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Everything posted by destinationbride07

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by weez OK you girls inspired me.....I started back at the gym today (giving myself a big pat on the back!!) then I totally ruined the whole thing by totally pigging out at supper! I ate sooo much! (slapping myself around the head!) Oh well baby steps right? lol! right baby steps at least you went to the gym yesterday that is good!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amyhmartin no i have not! I keep staring at my eliptical machine (which I placed smack in the middle of my bedroom) and I am soo lazy to get up and start. I NEED MOTIVATION! i am so tempted to buy an elliptical...but i got exercise tapes and a gym membership and a gym in my bldg...but i rather be in house so that i can watch tv
  3. WTG ANN and WTG Christine for starting WW.... I did 45 min on the elliptical yesterday...Todays goal: 25 min ellitptical and 25 min of stairs on my lunch then slim in 6 when i get home....I hope I can do this!
  4. No not yet but I will tonight....check in if you worked out or need MOTIVATION!
  5. Happy New Year! ok after much calling i found a few places that are going to carry MS Destination Line. The Line is new and most stores have not received them yet. A few stores said they should have them in 2 weeks and will call me. I will be calling them first....
  6. Hey Everyone...Update: I went dress shopping yesterday...and it was not a good day....the place i had the appt with DID NOT have the dresses i wanted after they told me they did...well the lady on the phone said they did...the lady i worked with was really helpful and she did have a similiar dress by davinci...looked good but I dont want that dress...she says she will call me when they do come in....so i went to 4 other places all over this dang on city and suburbs and tried on 1 other dress...YES 1 other....got home at 8pm..left at 10 am! Today I am calling some places who also have large selection of other dresses..but I am calling first b.c. they are in the western burbs and i dont want to make a trip that will not be worth it... I was frustrated yesterday but I am feeling better today...I am starting to get worried...I was so mad yesterday that I did not look at other dresses...probably wrong on my part.....today is a new day and I am going to take a diff approach to this.....
  7. wow this dress is only 40 bucks! J.Crew > women's sale medium > dresses > Halter embossed beach dress
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by VALERIE Sorry! Let's try this again! Here is what mine ended up looking like! I like these invites...kewl!
  9. BTW I definitely would not pay cousin's pass. I have a relative like that and I usually tell her to KMA! We then hug and move on lol
  10. If they choose to stay off the resort, then I would not pay the money. Nice if you to do that but you dont have to.
  11. lol lol....well he is not going after all...his grandma is going to watch him...he is teething so he is not in a good mood i hate to see babies cry
  12. Ok girls I did not go Friday....I am going this friday...my cousin did not have a sitter and we had no car seat...but we are going friday with baby in tow...i trust his 7 month old opinion lol lol
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by akh you can't just say that and not share! doesn't sound like a great story - so sorry. share when you're ready! well not a great story but an interesting one...i will share someday.....
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaV DITTO...DITTO...DITTO.. ..about holding it against my friends who are not going to be able to attend the wedding functions (like my bachelorette party), when I said I wasn't going to care. Whats up with that? Why am I so pissed? I must be PMSing. KarlaV boy do i have a story to tell you guys...i am not ready to even talk about my friends...well ex friends...that is all i will say...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by NATASHA I was going to wear the dress bustled - I liked it that way. My bridesmaids wouldn't hear of it so I left it down until right after the ceremony. I can't stress this enough - I highly recommend hemming at barefoot. I didn't - it was hard to walk. I kept stepping on my dress when I was walking with my dad (one hand had the flowers and the other had his arm so I couldn't move my dress out of the way) UGH! Anyway - don't worry about it getting dirty. It will - no worries - you won't notice it until you get back to the room. Here's my shoe trick: I wore these: I wore them all the way down the cement path until we got to the sand then I kicked them off (I made sure they were really easy to kick off) and didn't put them back on until we were ready to eat and dance. Side note - I had to do this because I am allergic to bees and the cement path that led to the beach was lined with flowers. Just introducing a bit of practicality that you might not normally consider, but there are bees around Cabo. I didn't see them on the beach, but they are around the pools (they like the sweet drinks) and flowers. I love those shoes!
  16. Sarah I had to come back and look at that again wow you gals are so talented and creative!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by andreslove Attached are pictures of my invites. We put them in clear mailers. The pictures don't do the invite justice, but hopefully you'll be able to get the idea. I could not open the file
  18. WOW So gorgeous! Looks very professional...so you taking on any more jobs?? just kidding lol lol looks great though!
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