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Everything posted by anaderoux

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Yari- I hope he doesn't always talk like that. I'd have to have a bottle of wine a night to keep up. LOL LOL I agree!! hahaha I was like what?? but I'm glad to read an expert's opinion, I preffer splenda than sugar and I will continue taking it..
  2. I'm interested too Yari, I find this weird 'cause Splenda is supposed to be the best artificial sweetener, you can even take it while pregnant..
  3. Ann I'm so happy for you!! The journey continues! I can't wait to read she's finally home!
  4. We went to swin with whale sharks in an island called Holbox, it's something different and not many people know about that
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Its okay, I posted them w/ in another thread so long ago, I can't remember where they are! found it http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t81-3 Done! I updated the thread with a bunch of BP I foun on the STDs thread
  6. Ann she's sooo adorable!! I bet she wants to get home soon! Oh and Jackson is such a handsome boy!!!
  7. I had my reception at the Fiesta Americana Condesa in the pool area, it was just perfect
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmillhorn9 THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE BOARDING PASS THREAD!!! This is so helpful (and long over due).... Thanks again!!! I'm so glad you found it helpful!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Will do! Mine were so plain compared to all those everyone else came up with! But I'm glad you liked them! I was inspired by Anny's! Amy where are your boarding passes I swear I didn't do it on purpose, I just searched boarding pass and put all I found there.. let me do a search for yours!
  10. Congratulations lauren! great review! I used the same people for music but I had a cuban band
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Anny- I never saw these before! I absolutely ADORE them. So colorful and I love all the graphics in the name. SO cute! I can see why you do this professionally now. Thanks Rachel!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by buttercup Do you by any chance have the template for this? Its adorable! Love it. Thanks girl, I actually started and invitation business, contact me if you want me to design yours.
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