Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw que maravilla! a mi me encanta tu pagina! i love love love it! i am bookmarking your site so that the next time i need something i can order it from you especially because i am going to need sobresitos soon for some baby showers/baptisms in mexico! i must say also that your prices are AMAZING compared to all of the invitation shops that we visited in mexico city when we picked our invitations. we got a good deal on ours based on what we wanted, which was a super traditional white invitation on special linen paper, engraved navy lettering and our enclosures. my FMIL took us to one of the most upscale shops in the city, and i think for mexico prices we spent a little more than was necessary if we had just shopped around a little. however, we still got a much better deal on them than had we bought the identical thing in the US, it wouldve cost us like $700 more. i am honestly kind of bummed out that we already ordered our invites to send for mexico, or else i would have you do them! Thanks for the comments Maura!!! Yeah the "sobresitos" are a HUGE hit here!! everyone has them for baby showers, bridal showers and wedding gifts where they ask for money..
And yeah the prices here in Mexico are way lower than in US, and it's weird 'cause I buy all my supplies in USA...