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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. I didn't actually I didn't like the translation (guarden la fecha), that's why I didn't use the term. Actually STD's are not common here in Mexico, I call them 'Pre-invitaciones'. 'separa esta fecha' that's another translation I can think of..
  2. yes amy, here's one image of my STD's I'm about to add some more flight options but they don't have too much words, just info for reservations.. though if you need help I'll gladly translate for you.. sorry the bottom is rottated 'cause that's the way I'm printing them
  3. I thought it was my FI LOL... he loves salsa
  4. Of course I've heard that!! but here they say she took them out.. I don't think that's possible, everyone would do that...
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by amyhmartin Off topic, but anny, you and your hubby-to-be remind me of Thalia and her husband! You make a great couple! thanx amy!! I wish I had her waist hehehehe
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amyhmartin does anyone ever work? I get home and log on to reach everythread and someone has managed to find the dress that SJP wore on an episode of SITC!! Wow! By the way.. the dress is beautiful. I'm on vacations hehe (but even if I weren't, normally I don't have much to do at work) and the dress designer is Badgley Mischka
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by akh I have to say ... couple #3's story made me cry! I know!! me too
  8. welcome!! and congratulations!! just a few days and you'll be a mrs.!!
  9. Thanx Andrea, do you know the packages prices??
  10. I'm having trouble finding something old and borrowed.. New: will be my dress, my shoes.. Blue: the garter will have a blue swarovsky crystal..
  11. don't worry about reactions, you'll have all kinds.. good and bad, but at the end, only those who REALLY want to be in your wedding are going to be.. good luck, and tell us what location you decide.. I'm getting married in Cancun and I am from Mexico, tell me if I can help you
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Most of my friends don't even have boyfriends, they live vicariously through me, so they are begging to help. How lucky am I? -Glenda SUPER LUCKY, I think the only friend who'll help me is the married one..
  13. welcome, I'm getting married in Cancun, I hope I can help you.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Ana, you and your fiance are such a good looking couple!! Love the website especially since I can understand it. -Glenda Thanx Glenda!! you speak spanish??
  15. I decided I won't workout or diet till february, my nutriologist is going to kill me when she weights me but I'm enjoying my vacations and next week I'll go back to work and have a LOT to do..
  16. Welcome!! congratulations!!! I have this binder and I just gave one to my newly engaged cousin and she loved it!! I got it at barnes & noble, here's the link Barnes*&*Noble.com - Books: The Bride's Essential Wedding Planner, by Amy Nebens, Paperback
  17. I juts found out I won the lottery a month ago!!! lol!!
  18. thanks jenneta!! please tell me how it turns out!! I had a bunch of monograms made by a knottie who does that for free.. she's great!
  19. those are great!! are you printing the stickers yourself? what kind of paper are you using?
  20. wow congratulations!!! your wedding is going to be beautiful!!!
  21. Welcome!! I'm also getting married in Cancun!!
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