all three couples will be very happy! YAY!! I can't wait to see who wins Jonathan's contest. -Glenda
  9. Ana I voted for El Dorado, I think it is the nicest. But that's just my personal opinion. Honestly it's no biggie if the beach doesn't look that great, the two of you will be enamored (enamorados) that you will barely notice it. You are going to have a great time. I'm sure whatever you choose will be great! -Glenda
  10. I really, really just don't want to be seen until the moment I walk down. That's the only tradition that I really, really want to keep. Maybe its silly but that's just the way I feel. -Glenda
  11. Ooh thanks so much. I own the entire series so I will just look it up when I go home. Thanks for the link. Karla I'm glad you like it. I'm so not a traditional girl with the big cinderella poof or the cake dress (even though I love the way they look on other brides) and I thought that would be a pretty dress. It's probably chanel and worth $100,000. LOL. Thank you for your help. -Glenda
  12. Ok this is random I know. Does anyone happen to know who makes the long, white dress that Carrie wore the night that she and Aidan broke up (the same night he moved out of her apt for good). They had gone to some event for Richard that Samantha had organized. Carrie's hair was up in some long, twisted, bun and the dress was strapless with a train. She is also wearing it in the scene in front of the fountain when Aidan asks her to go to Vegas and just elope. I love that dress and I want to know who makes it. If anyone knows, please help. Thanks. -Glenda
  13. Christine I totally get you on the friends thing, that is my situation as well. In fact I love this site b/c anytime I talk to my friends about wedding planning they are nice about it but then I'll hear from another friend that so-and-so was crying on NYE b/c she has no one. And then I will feel awful. Or I will talk to another friend about resorts and then she'll tell me she got dumped and I will feel like such a jerk. I don't have a digital camera but once again I'm going to see if I can get my FI to scan a pic so that I can get a siggy. LOL. -Glenda
  14. Thank you girls for your advice. I am going to try to cram as much as possible. I will def post pics when I finish them. Too bad I don't have a date yet. LOL. -Glenda
  15. Hey I wanted to follow up and see if you decided to go the Cabo way of if you are going to stick with Mazatlan? -Glenda
  16. Of course I didn't save the date yet, I do everything backwards!! LOL. Actually Tammy is looking at dates for me so hopefully I'll set it by this weekend. And I plan to have a mini get together with a couple of my artsy friends, buy them dinner and liquor to be delivered to one of my friends apartment and make a night of making these puppies. Most of my friends don't even have boyfriends, they live vicariously through me, so they are begging to help. How lucky am I? -Glenda
  17. Oooh Jenetta I love the mini scrapbook idea. You will def have to post a pic when you make it! -Glenda
  18. Welcome! How exciting that it is almost coming up. Can you let us know more info about your wedding? Do you have any pics? YAY!!! It is so soon! -Glenda
  19. I will do it fri so that I can get my FI to do it. I am a mess when it comes to computers. LOL. -Glenda
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