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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. I want one. I know this is morbid but all I can ever think about is the scene in the Sixth Sense where the wife is watching the wedding video and Bruce Willis believes in his mind that she is doing this b/c they have hit a rough patch in their marriage but really it is b/c he is deceased and she misses him. My family used to videotape all kinds of family events and we love till this day to watch them and point out all sorts of things. I just think it would be nice. I know this sounds really depressing but if one of your guests who is older passes away one day you will always have that video to remember them by. Sorry to sound like Debbie Downer. Just my personal thought on videos. -Glenda
  2. I know this probably sounds like a ridiculous question but does anyone know how much water bottles cost in cabo? Or Mexico in general? I def want to give each of my guests a water bottle in their OOT bag and I also want to do what Natasha did and leave water bottles out for my guests as soon as they arrive to the ceremony area b/c it will be hot in July. I want to do the labels with the water bottles, but I actually don't know how much a bottle of water costs. I am only curious b/c I want to start estimating my budget. -Glenda
  3. Sarah the DIY idea is great! Your so right those are the people that help the most. And thank you for wanting to nominate me but I would hardly call buying pashminas something worth nominating someone for. It should go to people that are genuinely helpful or have creative ideas. I love the idea for the best DIY member. -Glenda
  4. Angie I'm sure if you get an outside baker they can make cupcakes for you. That is what I plan to do. It shouldn't be too hard. At least I'm hoping that it won't be hard. -Glenda
  5. Sarah that is so not corny! I think it is cute! I love t-shirts with funny and/or cute sayings. Especially when you are traveling together, so much fun. -Glenda
  6. Oooh that is so cute! Thank you for posting Christine! -Glenda
  7. Oh I love the t-shirts for the rehearsel idea! That is so cute. You should def do that. -Glenda
  8. Ooh let's have like mini Golden Globes or BDW Oscars. And we can do different catergories. Like: 1. Most Active Newbie 2. Best Welcomer (the member who welcomes the most Newbies) 3. Member with the highest amount of posts 4. Best Helper (the member who helped out other members with something) 5. Best Supporting Member (the member who gives the greatest of amount of support to other members who are having a crisis) 6. Miss Congeniality (Friendliest member, although this is a tough one b/c everyone on this forum is friendly) 7. Best Signature Pic You get the idea...Obviously these are too many but we can pick and choose a few each month maybe? -Glenda
  9. What would they be wearing this for? I'm a little confused do you mean for the ceremony or the reception or for some other thing? I love these. I am so glad you posted this website b/c I knew there was something I wanted to use from Wedding Crashers and I couldn't remember what it was and then I realized it was "I'VE GOT A STAGE 5 CLINGER". These are so great, our friends love saying stupid quotes from movies. We are all losers like that. -Glenda
  10. Tammy you know your not allowed to post these great places b/c then I want to get married there. Why does the carribean look so much better than Mexico? -Glenda
  11. Thanks for the contact info Jenetta! -Glenda
  12. I know all this carry on stuff gets really heavy, not to mention expensive. -Glenda
  13. No prob Jenetta I just wanted to make sure you got them. I would have been so upset if they got lost. And I'm glad you like the color. Thank you for the cigar roller info. Do you have your contact person's name and info? And do you happen to know how much each individual cigar is? Actually if you give me the contact info I will ask them all my questions. Thank you so much Jenetta! -Glenda
  14. I agree 100% Jason people will always find something to complain about. As long as the food is decent then I will have a good time wherever I go. The resort seems stunning! I am sure that you are going to have a wonderful wedding. -Glenda
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JPMO Glenda, in regard to the t's I was thinking of just doing the iron-ons for the BMs. Getting a tank or t shirt cheaply (target/old navy) and printing it off of the computer. I think that is what I will end up doing as well. Although my friend's sister owns a printing press company where they print shirts so I will see if she can get me a deal. -Glenda
  16. Christine when I was showing my FI different girls websites he liked yours the best. When I asked him why he was like "B/c hers is the best". That is my FI for you, short, sweet and to the point! -Glenda
  17. So Jenetta since you are doing an outside source does that mean that you don't have to pay the Dreams that $150 fee for a cigar roller set up? And what exactly are you getting for the $300? Are you just paying for the cigar roller? Or does one box of cigars come included? Are you having your guests pay for the cigars? Do you know how much each of the cigars cost? Do you have contact info for the source you are using? Sorry to ask so many questions. I really appreciate your help! -Glenda p.s. Did your pash's arrive? I heard from the other girls but since I didn't hear from you I was starting to get nervous that they got lost. I hope they got there okay and that you like the color.
  18. WELCOME Karla! Congrats on your decision to have a DW. It is so much fun to plan for tropical weddings. I don't know much about Dominican Republic but if you do a search you will find lots of information for resorts in DR. Good luck with your planning and let us know what else we can help you with. -Glenda
  19. Very cute Christine! I love the style and the pink! I was thinking of getting the t-shirts I want to give out in my OOT bags here but $14 per shirt would be way too much for me. I guess I will have to wait to see how many female guests I have and then take it from there. -Glenda
  20. Why does this Dreams get such bad reviews? It seems absolutely stunning from the pics. And I can't imagine that it is that crappy like they make it out to seem in some reviews. Jason I am really jealous b/c I think it looks so nice! -Glenda
  21. Like the Friends episode you should wear it while watching soap operas and while doing the dishes. And my siggy pic was taken in college I look nothing like that now. I would put up a more recent photo but I haven't found one with a wide enough lens to fit my huge ars. -Glenda
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by cancun1007 I am soooo sorry- I did not read it as at the DW - as I mentioned I had it in mind for back at home. Forgive me..... I forgot to tell you that I love the wagon idea! That is so cute! Your guests will love that. -Glenda
  23. Jenetta or any of the girls who are having their weddings at the Dreams, are you using the female cigar roller that Tammy was talking about or are you getting a private roller to come in? Does anyone know how much this costs? Jenetta you said it was $300, I noticed when I got wedding packages from Dreams they had a $150 cigar roller set up fee. Is your $300 include this fee or are you paying the $150 on top of that? Also how much do each of the cigars cost? I would hate to make my guests pay for it, maybe I'll pay for it but I am curious as to how much it costs. If anyone has any info please let me know, this is the one area where I have not been able to find a lot of information on. Thanks! -Glenda
  24. Thanks for the color wheel tip I am def going to check that out! -Glenda
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