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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Here's my package for fiesta americana condesa (I couldn't find the files, I think I have them printed) Ceremony 449 Gazebo flowers 198 Audiovisual System550 DJ 6 hours 880 Dinner 50 per person Drinks (Non-alcoholic) 30 per person (Includes soft drinks and coffee, I'll bring the alcohol) Hope this helps!!
  2. here in Mexico you give money to the bride at bridal showers.. I know it sounds kinda tacky if you're not used to it but here is noraml.. I got $500 in my first shower
  3. I'm beeing my own WC.. the hotel's "WC" is trying to charge me $1,000 for everything I ask her.. so I'm doing research on my own..
  4. ooops I didn't check it was the cabo forum.. sorry.. the resort is Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun
  5. I just posted it in another thread, I'll repeat it here: Apetizer: Ceviche de camaron (shrimp ceviche?) Main: Lobster and Sirloin with mashed potatoes and asparragus Dessert: Apple with something inside or fruit cheese cake
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride2be How much does the Royal Porto Real cost per night? My Fi and I are thinking of honeymooning there but we don't want to spend much more then $2500. We were hoping for a 6 night honeymoon. Is it possible?? I can't beleive it!! I could have sworn I wrote that!!! That's exactly what I'm doing.. Tammy gave me a great price, just around $2500 for 6 nights ocean view.. ocean front is a bit more expensive..
  7. I'm just suggesting the hotel where I will host the reception but my guest are free to stay wherever they want.. The ceremony will be in the church so I'll provide transportation Hotel-church church-hotel, but just the reception's hotel..
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by coope08 Anny, Do you have more information on the Fiesta Americana? I am interested in looking into their package prices but can not find any information on their website. Thanks! Courtney sure courtney, I'll post it here just let me find it.. or send me a private msg with your e-mail and I can e-mail it to you
  9. Thanx you guys!! We're going to have the reception at the hotel's pool area.. they're going to be tables with normal chairs.. and there is were we're going to have dinner.. then after dinner I want to move young people to the beach that's were the lounge furniture will be.. I think the adults will be more confortable in the tables and with no sand in their shoes hehehe
  10. This is why I chose Fiesta Americana, the food was delicious: Entree Main dish Dessert or this:
  11. welcome miss velveteen!!! how many guests do you have??
  12. My wedding will be at 4:00 PM in the church and then 5:30 legal wedding at the beach, then the pictures and then the party at the hotel's pool area.. rain would deffinetly spoil it!! specially the pictures..
  13. If I were american I'd definietly marry in US, actually I was thinking of having my legal wedding in my hometown 'cause it'd be cheaper but since I'm not having a beach ceremony I think I'll have my legal wedding at the beach..
  14. a trio playing mexican songs? YouTube - Trio Madrigal "Odiame" I confes I didn't hear it 'cause I don't have sound enabled at work.. but maybe that gives you an idea..
  15. That'd be great to have the money to host receptions everywhere so your guest could be with you wherever they want
  16. Glenda you'll love to be married everywhere!!! hehehehe
  17. Here's a great map (definitly adding it to my webpage) Marriot is near the Melia and the Cancun Palace (both all-inclusive)
  18. Thanx!!!! I keep telling my FI he should put me in a wed-planning planning business!!!!! it makes me soooo happy.. I would gladly help in anything you need Glenda!!
  19. I know.. if suddenly less than 200 guest go, I'll have extra money
  20. I'm a little late in this thread but we also have a big big guest list.. 350 total.. but I have special marks for those who, I think, are actually going.. and those who I know won't be able to go.. and as tey've mentioned around the year they will be people who unfortunately won't be able to make it because things come up unexpectedly.. I reserved my reception and am making payments for 100 people but I'm having my FI save on an investment account the rest (as it would be for 200). That way we're covered..
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