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Everything posted by jpkw

  1. welcome & congrats!! you have come to the right place - this forum has helped me plan my entire wedding!
  2. Can you PM me his info? I definitely want to contact him and ask about rentals. thanks!
  3. For those of you that are using Gerbers - how much are you quoted on your bouquet? Maye quoted me $95 for my bouquet and $55 for each bridesmaid. Individual flowers for the cake are $5. This seems like a lot! How much are the rest of you spending on gerbers?? Here's one more pic:
  4. Welcome - glad to have you join us!! There is a ton of great information here!!!
  5. Peter Hatton is the father of Jennifer Hatton who makes cakes in Cabo! Jennifer is Canadian and lives down in Cabo and makes amazing cakes!!! I went to her house and tried them when I was down there. She suggested her father for photography but we had already booked Juan. Juan's wife is good friends with Jennifer (& Juan talked to us about how delicious her cakes are), so I think everyone somehow knows everyone down there!! I haven't seen Peter's work but I'm sure he's good!
  6. christa - this was such a great post!! very heartfelt and true! thank you so much for writing this for all of us and giving us the reminder to keep things in perspective and remember the real reason behind the event!!! your wedding sounds absolutely amazing and i'm so happy for you and rafael! it's so easy to get caught up in the little details and stress out about the planning so it's nice to have this reminder about what is really important!! congratulations again to you - hope you are loving married life!
  7. I'm just doing simple gerber daisies as bouquets - but Maye quoted me $95 for my bouquet and $55 for each bridesmaid (I have 5 bms!). Individual gerber daisy flowers for the cake are $5 each (they are recommending I get 12). Seems really expensive to me!!! Gerbers should not be $5 each!! And she suggested 8 dozen bags of petals for the aisle and flower girls. I keep putting off the flower effort and might end up paying to eliminate extra stress, but I need to price around....!!! I'll let you know if I find anything great.
  8. No - Mariana just said she had them (table numbers) and I could use them. She didn't mention a cost.
  9. Your coordinator or wedding location might already have these. I know Dreams Los Cabos has them & I'm just going to use theirs.
  10. Christine - these pictures are AMAZING!!! You look so good!!!!!!! FI is going to die! Does he have any idea you did this? So excited for you! I've GOT to schedule one!! Do any LA girls want to plan one & I can try again...? I'm in Hermosa.
  11. I will have a LOT of kids at my wedding (I have 15 nieces & nephews). Dreams is charging us half price - $10 for reception & $11 for ceremony/cocktail hr. I'm leaving it up to my sisters / brothers in terms of which events they want to include their kids & which kids get a seat at the table. I think the young ones will not come to the rehearsal dinner (at Portofino) but all will come to the wedding. We most likely won't have seats for those age 3 & under since they will be lap kids or will be running around so much and won't sit during the entire meal. I have to ask Mariana about including kid meals - good idea! There are some cute coloring books / activity books on this link (so sorry, I can't remember who posted this but it's a great resource - Wedding Planning ) I also just bought some plastic shovels & sand toys that I am putting in the OOT bags for those bringing kids. I found them for $1-2 each at Michaels - really cute too!!
  12. Congrats Glenda!!! You are a perfect choice!! Everyone adores you on this forum! In fact, I was just about to send you a PM to tell you how much I love love love my pashminas! They arrived yesterday, that box was HUGE - how did you lug all of those around NY?? You are the best! thank you!
  13. Melissa - that picture is GREAT!!! I LOVE your smile!!! All of your pictures are gorgeous! Your wedding looks amazing and you look beautiful! Congratulations!!!
  14. yay! when do you have your first fitting? post some pics!! you are so early! i'm still waiting for mine to come in...probably 2-3 more weeks. let us know how yours looks!
  15. Congratulations Natasha!!! Everything looked so beautiful and you look so very happy!
  16. Post some pics!!! We want to see how it turned out! I just ordered from the same site that Ann used - OccanseyDesigns.com - Custom Wedding Veils The owner (Kathy) was so very helpful over email. I sent her a picture of the veil I wanted and she suggested the closest match. Then when I ordered I didn't indicate the same cut as my picture and she emailed me back to confirm my order. I'll post a pic when I get it. I'm excited! It was $60 (vs the $395 I was tempted to spend...)
  17. REally cute!!! I might order for my flower girls! I just sent them an email asking about prices & ordering. I'll let you know what I hear back.
  18. Kate - this is the funniest thing! I'm glad you got it - it will be a great touch for your wedding and even better since Brett is so excited! I can't believe he made you race to buy them so they didn't sell out! Jilly - did you buy yours?
  19. christine (& leigh) - sorry to be non-responsive this week. i have been caught in a work crisis and of course a million meetings are scheduled for monday which i am desperately trying to get out of. I'm supposed to be SICK & do the BD session on Monday, don't they get it i'm in the process of scheduling my work stuff and going to see if i can still head down to SD (from LA) on monday for the session. Leigh - I'll PM you with my phone # & we can coordinate this weekend! I really hope to be there on monday....!!!!! Christine - are you all ready? do you have your outfits picked out
  20. christine (& leigh) - sorry to be non-responsive this week. i have been caught in a work crisis and of course a million meetings are scheduled for monday which i am desperately trying to get out of. I'm supposed to be SICK & do the BD session on Monday, don't they get it i'm in the process of scheduling my work stuff and going to see if i can still head down to SD (from LA) on monday for the session. Leigh - I'll PM you with my phone # & we can coordinate this weekend! I really hope to be there on monday....!!!!! Christine - are you all ready? do you have your outfits picked out
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