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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Ok so I've noticed there are a TON of boarding pass STD's threads and decided to make a big thread with all the pictures and links to each separate thread.. PLEASE DON'T POST HERE **** I did not make all of these boarding passes, there is a link to each person's thread on each post, you can find information about who made them there ***** PM me if I'm missing someone! I'll start with my STDs: Anny's (anacgarcia) Boarding Pass Invitations - a set on Flickr http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3471
  2. Happy anniversary!!! I hope you have a wonderful day with your hubby and your girl!!
  3. Awwwwww she's soooo beautiful and her highlights are the best!! lucky girl!!
  4. Amy that tiki bar is so cool, and WOW you looked amazing, I love you dress
  5. Ann we need more pictures!! I'm so proud of your little girl! she's doing great. Robertito cries a lot before they take his blood but then when they;re taking it he's calm, he just hates people grabbing his arms and legs to keep him still hahahaha.. poor little babies!
  6. Martha my c/s was actually for the same kind of reason your friend is having one.. I'm not offended by people who disagree, don't worry, I know it's a touchy subject and some are against this. My Dr. tried to convince me to have my baby vaginally 'cause I was a good candidate and I was starting to dilate at 36 weeks, but I didn't want to try it..
  7. Aww Ann she's getting so cute!! I was thinking she should be dressed in pink when I saw her in the polka dot outfit, I'm so glad you did! hehehe Every little girl deserves some pink
  8. I had an elective c-section. Yeah just because I didn't want to deliver vaginally, have the risk of ripping my vagina and waiting till it was my time.. maybe some of you think that shouldn't be done, but it was my choice (and my dr.'s choice to agree) and that doesn't make me a bad mom. it's just a personal choice, I know things could have gone wrong, as they could've been in a vaginal delivery.. so it's just a matter of luck and a matter of being in good hands (choosing a great dr, good hospital, etc.. )
  9. Alyssa you look stunning in that dress! I don't know why I hadn't seen it before! I chose #1
  10. I got married there last year (just the ceremony) and everything was great, I didn't have the reception there 'cause I had already booked with FA Condesa, but the resort is gorgeous! here are some pics:
  11. Awwww Courtney everything was great but specially you!! you looked amazing!! congratulations!! I'm soo excited for you!
  12. Hi girls!!! thanks for the warm wishes!! here are some pics of my little boy!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by spammie76 thanks all all your posts ladies....im doing the whole catholic ceremony@ the marriott. I ask for an english speaking priest since i want some of my attendees to ready the bible readings...i hope it works out because it's all based on availability. Was it windy Anna? it wasn't windy at all 'cause it was July, but the sun was almost unbearable..
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I would understand the defensiveness of the EDR brides if Tammy actually was saying something negative or "talking smack" about EDR - but she's not! She's actually saying how great of a resort it is, just that their policies aren't fair and are actually hurting the resort. Even the EDR brides that have a problem with this thread agree with that! So I guess I"m confused by those that have a problem with this thread, and I wonder what they'd suggest instead. Ya know? I'm confused too, I don't know why the word boycott and the fact it is a sticky would make me feel hurt.. Tammy is doing this for the sake of future brides, not to talk bad about EDR.. I don't see how a boycott could hurt present brides..
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Anny - tomorrow is the big day. What are you doing today? Do you have everything packed and ready to go? Yeah I have everything ready since last week!! I can't wait!! today I'm just gonna relax, sleep, and drink lots of water, since that's what my dr said hehehe
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Congrats on the girl, Julie! Good luck on Sunday, Anny! I'll be thinking about you! Christine and Ann, your pictures are adorable...yours too, Anny! I was nauseus for a few weeks...like weeks 4-6, but never got sick. I wish I had, I know it's your body ridding itself of toxins. I am 10 weeks tomorrow....so far so good! I am still scared every time I go to the restroom that there will be blood. I need to stop obsessing! I have been wearing maternity clothes for about 3 weeks now...my reg. clothes still fit, but are very uncomfy. I think I look bigger in maternity clothes..must be the elastic waist. My boobs are bigger than normal, so sore and I am ALWAYS sleepy!!!! Thanks Martha!! I also started wearing maternity pants too early 'cause I couldn't button my old pants.. I wore the bella bands but they weren't as comfortable as the maternity pants..
  17. Christa that's great that you're finally moving!! and even better that your hubby is helping you with that!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx Is Helguix a Klee Kai no she's a Siberian Husky
  19. Well my update is that my baby will be born hopefully on Sunday!! I'm having an elective c-section and Sunday is my hubby's bday, he really wanted his baby to be born this day so we convinced the doctor to do it on Sunday! Here's a baby bump progression pic, but of course I'm much bigger now! here's a pic from his 4D ultrasound: and here's a pic of his room!
  20. I had a catholic ceremony in cancun, are you looking for a beach or a city?
  21. I know she was a cutie! now she's so big and fat hehehe
  22. Here are my babies: Helguix when she was little: and Helguix now: and he's Halston:
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