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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva I think it really again depends on your doctor.. I did a search on The Nest when my face started going crazy. Some girl's doctors said it was fine because you put it on and wash it off that it doesn't really absorb into your blood but others said their doctors said no. Maybe just check to see what your doctor says about it. I know that my mom scheduled me for a facial a while back and the woman wouldn't do a normal facial because of the sacylic acid.
  2. how cool. I imagine we will be going there in the summers with all the kids once Ainsleigh gets a little older so this is good to know, because standing in line with kids sucks. I will have to let my cousin know she goes all the time.
  3. oh Rachel this is just getting really scary, they better keep her this time and figure this out. Keep us updated Rachel.
  4. oh yes my hubby watches that show all the time and the dogs watch it with him. Our boy totally watches TV and barks with the dogs on the shows, its pretty funny.
  5. Happy Anniversary, I hope you guys do something fun!
  6. Rachel, this is just awful, I am so incredibly sorry. She should not have been sent home. I hope she finds a good Dr. who will take in her for observation. Freaking insurance companies I swear they have changed medicine and the way dr's practice.
  7. we've had a few people do that, I can't remember who.
  8. if you get a chance check out Cozymel's-you will love it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG I'm still using ProActive. Not sure if there is something in there that is bad, but it has always worked great for me, so I would rather not change. I use to use Clinique until it seemed like I always had a breakout of some kind on my face and it sucked! I know that has sacylic acid in it, I would not be using that if I were you.
  10. well luckily today is a nice sunny day and when I picked my DH up at the metro last night I took the dogs and they were so happy to go potty, I think the leash thing worked, they felt safer on the leash or something. So anyway all seems well today.
  11. it was very cool and my DH got really sunburnt and since it was covered it was one of the only water activities we could do.
  12. Happy Birthday! did you get any good news from the Dr. yet?
  13. my inlaws just bought my pump for me! So we are pretty set to get started, baby just has to arrive!
  14. happy birthday http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t22440
  15. I have recorded the whole season so far and now that I am off work I plan to catch up finally!
  16. are you having the guys wear flowers? I would put one of the guys boutineeres (I know that is totally spelled wrong, sorry) on his chair. I love the idea of the webcam and if something could be read at the reception from him (even a favorite poem or something) would be so sweet.
  17. Bridget, I changed your thread title so hopefully you will get some more responses. I stayed at Couples Ocho Rios and I know its a different resort but I second the glass bottom boat activity, we did that as well and it was so great.
  18. my skin has gotten dry during pregnancy, but I use Orgins Checks and balances its a newer one, I love orgins
  19. I keep holding her and but she is just being quiet, so is my boy but he doesn't seem as freaked out. Luckily I get to be at home with them tomorrow all day so that will help, they love it when I am home with them. I always say I wish I could be a stay at home doggy mom.
  20. so we are having some pretty horrific weather today, tornados and thunderstorms-all that good stuff. When I got home this afternoon it had stopped raining for a little bit and I tried to get the dogs to go outside, usually after being in thier crates all day they are very excited to go out, but my little girl kept trying to climb up my leg and just wanted to be held. She is walking around all slow and scared. She wants nothing to do with being outside and my boy refuses to go outside during the rain. Anyone else have dogs scared of weather and what do you do to help them get through it?
  21. Lisa that sucks, but Chipotle sounds yummy! If it wasn't raining cats and dogs here I might head over to chipotle but I don't want to leave the house or I might be taken to Oz with this weather.
  22. I got Posh Spice and she seems to be making a lot of news on this site
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