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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER rofl Anny. I wanted to say the same thing, but I thought- Anny's on here, I better not make any comments about late Mexicans- but you did it for me! lol don't worry!! I know it's true!!! LOL..
  2. In mexico we're known for unpunctuality so I'd put 5 o' clock hahahahaha Though, if you're going to provide transportation you should put the exact timing.. (15-20 mins before for mexicans)
  3. We have a visa issued by the united states.. to get it you have to pay, then get an appointment, and then show them that you work and earn money (so they don't think you want to cross to get a job there).. And it's not a dumb question, if you don't live in borders you don't know.. in fact last year we did a road trip to miami and a police officer stopped us in the road and he told my FI, why has this car crossed 150 times to the united states?? like it was a big deal hahaha it was only 150 'cause the car was relatively new.. he then understood that it was so normal 'cause sometimes it takes only minutes to cross..
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by NATASHA Check out the little flowers with the candles in front of the pool. What do you think of something like that? This is my dad and MIL, btw. I like that!!! I have to buy tons of votive candles.. the pool is really big at the FA and I want candles everywhere.. I definitely need to go on a 2nd site visit... damn.. Thanks girls!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira The one I posted at top also just sends you a check - no referral agents or anything either. The girl I now sit with used this sight and it worked out great - she said they loved it! Tammy, I'll check out the ones Traveler's Joy too! Anny, where is Mexico do you live? I adore Mexico - I don't know how you stay so think though - the food is so amazing! I live in the border with Texas,.. I'm trying to avoid tacos to loose weight for my wedding hehehehe, thank God I can cross the border whenever I want and go to wal-mart to buy my fat free products hahahaha
  6. Welcome casey, I'm getting married in cancun and then going for my honeymoon to Playa del Carmen.. let me know if I can help!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull By the way, I picked up my dress today and I totally forgot my camera, so I have to wait till FI leaves and I will figure out how to take some pics of it for you all not fair christine!!! kick him out of the room hahahahaha
  8. Glenda you make me laugh a lot!! and I agree with Ann, I want to put a face to your name.. It's like "meeting" you hehehe
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride This may be a stupid question but what is a petticoat? It sounds like a peacoat to me. LOL. I am not a big lingerie person so I have no clue what that is. -Glenda It's a thing you use under the dress' skirt to make it look puffier
  10. I know... I really don't know what to do.. I mean the palm leaf bags will look great for decoration and stuff, but these really could be used around the pool and the beach.. by the way I think I already posted these before but from oriental trading.. these are just cents cheapper but when you're buying 100 it is something heheheh I need to keep looking for bargains..
  11. an addition to cheap things for OOTs: Flip flop keychain: $0.20 each if you order more than 36
  12. I swear it's not me, I blame it on the 9 bridal magazines I bought last week, that and google.. LOL Well I'm going to buy flip flop cards, flip flop notebooks, flip flop candles and maybe flip flop keychains ($0.20 if you buy more than 36 ) so this bags would be perfect.. but the palm leaf bags with aqua and red ribbon would look classier.. I don't know what to dooooooooo
  13. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I can't beleive how someone could be such a bitch!!!
  14. Found more cheap bags: https://www.centurynovelty.com/detail_278_146-093.html $1.00 if you order more than 36.. I don't know what to do!!!!
  15. I agree with you, it's so annoying and unfair that they don't let people get married anywhere they want.. for example when I called the marriot they told me they still had to buy some stuff the priest asked to perform weddings.. but why can't you just rent all the stuff they need and put it on the beach!!! It just obstacles and more obstacles as if they didn't want people to get married..
  16. LOL I think living in a mansion in Acapulco or any beach would be faboulous!!! hahahaha But unfortunately I live in a small city, that has bad streets and no fun places to go to.. Plus real state sucks here.. houses are really expensive!! (compared to the border here, not compared with New York LOL) I think Mexico has lot of beautiful places and is fun in many ways, but I'd preffer being american.. or at least to be able to live in the US..
  17. There's a very similar registry here in mexico, but not just for the honeymoon.. They give you a list of household items and an average cost for it and your guests for example choose a TV that costs $200 and that's what you get in a personal bank account (They just tell you to use certain bank).. and they charge 7%, so you can use your money whenever you want.. even before the wedding
  18. You're so right Sarah! I do have time to go to the gym but I confess I'm really lazy hahaha, but even going 2 or 3 times a week really makes a difference! Glenda I know it's hard but maybe you can work out on weekends, or if 1 or 2 days a week you end work early you can go those days.. I hate excersing but it works like magic.. Right now I feel I really have to go.. but I haven't 'cause I've been busy at work (getting home at 10 or 11 almost every day) and this forum keeps me busier
  19. My dress maker is also going to sew the cups in the dress but since I'm an A cup I think I'll need some "help" there hehehehe
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Amy your using Dazzling Details as your WC? Anny I am doing a symbolic wedding in Mexico and getting legally as well religiously married in the church in NY. -Glenda Is your real wedding going to be before or after that?
  21. Thanx a lot natasha!! that sheet really helps to get an Idea of what we really need, I had missed many things.. thanx a lot!! Do you by any chance have a picture of the floating flowers in the pool I want to have an idea of how much do I need to buy..
  22. Thanx Glen!! hey you should post some pics of you and your fiance!!
  23. He gave me the ring first and months after that he came to my house with his family (Traditionally his dad would ask for permission to my dad but his dad passed away a few years ago). So he asked my dad, in front of all our family and then we had dinner and drinks there in my house.. I think the tradition is he should ask my parents first but now they do it backwards, it's so sweet your FI asked your dad first..
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