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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyInMI Using Tasha's template, I threw these together this afternoon. I am not sure if I will use them or not yet and have no idea where to begin with envelopes... any ideas? Here are my envelopes, I made them in Adobe Illustrator
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 If anyone is looking for a lot of flip flops I just found this seller on ebay. eBay Store - BQ Bargains: FLIP FLOPS LADIES, FLIP FLOP GIRLS, FLIP FLOPS MEN Jilly those are greaaaaaaaaaat I'm so sad I didn't find them earlier!! I already have the old navy flip flops
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by host me too! i want it with some fresh fruit and eggs and melted cheese on top yummy
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by host we should all make it tomorrow morning! i've had it with eggs too...so yummy...it isn't tomatillo season so i will have to get the canned ones...hmmmmm deal! tommorrow I'll make them for breakfast
  5. Hi Brandi! Welcome! I can't help you with that but amy (amyhmartin) is getting married there..
  6. I know, they look cute!! but I'm still thinking about it 'cause the chairs with covers are included in the hotel package..
  7. I'm hungry!!!! let me see if I have the ingredients to make some..
  8. anaderoux


    Welcome Christine!! were are you getting married?
  9. This is an example of tiffany chairs, but they have them in white I like them 'cause they look fancy and don't need covers
  10. If anyone is interested in renting tiffany chairs, I found for $35 or $40 pesos each, (around 3 or 4 dlls) Also chair bows for $5 pesos (around 50 cents each.)
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER Anny, I am officially banning you from posting any more good ideas for my OOT bags- are you planning to loan me the money to buy all this stuff? lol LOL hahahahahahaha Maybe if we could just collect the stuff after the wedding and pass it to the next bride hahahahahaha
  12. Kash I'm going for non-AI but I'll bring the alcohol from here, they charge me 20 dlls per person for the sodas and mixers..
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Hummingbird ROFLOL! (That announcer guy with the deep voice): "In the cutthroat world of New York weddings, will Amy get her dress before Tammy shreds it? Will Bianca book her florist before Tina snatches it away? Find out Wednesday on ABC, 8/7 Central!" Ok, I really need to get a life. I want that show!!!!
  14. I'm really bad at cooking but here I found another.. Astray Recipes: Chilaquiles en salsa verde I wouldn't use the jalapeño on your recipe.. and I don't like cilantro so I wound't use it either hehehe nor onion.. yuck I hate it ... I always take out stuff I don't like from recipes hahahaha I don't care if some flavor is lost..
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by host if you have a chilaquiles in green sauce recipe, please post in this thread. Isn't it the same recipe for the chilaquiles in green sauce? the green sauce is made of green tomatoes..
  16. I'm bad at this but I just want to say congratulations!!! your wedding is so close now!!! and the card is a great idea!! I bet he'll love it!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL I sure hope so since my fiances family are all Mexicans! don't worry you'll have them there!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 Hey Anny what if you changed "security" to "safety"? I just translated for you, I'm actually writing them in spanish but thanks for the correction
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL On our invitation I put the actual ceremony start time. I plan to give everybody a welcome letter that will ask them to arrive at the hotel 30 minutes early to enjoy a welcome cocktail...I figure that will be a nice bribe That's a great tip!!! I guess we mexicans can be on time for some drinks
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Thanks for explaining! I've been wondering that for a long time! The closest border to me is 2 hours away and that's the Tijuana border - which is CRAZY BUSY! I read that it's the busiest border crossing int he world - I don't know if that's true or not but I know no one's passing through in one minute! It's more like 1.5 hours! Border towns (on both sides) are such interesting places. i read this great book called "Borderlands" once which was talking all about how cultures mix along the borders and create their own new, distinct culture... anyway can I say ! hee hee hee... Anyway thanks for clearing that up for me! Not everyday you can cross in minutes.. sometimes it's a PITA, but it's good to know it's close hehehe..
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