Ok here is mine,
My mother in law and I can´t get along at all, she is a doble face witch, she is always talking about other people, talking about peoples life, she´s like (Mrs. Huber from desperate housewives, she is dead now) we never got along very good but at least we said hi when we saw each other which was once every 5 months thank god, so I just found out she was talking about me at my back!!! my FI told me they had a fight beacuse she started talking about me, so he defende me, we have been together for 5 years so he knows me pretty well and his mom!! so she said she was never talking to us again and that she would never apologize, I don´t know whats wrong with her, but she was always so nice when she wanted something from us!! so I guess she won´t be attending to our wedding! What a phsyco!!