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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lambert13 The first Sunday in July this year is July 1, 2007. Just wanted to make sure that was what you meant so that everyone has the right date. I freaked out because we have plans for the night of the 6th which would be ruined if that was the no alcohol day. Yeah but they're asking for 2008
  2. Ok I just asked a guy who's very active in politics and he told me federal elections are going to be the first sunday in July, which means they're on July 6th.. so don't worry girls!!
  3. I'm here!! let me check 'cause last year elections were on July 2nd.. let me ask.. hold on.. and don't freak out.. it's Mexico.. you can come away with it even if there's a Ley Seca..
  4. OMG I can't believe this.. any news mellissa?
  5. 2 or 3 cups of coffee, with skim milk.. no sugar.. yummy
  6. Oops I already ordered the disposable cameras.... has anyone got good results from them?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizzy Anny, you are so amazing! BEAUTIFUL work. I think when you decide to sell handmade items you are supposed to triple your cost and then figure what your time is worth, add them together, and you have an amount to charge. You are always so generous in taking the time to show us your photos along with instructions on the how to's. You are a real asset to the forum and I vote you for Queen For the Day! Do I hear any yeahs? Lizzy Thanx girs!! you're so sweet!! I'm so glad you liked them!! I finished yesterday I'm super super tired!!!
  8. That's a greaat idea tasha!!! and I have buganvillias at home!!!
  9. $40 per dozen is CRAZY!!! I'm getting roses for my bridal shower at $120 pesos ($12) for 2 dozens.. It would be hard to send them to you from here right? or is it possible?
  10. I like Tres Leches cake but I don't know why she said that it's the typical cake served at weddings in Mexico, I've never had Tres Leches cake at a wedding..
  11. Nicole here is the picture of the samples I got, I ordered red and burgundy:
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyInMI Thanks Anny!! How did you feel her prices were? She's charging me $50 for each centerpiece and $50 my bouquet
  13. Welcome Tina! We live kinda close.. I live in the border with Hidalgo/Mcallen Texas.. let me know if I can help, I'm getting married in Cancun
  14. I have a slightly different opinion, but maybe because here in Mexico we don't expect thank you cards for gifts.. I think that sending her the thank you card would just remind her all the drama when maybe she's working on forgetting about it.. That would be my only concern..
  15. Do you want to order the freeze dried or the silk ones?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by NHPT a bride from the old forum (MRSMAIZE, i think thats right) used these: Silk Rose Petals & Freeze Dried Rose Petals - Petal Garden and i cant decide what i think about them- do you guys think they would look totally fake? has anyone used them? I ordered a sample and they don't look fake, they're real petals, I can take a pic tommorrow
  17. Beautiful pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx a lot for posting Melissa!!! and congratulations!!!!!!!!! you're a married woman now!!!!!!!
  18. My answers in magenta.. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Okay Anny for those of us that are DIY challenged I have the following questions (sorry if the answers are obvious) 1. Where in the world do you get one of those embossing contraptions? I know they take time to make but is it hard to do or could someone like me emboss paterns onto cardstock? I got it at office depot here in Mexico but I'm sure they sell it at hobby lobby or michael's and yeah anyone could do it.. I've taught my mom so she could help me hahahaha 2. Where did you get the template? The envelope template? I unfolded an envelope, scanned it and then drew it in Adobe Illustrator and the resized it 3. Can you tell me exactly what font style and size you used for each lettering? The 2 fonts I used were Scriptina which is the calligraphy font and Taffy is the other.. The size was different for each envelope, depending on each name's length, the inside card font size was like 11 I think.. 4. Did the cardstock you used for the envelope come with that pattern? It isn't cardstock, it's decorative paper which is as thin as regular printer paper and yes it came with that pattern.. I scanned it to print the vellum with the same pattern but I changed the color in photoshop Yeah I think that's it for now. LOL. -Glenda
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by NHPT i love those!!! you should go into business because i know people would pay good money for invites that cool- way to go! All my friends have said the same thing but I really wouldn't know how much to charge.. they're really a PITA.. how much would you pay for those?
  20. Ok then the assembly: I placed the envelope on the top and attached it with double sided tape (that way when the take it off they can use the tape to seal the envelope..) I printed stickers in label sheets so they know it's an envelope here's the double sided tape I used: The vellum was also atached with double sided tape: and here's the finished product again: I'm still working on the embossing so you won't see much of me today
  21. As promissed here they are step by step: First I cut the green cardstock paper (letter size) in half and folded it: Then I embossed it using this thingy: The red card inside I printed it in red paper 4 cards in each sheet.. The envelopes: I printed the template in the back of the sheet, Then the name in front.. 3 envelopes fit in each sheet (the sheet is bigger than letter size.. in fact I had to cut a side to fit in the printer) Then cut it, then fold it, then glue the sides: Vellum: I printed 5 lines in each letter size vellum sheet then cut them:
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