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Cabo Wedding Coordinator

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Everything posted by Cabo Wedding Coordinator

  1. I just arrived from Tashas wedding, I will leave all the details for her, but I can say she and all of her guests had a great time!!! she looked beautiful....
  2. Welcome to the forum! ! You will find great info here!
  3. That will be very original and fun for your guests!!! We want to see the pictures....
  4. Welcome Erica, your pictures are great! I love your gallery!
  5. I think it´s a very cute and original idea!! as a wedding coordinator I can tell you I haven´t seen that!! It will look great totaly for a beach wedding, the pillow is also nice, but more traditional, I will go with the shells....
  6. I can imagine what their children will say when they see the pictures in the livingroom!!
  7. Absolutely true.... but at least they try!! right?? jajaja!!
  8. Does are beautiful pictures, I loved the place, it looks like you had a lot of fun!! Congratulations!!
  9. Thats a very nice story!! Same birthday thats so cute!! you will never forget each others birthday!!
  10. I love this dress with the pink sash! Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva I think the only colors the sash comes is in that rose and a green.
  11. WOW!!! That realy is unique!! you can always have it done wth different colors! it would look like a brid´s tail!! jajaj
  12. You look beautiful Lenita, the picturs are great!!! congratulations!
  13. Ok here is mine, My mother in law and I can´t get along at all, she is a doble face witch, she is always talking about other people, talking about peoples life, she´s like (Mrs. Huber from desperate housewives, she is dead now) we never got along very good but at least we said hi when we saw each other which was once every 5 months thank god, so I just found out she was talking about me at my back!!! my FI told me they had a fight beacuse she started talking about me, so he defende me, we have been together for 5 years so he knows me pretty well and his mom!! so she said she was never talking to us again and that she would never apologize, I don´t know whats wrong with her, but she was always so nice when she wanted something from us!! so I guess she won´t be attending to our wedding! What a phsyco!!
  14. It looks great! I never realized you had short hair, and that hairstyle loooks great, would you wear a vail??
  15. Ann I think you look beautiful, you might not like the dress now, but time has pass, maybe we will all feel the same about our dress in 10 years!!
  16. Congratulatios Christine!!! I think it looks really nice, I love the colors! It makes you want to go out and have fun!!!
  17. This is great!!!! jajjaa!! I was laughing the hole time!!! it is absolutly true!
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  19. Be carefull with this beacuse down here many places take 1 dolar for 10 pesos 10.50 and if its really high 11 pesos it doesn´t matter what the exchange is, because no body checks this every day, so to avoid confussion they will just have 1 dolar for 10 pesos or 11 pesos at the most so don´t really trust this, just as advice so you don´t get any surprises!
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