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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. $2? That is a great price. Are they like the size of a textbook? Anny what were the other ones we were thinking of getting that I think Tammy M had posted? They cost about $7 or $8? I think they were called tea leaf bags or something. They looked exactly like these. -Glenda
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i've never been accused of being anorexic - that's for sure. well, maybe high school - but that was loooooong ago! i always joke that i am partially bulimic (sp?) - I binge, I just don't purge. Ok, I know it's not a joking matter - but that's how I explain my eating habits! I have to make jokes about everything or else I will go crazy. This is a sad world we are living in today and if we didn't have humor and had to take everything seriously then we would all breakdown and have nervous breakdowns. So I say joke away. (Except that I realized that it is possible that someone on this board could have an eating disorder in which case my comments don't seem so funny anymore.) -Glenda
  3. I'm also 5'4!!!! Except I'm about a deuce, a deuce and a half. Ok I don't know why but wedding dress shopping does not appeal to me. I never look for dresses and I have no desires to buy one. I am actually dreading it! But you guys all look great in your dresses!!! My sister says that models do the peeing pose b/c it makes you look skinnier since you hunch your shoulders foward to make the bones on your neck pop out. (My sister is quasi anorexic) It's so funny b/c I think "real" brides look so much better but girls here love the ano look where you have no boobs, or a butt and you look emaciated like your arms are going to fall off. A lot of people strive for that look here. I think it's Hollywoods influence. -Glenda
  4. Uggh you all look so good in your dresses. I am 99% happy for you guys and 1% jealous. Melissa I am so glad you picked that dress, it was my favorite and you look so good on it. Okay now I am 85% happy for you guys and 15% jealous. Janet my FI thinks you look like one of the happiest brides he has ever seen. I am now 64% happy for you guys, 36% jealous. Edyta you will love your dress when you are all done up, have your hair done, makeup etc. And you should be happy that you look skinnier than the model. Okay I am officially 20% happy for you guys, 80% jealous. And Tammy your dress is gorgeous. I think what happens is that the more you try a dress on, or look at yourself in a picture of it, you get sick of it and the dress starts to look ordinary and you start to hate it. So don't even look at pics of the dress, or think about your dress. Officially 100% jealous and I must now go shove a toothbrush in my throat and vomit my dinner. Luv ya guys! -Glenda
  5. The designer is Rachel Roy, she is married to Damon Dash, Jay-Z's old partner who started Rockafella Records. I love the yellow dress. It probably costs a fortune though if stars are wearing it. I saw Lucy Liu in magazines this week wearing some of her other stuff. And Penelope Cruz was in one of her dresses too. Christine I am not doing yellow as one of my colors, I just love the dress! -Glenda
  6. Those are great! I absolutely love them. They are very classy. Good job. -Glenda
  7. Thank you ladies for the DIY!! Anny I wish I had started saving when I was 15. The potential videographer I am thinking of hiring told me he charges $350 an hour. I think I am going to pass out. -Glenda
  8. Margaret everytime my FI and I go to a wedding even 20 minutes away we stay in a cheap hotel b/c we like to drink and party and we will never drive drunk. Almost all of our friends do this also. When we do this it's like $200 the night (for a crappy cheap motel/hotel looking thing). If I go to someone's engagement party I end up buying $100 gift off their registry then I do the same for their bridal shower. Then for the wedding the sort of rule of thumb here is $150 per person. Then if you go to the bachelorette party you are pretty much out another $200. And then whatever we spend on a dress and getting mani-pedis. So the average wedding here will cost a guest $1,000 (assuming their a closer friend and you go to all their wedding related parties). So we feel like if you would have spent a $1,000 on our wedding here anyway you might as well use it towards cabo and get a fun vacation! BTW what resorts have you narrowed it down to? We have to help you make a decision soon. Tell me the places you are torn between, I will do research tonight for you and then I will post a thread where we will all vote for you where you should have it. -Glenda
  9. And you guys just mailed her checks? You didn't have to pay her through paypal or anything? -Glenda
  10. Sarah 4 hours sounds much better. I think that is great! You are not going to be disappointed. -Glenda
  11. Angie I would think they def sell those dresses in cali. I love 9 also, I want it for myself. And no it wouldn't go with my Tiffany theme wedding but I haven't made any decisions as to decor yet. That is the one area where I really have no clue what I want and I can't make any decisions about it. I'm hoping my Maye will just come up with something fabulous for me and I will love it. -Glenda
  12. Yeah Jenetta who are you using? And for the other cabo brides who are getting video who are you using? -Glenda
  13. Christa did you have to pay Maye the full amount in advance for her services? I don't mean for other vendors or rehearsel dinners, I mean just for her specific fee? -Glenda
  14. Here is a link for personalized wine labels to put on your wine bottles if you like: Personalized Wine and Champagne Wedding Favors I absolutely love your centerpieces. They are to die for, your guests are going to love them! I think mirrors are nice but I think that silver platters will make it look more elegant. But I do agree with Anny that the ribbon is blending in with the candle. Are you sure the monogram can't be seen on the other candle? -Glenda
  15. I have been to Cancun and I love it. I have never been to Cabo (even though I am getting married there) but I can tell you that both places are beautiful. Cancun has gorgeous beaches and the water is so nice and you really feel the Mexican culture there. There is also great nightlife. Cabo is more touristy and more expensive. You can't swim in a lot of beaches and it is desert weather. However, Cancun goes through hurrican season which I just did not want to risk. Cabo would be much closer to you if travel is something you were considering. For me the decision came down to my shallow friends: A lot of people from New York go to Cancun and Acapulco for spring break so if I would have had a wedding in Cancun my friends would have abused me b/c they would have pictured wet t-shirt contests and loud house music. Clearly that is stupid b/c there is so much to do in Cancun that does not involve tequila soaked orgies. But my friends are stupid and ignorant and they base everything on what they see on TV or read in celebrity magazines. B/c a lot of celebrities go to cabo and they see the rich Laguna Beach kids going to cabo, they want to go to cabo. Not that I'm complaining b/c I also want to go but I'm just showing you how dumb my decision making process was. -Glenda
  16. Oh well since you are not having a reception that eliminates a huge amount of costs. I assume that means you are not doing musicians or videographers either. And you probably are not doing flower arrangments and don't need centerpieces so that will save you a huge amount of money. Also you have a smaller amount of guests. This makes a lot of sense now. Cute pic btw. -Glenda
  17. Thank you ladies for the input. Anny if a small bottle is like 60 cents U.S.D. then I figured if I buy in bulk at Costco it should be okay. I don't know why but I was starting to panick thinking bottled water was really expensive and it would end up costing me a couple hundred dollars just to buy water. I feel better now and at least now I can try to budget. My budget is beginning to scare me! -Glenda
  18. Jules #9 was my favorite (I love the color white it is my favorite color) but my BM's negged the idea b/c they think only I should wear white. God I hate those biatches. J/k but they can be very pushy! And Ann I agree that the yellow dress is very forgiving. I feel like as long as tone your arms you don't really have to worry about much more. And this way they will be able to dance in it and eat and not feel like they are going to pop out of it. My friend went to the store in NYC but they were no help. It was so weird they wouldn't tell her the price! I don't know if you would have better luck with this but by all means if you can find out the price I would greatly appreciate it! Btw, we saw the rapper Eve wearing the dress in this weeks US Weekly and last weeks In Touch. She is wearing a white version with a thin black sash across the waist. It looks really pretty. If we can't get these then maybe someone can make imitations for me? I don't know. -Glenda
  19. I am spending the most amount of money on Juan. I have hired him for 10 hours and I am also getting the coffee table book so it is going to cost me a small fortune. I know 10 hours is a lot, but my FI said the photog should be the most important thing to us since this is all we will have left when the day is done. He said it is better to be safe than sorry. So I figure this way he can get pics of me getting ready, of the ceremony, reception and I will be able to ensure that I get all the pics I want with family. Also I want fireworks at the end of the night and this way I'll be sure to have him there to get the pics of it. Sometimes I stress about the cost, but I am trying not to think about it. I know in the end I will be so happy with my decision. Personally I would get him for 5 hours. But if you can't afford it, I would say at least 3-4. But if you can cut somewhere else I would, I don't think photography should be a place you should cut back on. But that is just my personal opinion. -Glenda
  20. Here is the dress I want for my BM. I tried pasting the pic but I couldn't. Rachel Roy You have to go to Spring 07' Collection and go the 13th dress. I'm not sure what color I would like it in but I actually think the yellow is pretty. I ran it by some of my BM's and they loved it, although we are now convinced that it probably costs over $1,000! LOL. -Glenda
  21. Seriously! They should just hire Juan to put together a slideshow, that would be awesome! I hope my guests don't see this, if they did they wouldn't want to come. It was so bad. Ann at least PV looked nice. I am excited for you. -Glenda
  22. He is amazing, def worth every penny! I am so happy I was able to book him for my wedding. -Glenda
  23. Ok I'm sorry but the cabo one looked weak. If I saw that I would not want to get married there. The PV one is so much nicer. -Glenda
  24. Oooh Ann I had never even thought of that! All the more reason why I should get one. Now I just have to decide how many hours to get one for. Photography and video is going to cost me an arm and a leg but hopefully it will be worth it in the end. -Glenda
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