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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Love PDC! Let us know how we can help. -Glenda
  2. Ann as your friend I have to tell you that it is absolutely unacceptable for you to have never seen S&TC. Please borrow from a friend immediately!! And Ana tell your FI not to worry he is much more younger and handsome looking than Tommy Mottola. -Glenda
  3. Christine I wish I could help but I'm not even sure I know what emboss means. LOL. I am so not a DIY kind of gal. I wish I could just pay someone to do everything for me, but I'm broke. I was in a sorority too and when it came time to do stuff for my little sister I just had someone else do it. I'm still trying to find someone who can do my STDs. Hopefully someone crafty can help you with this. Good luck, and I want to see them when your done. -Glenda
  4. Sarah I am also planning to get married in early June. I am not sure of the weather but I am pretty sure it gets chilly at night all year round. I def think it's a nice gesture for guests. When you say dark pink do you mean fuschia or something else? Maybe I should start a thread with this and girls can post colors of the pics they want so I know exactly what to get. -Glenda
  5. That is hysterical! That is so something I would do. Except with my luck I would lose it and then I would have a disaster on my hands. -Glenda
  6. oh my gosh I would love to pick up pashs for all you girls. I really don't think that there are websites that sell them that cheap. They are not so high-priced but if you get them for all your female guests it will get costly. I have no problems going to chinatown and getting pashs for anyone that wants, and then I'll ship them out to you. They pretty much have every color. I do have to warn you of the following though: 1. They are fake pashs. Will your guest care? I sincerely doubt it but I thought I would let everyone know. 2. While they are not real silk pashminas, they are a good quality. I have bought them before and I promise they are not crappy. But I did want to let everyone know so their not shocked when they get something that doesn't feel like the $150 ones they have at nordstrom. 3. Sometimes they don't sell bulk. So let's say you want blue ones, there may be like 7 blue ones, then 5 blue ones with designs on them, etc. So if all you really care about is the color and you are willing to mix-and-match this is a good bargain. But you figure most of your guests just want something to keep them warm in the breeze. 4. They are not returnable. 5. But there are tons of little shops so I can always buy some from one shop and some from others. 6. And the best part is that you can talk them down. So I'm sure if I offered to buy a lot we could get them for maybe $1.50 each. Maybe, I can't make any promises. But I am usually a good negotiator. So if anyone wants me to get them for them just let me know. -Glenda
  7. Sorry to get off topic as well but Sarah I love the new pic!!! Btw those fans sound really cute you def have to post a pic when you make them. And I agree with Ana those prices sound the cheapest. -Glenda
  8. Welcome Jamie and congratulations! I'm sorry I don't know anything about that locale but I'm sure Tammy (the host) or someone else will know about it. Good luck with the planning. -Glenda
  9. Pamelas parasols are stunning but so expensive!! Can you imagine spending $82 on a parasol that will be used for like 5 mins? -Glenda
  10. Nrvsbride

    Hey All

    Hi Julie, welcome! Let us know how we can help. -Glenda
  11. Juan these are stunning. I literally get misty eyed each time I view one of your slideshows. I am hoping that you will be doing my wedding as well. Love the sig pic! -Glenda
  12. Welcome to the forum! Dreams Cancun is gorgeous and I am sure you will have a lovely wedding! Let us know how we can help. -Glenda
  13. Thank you for this post. My fiance and I were looking for something like this. Do you have any information on pricing? -Glenda
  14. Kate that dress is stunning!! I love it. I guess as lawyers even we can be proven wrong. hehe. I don't blame you for being obsessed, it's gorgeous. I would want to buy it right then and there and then try it on every second I got to be alone. Remember the episode of friends when they all try on the wedding dresses? Monica is like washing dishes in the wedding dress. That's what I would be like. -Glenda
  15. I think if you want formal you should do the satin. I agree it's your wedding so you can do it however you like. But if you want something more airy then I'm going to go for the babydoll. I love the babydoll, it's so cute. -Glenda
  16. Oooh don't let Tammy M see this thread!! -Glenda
  17. See, this is why I tell everyone to use Tammy! She always gets the best rates and is so helpful!! -Glenda
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Those are super cute! My only thoughts... #1) I just got done doing 60 boarding pass STDs which weren't that hard to do and was really happy to be done. Really factor in how much work each will require. #2) You mentioned you are a lawyer. So am I ... I know what control freaks we can be. If that doesn't apply to you then you can stop reading this. If it does then just think about giving power to others to make your cards. My FI offered to help and I said no thanks - mainly bc I knew that I'd only be satisfied if they were all done as I wanted and I didn't want to have to "check" his work. Just remember that not everyone cares as much about a perfect looking std as you might. Now that I'm done sounding like a totally crazy controling b!$ I'll stop and say I'm really happy I made the std's myself bc it really made this feel real to me. I'm not so much a control freak as I am anal. And yes your right I will drive myself crazy with every little detail. Ahhhh! The only reason why I will allow my two friends to help me is b/c (1) I am not artsty or crafty and I know I am going to need help. (2) my one friend is an art teacher and I know her work is perfection and (3) my other friend is an event planner so she has tons of experience. But looking at them closely I'm thinking it's going to be a lot of work. Maybe I should have them made. Does anyone know a place that will make these for me? My FI is willing to pay for them just so that he won't have to hear my whine later on if they come out crappy. -Glenda
  19. This sounds like such a great idea b/c sometimes I feel like a welcome dinner will be too much like my reception and my guests won't have the newness factor. But then I worry that some guests may have sea sickness and I would hate for anyone to feel left out. And what if some people don't like snorkeling? I wonder if there is alternate things for them to do on these mini cruises? -Glenda
  20. I was also planning to give pashminas at mine. They are very cheap in chinatown here in NYC. They go for about 3 for $5. So I figure it's not bad. -Glenda
  21. Ok I went home and watched the episode again last night. *sigh* if only I were rich and skinny. Ok so now of course I am obsessed and want that dress. But I'm sure that dress is like $100,000 or something ridiculous like that. I wonder if I there is a company that will make a dress. I would so have something similar made. But then of course I would have to remove all my ribs, along with my intestines, and my liver, in order to fit and look good in one of those. Btw the side story with Thalia (I saw her on an interview tell the story) is that she got into a horrible car accident and she broke a rib (or two maybe) and they told her that it was so shattered that it would probably never heal properly and her best bet to avoid infection and pain was to have it removed. She then claims that she had another one on the other side removed so that she wouldn't look weird. WHATEVER!! But Ana it's true you guys do remind me of Thalia and Tommy Mottola. -Glenda
  22. Bella I haven't forgotten about you either it's just that I have been trying to come up with a good one. I looked online but they were just blah. I was going to use one when I set up a website. This is what I plan to use: "To live is to dream, to awaken is to die. Come share in the beginning of our life, by joining us at the DREAMS RESORT (insert date)." I think I heard Carlos Santana say this. But I plan to do mines at the Dreams so it doesn't really work well with your hacienda theme. I will keep plugging away until I come up with something good. Hmm now that I think of it I don't like the die part, it's a little morbid. -Glenda
  23. Welcome Salsa Groom! I love that you are both on here! What a great FI you are. My FI won't even get off the couch to walk over to the computer to look at pics of resorts. Which is why I have been engaged since May and have yet to set a date. Even if you have a small wedding, it is a special day and you should take your time planning so that you guys come up with something that is perfect for both of you. Don't worry it will be great! -Glenda
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