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Everything posted by CaboDate

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Clussy75 Amy, is the skin finish stuff like a translucent shimmer powder or something? Yes.. very light shimmer to it. It works great to brighten up your face. The studio fix has great coverage.. then the skinfinish helps brighten it up..
  2. We actually contacted them by email to set up a reservation for our rehersal dinner. She's really good at getting back to you. Mona Cobo Public relations and events Baja Cantina Restaurants Baja Cantina
  3. We've never used it before.. but are using for the wedding/honeymoon. If you want to change almost anything about your trip.. it could be helpful! This was the only trip I wasn't willing to risk it.. Plus we're doing the Villa thing.. so in case something goes wrong there.. it's nice to have.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 I just went on itunes to hear it and you can't really tell that she says porn.... I say run with it. People will just look at eachother and say "did they just say...no couldn't have been" Yeah.. and actually my family is very laid back. Luckily they'd probably find it funny!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lavalos Hi Everyone, I'd love to get your feedback on your photographer choice and what was provided in their packages. I know I want to have plenty of quality prints with little hassle, however, it seems like most of the packages local Cabo photographers offer do not include a lot of prints with their packages. I'm new to anything related to pictures (just bought a digital camera last year!) so I'm a little lost on what's a nice to have vs a must have. I know capturing the day is important so we're not skimping on the hours. For the ladies who've already married and used a Cabo photographer, did you feel like your packages included too much, just right, or not enough? Did your photogs make it east to customize their packages? Please list what you would have liked to add/take out (i.e, hours, prints, photo album, etc). I'm a bit overwhelmed with trying to make this decision so appreciate any advice. Really it boils down to "how" you want your wedding shot. There are photographers out there who snap what you ask and the major moments.. and there are photojournalists who create a story. There's good and bad for both.. if you go the photojournalist route.. make sure you make a list of the 'posed' pictures you want with family and friends so you don't miss out. If you go the other way.. make sure to explain to your photographer how you want your day captured. I think overall you'll be very happy in the end.. as long as you find someone who's work you already like!
  6. We had a hard time deciding if we were going to use "our song". It's Destiny by Zero 7. It's an absolutely beautiful song.. but the first verse, mentions PORN!! We always laugh about it.. but the chorus is just beautiful. So we're going with it anyway!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 Nini_Bride - i couldn't agree with you more...the day and experience is about love and sharing and community - that is why you are inviting people - to share in your joy and happiness not to be 100% available to you and only focused on you. I feel sad that some brides use the "it's my day" line to mask what is usually totally unacceptable and selfish behavior to impose on 'friends and family' I don't see how it's "usually totally unacceptable and selfish behavior to impose on friends and family".. If you were having an evening cocktail party.. at anytime.. a holiday, a Saturday.. whenever. Would it be unacceptable not to want children running around when adults are indulging, possibly over indulging in alcohol? And for any bride who has a plan in her head for what she wants on her special day.. I think it's unfar to call that sad. I agree the day is about love and sharing with family and friends.. But for us.. the point of a DW was not to make it about community.. but an intimate affair.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alisarosenbaum So my FI and I decided to have an adults only wedding, which we knew would upset a number of people. Most people with children are either not coming, or getting babysitters back home. My cousin called me to see if she could bring her kids to the wedding because she did not feel comfortable leaving them with the Hilton babysitter. We do not want kids at the wedding. Has anyone dealt with this?? We had a tough time dealing with this one as well.. Lots of friends have little ones. So we found a resort with a baby sitter, like you did, and asked that it be an adult only wedding and reception. For us it was easier because my sister decided to turn this trip into a romantic trip with her husband, and leave their 2 behind.. and my brother is leaving his 3 behind and making it a long weekend trip. With that in mind.. I told my guests with kids.. none of the family kids are coming so we asked that no kids come! I do have a couple girl friends who are just having kids before the wedding.. and we told them any infants or babies who need to be fed, of course can come and we're setting up a 'pack n-play' in one of the rooms of the Villa we rented for the wedding. We've just asked not to have any toddlers running around. A couple of our guests who don't feel comfortable with the resort sitter are bringing a grandparent along.. another couple talked about chipping in and bringing one nanny from home, for several kids. Maybe to solve that problem you and your fiance can chip in and pay for one nanny to come with .. who people know and feel more comfortable with.. and during the wedding/reception they can leave their kids with THAT nanny instead of the hotels. We did have one woman who didn't like any of the ideas we suggested.. so she's coming, she's bringing her kids, and not coming to the Wedding and reception.. but her husband is. To each his own, right? But in the end your friends and family should be respectful of your decision. It is your day!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak We're doing OOT bags and we'll do favors also. OOT contents: * beach towel * margarita glass in our wedding colors * custom package of margarita mix * travel size Tequila * custom word games * deck of cards & poker chips * sunscreen * after-sun care * notepad & pen * snacks Favors: I'm planning on making some family favorite recipes (my dad's fudge, my mom's oatmeal bars, and almond sugar cookies that I make) and I'll wrap them in gift boxes to put at each table setting. OOH.. where did you find the travel size Tequila? Did you buy it down there? I've been searching the web and trying to figure out if I should cart it down there or buy it there. I did the personalized marg mix too! If you brought it with you .. did they give you any hassle's at customs?
  10. CaboDate


    Welcome Aboard!!
  11. Okay I absolutely LOVE Christina Aguillera's "Ain't No other Man".. totally reminds me of my fiance! I told him I wanted to walk into the reception to it... I lost that battle. But it will be played at the reception!!
  12. Natalie.. Your wedding looked like so much fun!! The bouquet was gorgeous! Now that it's all said and done, any of advice for the rest of us still planning?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Fuschia and turquoise (more like a Tiffany blue actually). We also thought about using fuschia, apple green and orange. We're doing fuschia, apple green, and orange too!!
  14. We had friends get married there last year and it was GORGEOUS!! Actually part of the reason we chose to go back to Cabo. The only weird part.. the ceremony was right near the pool.. and strangers in swimsuits where hanging on the edge of the pool right near the bride/groom watching the ceremony. It just felt a little odd.. Otherwise.. great wedding. Food was fantastic!
  15. Our guests are staying at PB Sunset.. since it's near our Villa. But my Parents are going with the Rose because it's a bit more afforadable.. and they shuttle between all the PB properties.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by laurelandjamie Hi, Thanks for the information on the villas. They are all so beautiful that it is hard to pick. Have you seen any of them in person? What is Villa Grande like? One thing I'm curious about is that I have read in a few places on this forum that the villas are a pricey option. Are there hidden costs that I don't know about besides the rental fee and perhaps an event fee? We are probably going to have 40 family members/close friends. Many will be staying at PB Sunset Beach or Pacifica, but we hope the wedding party can all fit in the villa where we have the reception. I'm not sure whether to go for a higher priced or a lower priced villa. It would be nice to be in one that really takes your breath away, but then again it would be great to be able to pay for our wedding party's lodging. So, it is kind of a trade-off. We thought we would have the wedding on the Pedgregal beach and the reception at the villa - not sure yet. Sunset Beach is also an option, but it seems really expensive (like 270pp for dinner). Are you planning on having a caterer at the villa? Any recommendations? We aren't sure yet whether we will have a catered event or a casual BBQ. I hope I didn't ask too many questions... Best wishes, Laurel Sorry it took so long to get back.. The Villa's can be expensive.. there is an event fee and a homeowners association fee on top of the daily rate. Depending on who you rent from they can also require you stay a certain number of days. We've got Villa Grande for 3 nights.. Our wedding is about the same size as yours and are having our 'wedding party' stay at the house with us. The rest of our guests are staying at the PB Sunset. The nice thing is .. there are a lot of Villa's to choose from so you can really adjust your price! Make sure you talk to someone about WHAT you want to do at the Villa..so you know you have enough square footage. We went with Villa Grande because it's been recommended for weddings and it's pretty big! But we're doing the Wedding, & Reception there.. and we're hosting a welcome bbq for our guests the Friday afternoon before! As for the Caterer.. we're having the wedding catered, of course, but for day to day meals.. we're stocking up on some food at the Costco.. and our guests can come and go as they please.. We're only there 3 nights.. and we have stuff planned for each night they're there.. so they won't go hungry! Our BBQ we're doing ourself.. My brother and my FI brother will be maning the grill.. we're getting salads and chips and beer and making it very low key! Our Caterer is Lazy Gourmet.. only because we've heard fantastic things about them. I've never heard anything bad about the food.. but I will caution, their WC isn't exactly speedy at getting back to me, or getting things done.. but I've got friends who have been married in Cabo before.. and say that's just they way everyone operates there. So I'm trying to chill out about planning! Please feel free to ask as many questions you'd like.. we really depended on this site when we booked everything!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Is anyone having the bar open during that 1/2 hour period when guests arrive and the before the ceremony starts I don't know what to do?? We're having a server greet guests and point them in the right direction.. he's also going to be offering 2 different flavored traditional mexican fruit drinks (non alcoholic) and some water.. We're holding off on the booze until after the ceremony.. then it's free flowin'.
  18. We're doing the private Villa thing .. We actually had friends get married in Cabo last year at the Marquis and it was GORGEOUS.. but since our guest lists were similiar we wanted to do something different and private. During that trip we stayed at Cabo Surf and fell in love with it too! It would have easily been one of our front runners for a hotel wedding. Private, a little different, and the food was amazing!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by traciwells My name is Traci and I live in Los Angeles. My fiance Michael and I will be getting married in Chicago on Friday, October 26, 2007. (Yes, it's getting to be the last minute at this point!) We already have an amazing venue (Maxim's), but we're struggling with the caterer. We want something nice, but it doesn't have to be super fancy. We've been getting price quotes for a buffet-style dinner for 100 people between $7000 and $9000 (without alcohol or cake!). Can we negotiate? We'd really like to get this down to $3500-$4000 and are wondering if this is realistic. Hi Traci.. Congrats on the upcoming wedding. Glad you guys decided to do it after the Chicago Marathon or it would have been packed. I'm here in Chi town and my sister recently got married here. She had a sitdown dinner.. but I believe as they were looking for locations .. they did find places would negotiate.. but still prices are pretty high in the city. One option might be to move the reception out a bit, into a close suburb and the price would come down. My sister's wedding was actually in the burbs and the reception in the city.. they rented trolly's .. stocked them full of booze .. and took their out of town guests on a little tour of Chicago, while they had pictures taken.. and had them dropped off at the reception which was about 20 miles away. Sorry if that's not too helpful.. but feel free to shoot me any questions or if I can help out, let me know!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by laurelandjamie Hello, I'm really glad that I found this forum. I've learned so much already. My fiance and I have been to Cabo twice and his father has a few time shares there. We originally thought about having a wedding in Texas where I am from, but we just couldn't get excited about all of the planning. We are the last of our set of friends to get married and we just felt like "been there done that" when we talked about a traditional wedding. When we started talking about renting a villa in Cabo, we started to get excited. I've researched a lot of villas and would be interested in opinions from other Cabo brides (especially about Punta Vista, Villa Land's End, and Villa Buena Vida). We also thought about having a ceremony and/or reception at PB Sunset Beach or Fiesta America where the family has time shares. One issue I'm really worried about is my Mom's asthma. She is an otherwise healthy person, but has a few really bad asthma attacks each year and they can be triggered by smoke, perfumes, cleaning solutions, and high stress. Does anyone have advice about the medical facilities in Cabo or how the air is for asthmatics? I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with the rest of you. Best, Laurel Hi Laurel.. Welcome aboard! I'm getting married at a Villa in the Pedregal area in October. We've done a bunch of research and it should be a blast. I actually spoke to a wedding coordinator (way over priced, and are not using!) But she herself got married at Villa Land's end. It's actually right next to the Villa we're getting married.. Villa Grande. We actually looked at the other Villa's you mentioned too.. but Ultimately chose Grande because of it's open deck space. Not sure how many people you're planning on having.. but it seemed to have a bigger space at a reasonable price. I know other brides have had some concerns about the Pedregal area because you do have to pay essentially a homeowner's association fee, and there is a noise ordinance to be aware of. No loud music after 10pm.. or you could be ticketed. We also took this into consideration when we chose our Villa.. because it's bigger.. we can move the party inside at 10 if it's still going strong. Our guests are staying at PB Sunset Beach.. and I'm using its spa to do my hair prior to the wedding. If you've got any specific questions.. Feel free to shoot me a message! Good Luck with the planning!
  21. Guess I better get to work!!! Thanks for the heads up!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride I am doing one per couple, or for my singles- one per room I have a question too.. How early are you ordering the items for your bags? There's still a question on the number of people coming.. should I just estimate and order now? The weddings in 4 months.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Amy, Yes, Lazy Gourmet sounds wonderful!!! Can't wait to meet with them. I've seen pictures of Villa Grande - it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I considered getting married there as well. Just be careful in Pedregal - they have strict noise policies after 10:00PM. From what I've heard, the police WILL show up and ask you to leave if you're too loud (not something you want on your wedding day.) But if you move the party inside by 10PM, you should be fine. Thanks for the heads up.. We heard that too.. So we decided to bump up our ceremony time, and will be buying extra booze, and frozen pizza's so we can bring the party indoors as it goes into the evening! We figure we'll stick it out for one warning.. then move inside. And if you're still thinking about Villa Grande.. we've heard it's being upgraded very soon!! If you get in now, you might be able to get the current price before they renovate!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Jaims - I'm looking into The Lazy Gourmet as well. According to my WC, they are "THE" caterers in Cabo. NO comparison. Also, she told me that they work with ANY budget you have. Even if you told them you only want to spend $25 per person, they can do it. Good luck! Also, I have a quick question (off the topic) - Are you getting married at the villa? If so, which one? I'm having trouble finding a villa that works with all my criteria, so I'm always up for suggestions. Thanks! Good Luck with your planning.. I'm a big fan of the Villa Wedding. We're using Villa Grande in Pedregal because it has an AMAZING TERRACE overlooking the Pacific. And we are also using Lazy Gourmet. They also have a wedding coordinator on staff which has been extremely helpful. They're not always quick at getting things done.. but I think that's the mentality there. Everyone I've talked to who used them say the same thing.. but the receptions have all turned out fantastic! Lazy Gourmet has also been very easy because we're renting everything from the table/chairs to lights, deocrations, aisle runner, stereo system.. you name it, they seem to have it.. and at relatively reasonable prices. So it makes putting it together easier! Let's just hope the day turns out at well !!!
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