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About jajaworski

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  1. I had called also left several messages ,oh well. Im way happier having our wedding at Coyaba, they called me back immediatly, the wedding planner has been in constant contact with me. Plus it like half the price for the reception
  2. It is a very nice place. However they are totally unorganized!!! It was like pulling teeth to get a response from their wedding coordinator. She did finially respond to all my questions after a month-- we already booked coyaba. Some of these places act like they are doing you a favor by letting you have your wedding there!!!!!!
  3. jajaworski


    Hello all! We were engaged on 12/10/05 We will be getting married at coyaba (ceremony & reception) Save the dates sent out months ago, everyone booked (about 35 people), bridesmaids dresses done, all stuff for welcome bags done. Waiting until after the holidays to get my dress. There are alot of girls on here getting married in Mexico, I guess thats the new hot spot. Best of luck to everone.
  4. Hello everybody, I am new to this site. I have a question for all of you. We are having our wedding at AI (everyone coming is on AI plan) To have a private rehearsal dinner it is an additional $15/ head which isnt bad I know. But heres the thing we are alredy shelling out about $7000 for our wedding between everything. Its not like were on a total budget so should we have a private something or should we just have everyone meet at one of the restaurants? I have been struggling with this for months any suggesstions? also if we have a "private" dinner should I get my inlaws to foot the bill? then should my parents foot the bill for a "private" morning after breakfast? We are paying for everything else ourselves. Any sugesstions at all would be great! Jill
  5. jajaworski


    Hello and best wishes to all. My name is Jill and I live outside of Philadelphia. We are planning a June 23,2007 DW in Jamaica. We are having about 35 people and are staying at a small hotel in Montego Bay called Coyaba.
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