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Everything posted by *JillD*

  1. Hi Lindsay! Welcome to the forum! As far as napkins those aren't extra, unless you are looking for colored napkins. You don't have to do chair bows, but if you wanted to buy your own I don't see that being a problem, but as Harty mentioned don't forget about transporting everything. When I was married there I spent a lot of time pricing everything out a la carte and comparing to the packages and the package was the way to go, I went with the ultimate package. So the centerpieces were included, cake, mariachi, dinner & cocktail hour up to 20 people, hair & makeup, etc... Depending on how many people you are having this will probably be your best bet. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you.
  2. One more thing I wanted to add. I know a lot of people think about booking their travel on their own and not through a TA, to save themselves a few dollars, but keep in mind that if you did have a situation, similar to the one being complained about, if you have a TA that works with your resort frequently, they will be able to get your issues resolved for you, so that you can relax and enjoy your wedding. If any of my clients called me and told me they were having problems, like those listed in the review, you can bet that I would be on the phone with Claudia in an instant, making sure that everything was resolved to my clients satisfaction. Just wanted to point that out for everyone because I know sometimes people don't really see the benefit to having a TA.
  3. Hey Ladies, I was checking open wedding dates for someone for next year, but thought I would share the open dates that Claudia emailed me back with, in case anyone else was looking for April, May or June of next year. Keep in mind, she emailed me before I went on vacation, I think June 27th, so don't panic if you recently requested your date and it's still on here. Those are the date available for April, May and June 2009 April: 1,2,5,7,13,14,15,20,21,26,27 & 28. May: 5,6,10,11,12,18,19,20,26,27 & 28. June: 1,2,3,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,22,24,28 & 29.
  4. Just to put your minds at ease ladies claudia is still there, I usually talk to her through email once a week. And as far as that review, there are bad reviews on every resort out there and that review is VERY extreme. Some people are miserable people that are never happy with anything and they want to make everyone else as miserable as them. Don't worry about your wedding location, really, dreams is beautiful, you will have a great time, your weddings will be beautiful.
  5. I love Kashi Go lean crunch, but it always gives me really bad stomach cramps, so I can't eat it anymore, it was too painful. I really like smart start, there are a couple of different varieties, I think some may have more fiber than others
  6. wow abbie! I can't believe your wedding is almost here! You must be so excited. Everything looks fantastic, I love all of the details and I can't wait to see your pictures!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Honestly Danielle- I would have joined the last two seasons but I hate the idea of weighing in and sending the picture. I'm just SO ashamed of my weight right now that I'm not comfortable with anyone seeing it- even my doctor or myself. I had a VERY long appointment with my doctor last week based upon some lab work. He's given me some meds, plus a strict diet and exercise regime. I'm hoping to at least kick start my losses and then when I feel comfortable with the #s to hopefully join one of the upcoming BL contests. Rachel, I know exactly how you feel, I really don't like sharing my weight with anyone, my DH doesn't even know what I weigh, I'm so embarassed by it Christina congratulations!! 24 pounds is amazing! I'm sorry I haven't really been around the past couple of weeks, I've been really busy and was away on vacation this past week (and ate WAY too much!) I haven't decided yet if I'm going to join season 3, I am going to continue my weight loss efforts, but I don't feel like its fair for me to join if I can't commit myself to helping support all of you as well, so I will have to really think about this.
  8. maura, I'll join you when I get back on the 8th, can't wait!
  9. I think part of the reason there are so many weddings on one day is the time of year that all of you ladies have chosen. You've all picked May and I know of at least 3 or 4 other girls that are new to the forum that all want May too. So as you can imagine the dates book up quick. When I was married there it was in October, I saw a few other weddings during the week, but not more than one a day, I don't even think there was one everyday. So for future brides it's definitely worth keeping in mind that if you choose a busy time of year, that you should expect that there may be another wedding the same day as yours.
  10. No, I didn't, but we didn't have a DJ and the photographer left before the reception.
  11. april - may - june is typically a very busy time for weddings there, but as long as you don't mind a midweek wedding you shouldn't have a problem getting a date. I was checking dates for someone else a few weeks ago and there were no fridays or saturdays available in the time frame she was looking, so she went with a thursday. The WC are slow to get back to you because they are very busy and they get 100's of emails everyday, so don't get discouraged, but you may need to send another message if you don't hear back.
  12. Hey Ladies, Just so you know, you don't need to post your thread more than once, if it doesn't pertain to just one area, try to post it in a more general area, rather than cabo or cancun specific. Cabo & Cancun are very different, they're both beautiful and they both have beautiful resorts. Two things that made me choose cancun over cabo were 1. Location ( I am on the east coast as are all of my guests, we wanted to keep costs down and flights to cabo would have been more money) 2. swimmable beaches (there are some swimmable beaches in cabo, but I wanted to make sure my guests could go to the beach if they wanted to at the resort we were staying at) Also, dreams doesn't allow spring breakers, so you wouldn't have to worry about that, they are family friendly resorts. if you do a search on this site you may actually fine some threads on this very topic because I know it's been discussed many times. Also, I noticed two of you ladies mentioned wanting to get married in May 2009, I have several brides I'm working with that are getting married in May next year and there were not very many dates left, so I wouldn't get your heart too set on any certain date just yet and I would also make a decision fairly quickly if May is defnitely the month you want as the dates are going quick. Good Luck!
  13. Your dress is really cute Martha! And I love the shoes and necklace!
  14. lauren, it took me a few days to see any results, I was getting discouraged too I was also having trouble, umm, going to the bathroom... but once I drank that tea, and was able to go I lost 4 pounds the next day.
  15. I love frank's red hot, I could eat it with everything!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Thank you Jill. That's assuming that I fit into it of course. (as I sit here eating a rainbow cookie) BAD GLENDA! drop the cookie glenda!!! LOL! Easy for me to say right?? I know when I'm stressed I totally eat bad stuff! I wish I was going to be around this weekend, I would definitely have to stalk your wedding and make sure Cruella accidentally tripped, oops!
  17. glenda, I don't think I ever saw your dress before, but its beautiful!!! I love it, you're going to look so pretty!
  18. Glenda, that sounds like so much fun and definetly the perfect bach party! You have such good friends and a good sister!
  19. I think it's best to make a list about what is important to you because the two resorts are very different. For me, I felt that Moon Palace was too big, I wanted a resort that was big enough that people had options for eating and things to do, but small enough that we would still run into each other during the day. Dreams fit into that. I loved that MP has the horse drawn carriage, but size was more important to me, so that won out.
  20. Good luck girls just starting this week, you can do it!! I also came off of the diet yesterday, lol, it was my last day, thank god! I started back on my weight watchers points yesterday, so it was nice to be able to eat whatever I wanted. Good luck everyone!
  21. I didn't have my wedding there, but did go there for my honeymoon and as Shea mentioned cocotal is more of a classy quiet place, while fuentes is more fun, casual, personally, I'd go with fuentes.
  22. Erica you must be getting so excited!! I'm glad everything went well on your visit and you were able to finalize some things! I can't wait for your wedding to get here so we can see everything come together!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. no, my inner dummy decided to make the whole pot spicy. i LOVE spicy foods, but the cayenne didn't have a shaker top so more went in than i expected. i let it cool on the stove overnight, and then nuked a bowl, and it was just a bit spicy, but very tolerable. i also just ate about 1/4 of a small watermelon and i feel like all of my food is sloshing in my belly! dh is away for the week, and summer vacation just began for me, so my whole week will consist of eating soup, farting a lot, and lounging in bed. maybe a shower here or there. here's my dilemma tho - we have a wedding friday night. it'll be day 6. we'll get there late, bc i have to pick dh up at airport, so cocktail hr will be no problem. what do i do about dinner? i know they'll have chateaubriand, but it'll probably have some kind of sauce on it. any suggestions? I would just try to avoid the sauce as much as possible (if there is one on it) and eat lots of veggies and I'll think you'll be okay.
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