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Everything posted by Jaysgirl119

  1. Thanks girls I really don't like the idea of favor but I thought it was a must. So if I do wrap them up should I give them when people check in? Thanks so much girls
  2. I have this one : http://http://www.fiskarscrafts.com/...e-trimmer.aspx and bought the perforater sept. HTH
  3. I hope this questions was not posted before I tried to do a search but it is not working for me. I wanted to do custom cozies and personalized chap stick for my OOT bags along with some other needs like aloe, pepto, sunscreen etc. I was telling my FI this last night and he said that we need to have that as a favor/or if we do that what are we going to do for a favor. He thinks we should put everything in the cozie and wrap it up and give it as a favor. Has anyone done something like this? I want to do something different as a favor but I need something small to take with me. Or I wanted to do small bottles of Tequila but we don't know where to find them in Mexico. TIA Sorry so long
  4. Thanks so much I can't wait to order these!!! destinationbride07-Thanks for you questions I had the same ones lol
  5. They are great!!! I did passport std's and everyone loved them. You did a great job!
  6. I so feel your pain right now. My back is killing me from cutting all the paper. And my FI is sleeping (he does work nights) but still.
  7. I went to Invitation Envelopes and Business Envelopes. Only purchase what you need small orders our specialty. Free Shipping on all envelope orders. GL
  8. Sorry I can not help you but I wanted to say that is a great idea. Please let me know if you find them. TIA
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen You can do whatever you want. I'm having both my sisters as my MOH. (Actually my married sister is going to be my Matron of Honor and my unmarried sister is my Maid of Honor.) But seriously, there are no rules. Go for it!!! This is what I am doing but it is a friend who is married not a sister. My sister and I were both MOH's for our friend.
  10. Thanks, I was not sure cause I know I do not have a lot of points or post. Thanks for your help
  11. I made a post and I noticed that it says karma: 1. Is this a bad thing? For some reason I can not get the hang of this forum. I am trying tho. TIA
  12. Welcome to the forum! I am getting married at Lindo May 2008. I went there in May and feel in love with the resort. Let me know if you have any questions.
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