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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Anny!!! OMG!! I love those invites, they're amazing! They're absolutely OUTSTANDING - your business is going to skyrocket with amazing invitations like these. And I love your website, even though I can't understand a single lick of spanish! hahahahahaha that's why I didn't post it before, I promise I'll translate it soon!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Ana - I am checking out your site now (can't read spanish, but looking at pics) and I love so many of them! You did a great joba nd I am alos going to bookmark your site. Once you are up and running, will you take US orders? Yeah, I do take orders, the thing is I haven't finished the website in spanish and haven't started the english version yet.. but I promise I will do it soon.. meanwhile I do take orders if anyone needs something
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw que maravilla! a mi me encanta tu pagina! i love love love it! i am bookmarking your site so that the next time i need something i can order it from you especially because i am going to need sobresitos soon for some baby showers/baptisms in mexico! i must say also that your prices are AMAZING compared to all of the invitation shops that we visited in mexico city when we picked our invitations. we got a good deal on ours based on what we wanted, which was a super traditional white invitation on special linen paper, engraved navy lettering and our enclosures. my FMIL took us to one of the most upscale shops in the city, and i think for mexico prices we spent a little more than was necessary if we had just shopped around a little. however, we still got a much better deal on them than had we bought the identical thing in the US, it wouldve cost us like $700 more. i am honestly kind of bummed out that we already ordered our invites to send for mexico, or else i would have you do them! Thanks for the comments Maura!!! Yeah the "sobresitos" are a HUGE hit here!! everyone has them for baby showers, bridal showers and wedding gifts where they ask for money.. And yeah the prices here in Mexico are way lower than in US, and it's weird 'cause I buy all my supplies in USA...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by mdw2dtw Very cute. Did you buy the folded card already pressed with the design or did you do that yourself? Love the colors. I made it myself..
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Wow! I am so impressed. If I were making invites (especially as pretty as those) only about 4 people would be invited! LOL hahahahah and I have to make 100 of these..
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw anny, those are absolutely beautiful! do you have a website for your invitation business yet? Yeah but I haven't finished it, that's why I haven't posted officially as a vendor.. right now is in spanish but there are some pictures there: Ana de Roux - Invitaciones, Sobresitos, Recuerditos, etc.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa the green thing on the front with the guests names? that is so cute. i love them!! you did an amazing job!!! Yeah it's an envelope with each guest's name on it.. Thanx for the comments girls!! these are keeping me busy hehehe
  8. Yeah my mom is trowing the shower and I made the invitations.. here in Mexico the shower gift is money, so that green thing is an envelope..
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I know what you mean and I keep trying to tell my FI that, but he doesn't know much about computers since he doesn't work on one for 40+ hours a week like i do! I know, there are some people that just don't see the difference..
  10. Re: laser vs ink jet, laser's quality is way better, the colors look smooth on a laser, not grainy.. I don't know if I'm explaining well...
  11. I got my parasols from asianideas too.. they're great.
  12. I haven't read all the posts but I have to say WOW Glenda, I know nothing about any of the candidates (except for Hillary) and now I really feel I know something about Obama.. it's great to know some people really make decisions based on real information..
  13. I had someone give them to my guests.. I didn't buy enough but the sun was horrible that day and the hotel had red and white regular umbrellas so they gave those to the guests and the parasols to my bridesmaids
  14. I asked some of my friends and they loved the playing cards, bottled water and the note pad.. I also put kleenex in there.. ($1 for 6 packs from dollar tree) and one of my friends was crying trough all the ceremony and first dance and used all of my friends' kleenex jhahahah
  15. Awww poor thing.. I hate driving while pregnant.. well I've always hated driving but being pregnant makes it worse..
  16. Paula Felicidades!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to see your pics!!!
  17. Sarah you're the best on this.. your albums are sooo professional!! I'm so glad you decided to start this as a business.
  18. Amy they look so cool!! I totally love them!!! I would only change the part in the spanish version were it says: "Si atenderemos", to "Si iremos" or "Si los acompañaremos" or something like that.. I think "atender" is not frequently used..
  19. I think you can get the liquor at sam's or cotsco for a good price.. and you can buy OOT stuff at the Mercado 28, here are some directions, but you can see how to get there on almost every map there.. it's pretty popular Market 28 - Cancun Shopping - Market 28, shopping I also bought some stuff for the OOTs at sam's, like water, alka setzer, etc..
  20. Yeah I love her eyes too, they're really incredible.. my husband was in shock when he saw her, he didn't imagine I was getting him a puppy.. The funny thing is I was getting desperate cause I couldn't find a husky here that I got her online in a page just like ebay but here in mexico.. good thing is she came home healthy..
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Hi Anny----I haven't seen you in forever! How are things going? How's the pregnancy? Happy Holidays!! The puppy is beautiful!!!! How old is she? How did the older one react to the new puppy? Everything's going great thanx!! the baby is moving a lot now.. Helguix is 2 months old and Halston (the male) is 1 1/2 years old.. they've been playing a lot since she came home, I think he's happy to have her.. he only gets mad when she tries to eat his food hahaha we have to separate them at that time..
  22. Her name is Helguix, the original name was Helga but my husband liked Helguix better hehehe
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