Dear BDW girls,
you are all amazing and so supportive of each other.
Kelly and Lizz,
I am so sorry for the loss of your dads. It is just in recent years I have come to appreciate my dad and I cannot imagine going through losing him. You are very brave.
Dear Sister,
How in the world did you carry a 10lb are my hero.
Dear morning sickness,
who named you that-you do not go away at noon-and you suck!
Dear fires in So-Cal,
please do not burn down my mom's house, she just bought it.
Dear students,
NO you may NOT turn in your late work, I already gave you a deadline and it has passed. Too bad, you are seniors and will be going to college in less than a year, when will you stop needing your hand to be held.
Dear Husband,
You will find a job, it will all work out. I promise.