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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Anny how many guests did you say you are basing your budget on? And what budget did your FI give you to work with? Or are you just asking him for as much money as you need as you go along? (Sorry if I'm being rude for asking, but I'm spanish and we are nosy. LOL.) -Glenda LOL Glenda I just realized I never answer this hahahahaha I guess by now you already know my wedding details but anyway, I'm planning my wedding for 200 guests but we have more than 500 invited.. My initial budget was $20K but now we've passes $40K already... of course my FI doesn't know that hahahaha I'm just asking him for the money.. we have $15K saved and my dad is giving us $12K so I think that would cover what's left to pay..
  2. I hate you!! in just 10 minutes I have 200 in my shopping cart..
  3. I just read something and it's true.. it's soft but it doesn't wear away.. I don't understand hahahah
  4. I'm glad you ordered the burgundy petals Tammy.. I love how olive and red look together
  5. OMG good for me I don't live in NY.. I'd be broke by know.. Normally I give $100 gifts.. but if the wedding is too classy I give a $200-$300 gift.. (per couple) Keep in mind FI and I work in politics and sometimes we have compromises with high range people.. that's when we give a more expensive gift.. but the average is $100
  6. It's really hard to pick one of all the girls around here.. we all love to help each other but I don't know if Glenda ever got the MOTM title.. I think just because of getting the pashminas for all the girls she deserves it.. I didn't even asked for the pashminas but I think it was really sweet of you, getting into that much trouble for girls you don't even know.. you're so sweet!!
  7. I think it's only in spanish, but click in "FLORES" then click each kind of flower and you can click the arrows to see different kinds of flowers..
  8. Of course I'm interested but I agree with Glenda.. it's better to PM I know she'll read it hahahahaha
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by laura b I don't know what your ring is made of, but mine's platinum and I've been warned that I might lose stones because platinum is soft. I'm no expert but I thought platinum was WAY stronger than gold.. I'm almost sure that's why it's more expensive...
  10. Amy how cool they have those chairs!! they look so modern and cool!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride hmmm - personally I wouldn't wear a wedding dress I bought for a marriage to another man, even if the wedding didn't happen. That (to me) would be like Aaron giving me an engagement ring he bought for a previous girlfriend. Ditto.. that's exactly what I think.
  12. First things I bought were magazines.. then the shell for my rings..
  13. Welcome Nicole! I'm getting married in Cancun, let me know if I can help!
  14. I didn't give my mom and MIL a present for my shower but my friends are hosting another shower for me and I'm planning to give them a brooch to use with the dress their using in my wedding..
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Anny, I cannot tell if you are trying to have a honeymoon baby... or not! Just kidding! I'd love a honeymoon baby but I have to take BC to change my cycle or el I'd get my period a day before my wedding I'm super regular and I'd have it on July 6th so I have to do something.. I will stop taking BC after the wedding so I hope I get preggo soon
  16. COngratulations Mishi!!! I hope you're having a great time!!! come back soon, you know how we need pictures to survive!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by EDYTA Wow very beautiful, u look gorgeous....where did u have the bridal shower it looks awesome? it's a hotel here in Reynosa (the city where I live)... I've always loved that fountain
  18. I'm so jealous!!!!!! you're going to have a GREAT time!!!!!!!
  19. This is stressful.. let's see: Finish fan decorations.. Decorate OOT Print tags for favor boxes (if I buy them), OOTs, fans, flip flops, parasols.. Decorate torches. Send stuff to cancun. Buy liquor. My Dress (the guy hasn't even started.. yes I'm freaking out) My shoes (I'm having them custom made and the girl is starting in may) Have my highlights done (a week before leaving) Buy toasting flutes and knife for the cake.. Order rings. Not wedding related but I have to start taking vitamins for when I get pregnant.. Go to the gyn to have BC prescription. Ok that's all I can remember
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak So sad--- I saw the pack of Marlboro's on the table in this photo and man, I'm jonesing!!! LOL I confess I did smoke like 10 cigarettes that day...
  21. Glenda almost everyone said something great about the invitations.. some of my guests asked if I can make stuff for them but I can't commit with anyone before my wedding.. The guy isn't a proffessional photographer.. we didn't have a photographer planned for that day and my FI told me I needed one, so he called a guy who used to work for a local newspaper.... next time I'll hire someone better.. I promisse!!
  22. Thanks girls!! I will really consider it after my wedding.. I definetly love weddings hehehe I had 65 guests in my shower and everyone gives around $30 dlls but sometimes more.. I invited more people.. some of them didn't go but some sent the money anyway.. It's great isn't it??
  23. Thanks for the comments girls!! I got the favor boxes from efavormart.com: Chinese Take out-1 Pint-50/pk They were really cheap and arrived very fast.. I also ordered the cameras for my wedding there.. About the candles that didn't arrive I cancelled the order before they shipped so I don't have to worry about selling them.. My mom's and my dress matching wasn't 100% planned but she bought 2 outfits and I told her to use this one 'cause it matched my dress hahahaha We did have a photographer but I didn't like his work.. If my FI would have been there he would have taken much more and much better pics .. he only took like 50 pics..
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