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Everything posted by destinationbride07

  1. can i get one? JUST KIDDING...that is real nice of you to do....
  2. when u start planning STAND YOUR GROUND...CUSS ANYONE OUT Who even thinks about controlling YOUR wedding. It will happen with a DW.
  3. you guys are welcomed...i like to post stuff that my help us or motivate us anywho.....I dont like working out period....BUT if Like to do it in the AM...for me it makes me feel better throughout the day vs going at my lunch..i just hate getting u[
  4. here is a an interesting article on morning workouts. Learn to Love A.M. Exercise
  5. WTG Lisa and Natalie.. Bootcamp for April has started again…I am going to do cardio at 1 and then bootcamp later tonight
  6. No I have not experience this but if I did I would just say NO. End of story… And all my co-workers “feelings†will be hurt b/c I did not waste the time or money to send them an invite KNOWING they are not coming. I do know co-workers that do this. Fine! It is in their budget to waste invites. I already had to waste invites on family who I KNEW were not coming.
  7. YEP...I packed my bag it is right here...11:30....my IPOD is charged too...so no excuse...then I will come back and leave to go shopping lol lol
  8. Only way people will know is if you TELL…so I say go for it…it will be our secret since you told us lol lol
  9. I am going to TRY and go the gym…I want to be so lazy but I cant. I KNOW I will not be working out sat and sun so I need to go today…
  10. pics will be available after 5/31...and they will not be posted publicly....i will let you know....our photog has a password protected viewing of our pics...so that will be kewl...
  11. i am heading to bootcamp in 3 hrs.....i completed the 12 day program and going for 12 more!
  12. I think it is up to you but personally I would not. If it was more a traditional wedding yes.
  13. .i was not even thinking about it. I was just going to go to target and get one of those pretty one and slap in there. I saw my photg does the story books but too expensive
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Ooh, Sherri - that site is awesome. Was it expensive to order items in bulk, or could you get a deal? I love that you can sort by fragrance for bath and body items. Do you mind telling me which items you selected? Have you received them yet? Were you happy with the product? Sometimes I feel like the items I order online will end up being disappointing because I can't see them in person first. I'm a nervous online buyer! Hawaii key chains Hawaii coffee mug Hawaii shot glasses Hawaii magnets Hawaii Notepad/pen Hawaii luggage tags it was not that expensive (for me) and I am still in my budget. I ordred for 15 bags. I was very happy with the products. It came VERY quickly. I mostly ordred the stuff that say "whtat happens in hawaii stays with you forever" i tried to keep in that theme but the coffee mugs were too expensive...i did buy me one lol i could have gotten the items cheaper if i would have shopped in hawaii but I will not have time to do anything extra so it is done. my cousin is ordering the pen/pad for the BS gift bags
  15. Just came from Gym..NO bootcamp tonight so I got in 50 min of cardio and all my children!
  16. i got all my oot bag items from here The Madden Corporation except the hawaiian coffee and macadamian (sp??) nuts
  17. my dress cames...SHOUT OUTS TO BESTBRIDALPRICES.COM! my dress came a month early! it is perfect..
  18. and I have lost as well...I signed up for April as well.....i am heading out now to bootcamp
  19. This was awesome! I am going to do it again at the end of this month...I lost 4 inches too......i just thought i was going to be like queen latifah and have to pee after they wrapped me...my skin was soft too and still is...
  20. we have been living together for 5 yrs...at first it was quite an adjustment b/c I am a stingy person and I am not accustom to sharing...he THOUGHT i was his momma and was suppose to clean up behind his ass...but we soon became sharing/clean people....it is an adjustment that you both will have to work on....if you talk about it and compromise it will be great..
  21. OMG I have been waiting to tell yall about these ceramic place card holders I am going back and forth b/c who is going to write the names (i cant write) Erasable Ceramic Place Cards for Weddings, Holiday Parties and Showers they are pricey but so cute...and I was going to get the Matching menu card BUT if i decide against it I will just get the seashell place card holder and make my own menu
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