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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Ana Deroux Makes them She did my invites and they were awesome. Thanks for the comments Ashley, here are some pics of the ones I make. They're printed on metallic cardstock. contact me for pricing information at [email protected]
  2. I would stuff the envelope in another envelope to protect the calligraphy. The post office is definitely mess them all up. Maybe vellum envelopes would work fine because they would cover the envelope and you will still see trough it.
  3. Here is a new hair flower clip my sister made: Etsy :: JustByMe :: ANNY Flower Clip
  4. She just changed her shop name to Etsy :: JustByMe :: JustByMe I updated the first post
  5. I think it's better to use a fake flower, my sister makes them too, here is here etsy shop and blog: Feather Headbands Etsy :: JustByMe :: JustByMe
  6. Fish= pescado Entree = Platillo principal or Plato fuerte. Vegetable lasagna = Lasaña vegetariana Bon apetit = Buen provecho
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