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Everything posted by *JillD*

  1. Spinning is a fantastic workout! I haven't done it in a long time because I don't have my gym membership, but I'm trying to find somewhere that I can just take classes and pay as I go. As others have said your butt will definitely hurt the first time you do it, A LOT! And the first time I did the class I thought I was going to vomit, it was really intense! But seriously, after you do it the first time, make sure you go back and do it again in a day or two. Your butt won't hurt nearly as much and it gets easier every time. I used to love Pump too, another one of my favorites!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I'm still on the fence ... only because of my job (in the car - sales - from account to account all day, and drinking wine at some accounts). So, I'm staying up on this thread until I get the nerve. I'm mainly afraid of having to get to a bathroom too quickly and not making it in time. lol Tami, unless you eat too much fat, it's really not bad. I think I definitely go more often, but its more like a strong urge to go, not like, OMG I'm going to shit myself It's really not bad, I was really scared, so I started in when I knew I'd be home for a couple of days, that would be my suggestion, try it on the weekend.
  3. Amy you look great! I'm so happy you finally posted pics!
  4. I did 3 per person, but that was too many, 2 is plenty don't ask me why I did 3 each, I guess I didn't realize that every guest didn't have 8 bags of wedding crap to bring down with them!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt OMG this cracked me up! Especially this line: I totally forgot until I saw all the cheese with grease piled up on it and thought about my butt! I'm so glad it all went well! Hmm jalepeno poppers. Geesh! So I went grocery shopping today. I am still having a hard time getting lower calories, with higher fat. I need to go browse online for more ideas. But what do you girls eat for breakfast? That is my hardest meal to hit the fat intake. Tara, I have a really hard time with breakfast too, I think the key is to buy more low fat stuff, rather than non fat. Maura gave some great suggestions too, I know I'm going to try them when I go shopping again. One thing that really adds up the fat is peanut butter. The last few days I've been having a protein shake with 2 pieces of toast, but I just use 1 tablespoon of PB, its about 8 grams of fat (depending on the brand you get) and 1 tablespoon was just enough to cover each piece with a thin layer. Quote: Originally Posted by JBinjour Okay, I have two multivitamins that I take each day. The other stuff I listed are purely for digestion; except for the b12. I am going to take the b12 and the multivitamins in the evening as suggested by you and the packaging. I wonder, I also take probiotic too (for digestion). Should I take that prior to going to sleep? Well, I just had my second dose of the Alli. I ate lunch. My stomach started to hurt. So, I went to the bathroom again (for the billionth time). Then, I became very nausea. I threw up everything; my lunch and part of my breakfast. I feel much better. My stomach felt uneasy all day. I hope this is a one time occasion. I can't puke at work everyday. That's strange that you threw up, I don't think it was from the alli, at least I've never heard of anyone getting sick from alli, but I could be wrong.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura Jill, I lost a total of 8 pounds so far in about 4 weeks. I am hoping to lose a couple more pounds before we leave in 2.5 weeks. Glad you had no problems with everything you ate - I know personally for me, I definitely would've gotten TE's from all that, but that's because I am pretty sensitive to the fat gram amount. I agree with you, I like that alli makes me think twice about what I'm putting in my mouth. I think if I hadn't watched what I ate I totally would have had TE's, but after that one popper, I freaked myself out so badly that I just took it easy at dinner time. I split my steak with DH, who said he wasn't hungry, but I knew I couldn't eat more than a few bites of it and the baked potato I ate plain. If I had to guess, I'd say my dinner was probably around 13-14 grams of fat, I think skipping my pill with that meal probably helped too.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 I thought about using it too but I hear when you have to go you have to go that second or wear a dipper and the thought of having to leave meetings and using my work bathroom grossed me out...let me know if your experience is different because I am going to need to do something soon about my weight If someone has to wear a diaper or go right away, then theyr'e not following the eating plan. Alli isn't a diet pill that you just take and eat whatever you want, you have to stick with the calories and fat grams. I definitely go more regularly now, but it's never been an issue like I was going to shit myself or anything.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura fitting went great this morning! i stepped on the scale after my shower this morning before going over there and i am at the same weight as when i was skinny last spring. i could still afford to lose a few pounds but if i dont, i am happy with how i am right now. she was able to take it in in several places. i took an alli with breakfast this morning and then during lunchtime i made the mistake of eating a couple handfuls of trail mix. let's just say i'm not venturing too far from my bathroom tonight. note to self: do not eat trail mix anymore if you don't want greasy butt. LOL Maura that is fantastic!! Congratulations, you must be so proud of yourself! Do you mind if I ask how much you lost all together and how long it took you? Quote: Originally Posted by tvt congrats Maura! That is great news!! You are proof that dedication can definitely pay off! I started my pills today. Nothing to report really. But we did make an awesome recipe from the alli website tonight and it was so great. Here is the recipe, for 2 servings Oven Baked Chicken with Cheese Potato Casserole Makes 2 servings 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts 2 teaspoons margarine 6 tablespoons milk 4 tablespoons sour cream 4 tablespoons cream of chicken 4 tablespoons cheddar cheese 1 cup hash browns paprika Preheat oven to 350 Melt margaine in microwave, allow to slightly cool In a medium bowl, combine melted margarine, milk, sour cream, soup and cheese. Stir to combine Add potatoes and mix to thoroughly coat. Place potato mixture in a small baking dish lightly coated with cooking spray Bake potatos 25-30 minutes until potatoes start to brown While casserole is baking, place chicken in another small baking dish lightly coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle on paprika When casserole has 20 minutes left to bake, put the chicken in the oven. Bake for 20 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. FYI we baked our potato mixture for much longer than 30 mintues... ours baked for almost 55. 300 calories/serving 10g fat/serving That sounds delicious, I still need to check out the recipes on the site, I haven't done that yet. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura haha i figured as much tara - i dont let anything in my house that doesnt say low or no fat right now. cheese, milk and sour creams all have to be low or no fat year round though. my DH calls me the fridge nazi because i cant have anything in the house that will tempt me right now. he brought home a bag of gummy worms and i ate a handful on friday even though i had a tummy ache from lunch. i was like listen, if you had to wear a dress in front of 100 people in 3 weeks, you'd police the fridge too! we dont keep ice cream in the house at all anymore and we both are ice creamaholics. we are notorious for conning each other into late night DQ runs - my weakness is vanilla soft serve dipped in chocolate, and his is a snickers blizzard. last night we discovered this place called berry chill downtown and its effing amazing. its lactose-free (thank god, because DH and i are both lactose intolerant) and only 20 cals for 5 oz! 5 oz is way bigger than it sounds. and you can get 3 toppings, and they have all kinds of fruits! i am excited to go back again. it doesnt quite taste like regular old frozen yogurt, it tastes more like actual yogurt thats been frozen. so its a bit tangy, but it was delicious! i got mine with raspberries and strawberries and a little spoonful of crushed cookie. next time i want to try it with cinnamon toast crunch cereal and fruit. I freaking love ice cream, hands down my favorite food, and I haven't had any all week. I know I can have it, as long as I limit my serving size and buy low fat, but it's almost just easier not having the temptation. So, I've been taking Alli, for almost a week now (will be a week tomorrow) and I definitely think its working, but I'm waiting until tomorrow to weigh myself. I've been okay with staying within the fat and calorie guidelines. However, yesterday DH played in a golf tournament and I was meeting up with him later for a "dinner". Well, I really had no idea what the dinner was going to be, but I figured there would be something I could eat, even if it was in small quantities. So, I ate lunch, took my alli, got ready to go. I had to go meet one of our friends to ride over with her. Well I find out when I get to her house that this "dinner" is a BBQ. I'm thinking in my head, SHIT, I've already taken alli twice today, WTF am I going to eat at this BBQ that isn't going to make me shit my pants! So, I picked up a diet coke and some gum at the store, just in case. I didn't even go near the food table with all the appetizers and muchies. But then someone came around with these homemade jalepeno popper things, DH and I grabbed one, I ate it. She came around a few minutes later with the tray again, I grabbed another one. I took one little bite and realized that I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EATING THIS STUFF! I totally forgot until I saw all the cheese with grease piled up on it and thought about my butt! So I threw that one away, I had a couple of glasses of sangria and some icepicks, no fat right? Then dinner came out and I was starting to feel kind of whoozy, so I got a small steak, a baked potato, and some salad with just a couple drops of dressing. I didn't take an alli, just in case, I was a little nervous. I ate a few bites of steak, BP plain, and the salad. I also drank some beers later on. But the point of my story is NO OILY PROBLEMS!! I was scared! That's one thing I really like about alli is that I'm constantly scared of what I put in my mouth! The whole time I was at the party all I could think about was you girls and how I might have a really bad story for you today, I'm so glad I didn't!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 You can come to mine anytime you like lol our drinks are 3 x stronger and the aim is to drink as much as possible,make an arse of yourself, eat take away and pass out lmao ROFLMAO!!!! Now this sounds like a great time! Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv My neighborhood is about a mile from downtown Greenville, SC. It's called Augusta Road area" and is filled with beautiful and big older houses that have been renovated and tree-lined sidewalks that are always filled with joggers, moms and dad's walking their babys in strollers, etc. Very established older neighborhood which I love. The area is fabulos b/c we can walk downtown through the park system and there are outdoor festivals with live music, food and drinks on Main Street (they shut down parts of the street) every Thursday and Friday nights (April through October). Then, there are huge street festivals a few times a year with big-name bands, etc. It is a fabulous city t live in and is always rated as one of the Top 50 Places to live. As for Martha's Thread HiJack, we think one of our neighbors are swingers. They are nice but very weird. I've always wanted to move South and your neighborhood sounds exactly like the type of place I want to live! I'm going to have to remember the name of it, in case we ever make a move!
  10. I wish I had remembered to do this so I could have worn my veil! someone mentioned using I think it was like the sinkers you use for fishing, but I don't know if they come in clear or not. I'm not sure if a seamstress would have them or if you'd have to buy them and bring them.
  11. Immediately! I ended up not even wearing my skirt thing that went under the dress, because that was one more thing to make me hot!
  12. well, if I were to describe my neighborhood, there's not a whole lot to say. I live in a town that the central focus is on the lake here. People come from a lot of the surrounding towns to fish and put there boats & jetskis, etc... in the water for the day. We live in a small year round cottage (sounds very similar to TA Lindsay) our house is on a hill with beautiful views of the lake and lake access across the street. During the winter months Holland has a population of around 1200, but in the summer months this triples as many families have summer only homes on the lake. We have one store, one gas station, one blinking traffic light, one disgusting pizza place, and one liquor store. Oh, we also have a water skiing competition team, Hailey really wants to join, but I'm so scared she's going to get hurt I just looked up some information on Holland and found out that Hamilton Reservoir (the lake) was not always here, they actually flooded a huge area of land & houses to create it. Here is the the paragraph I found on that: Perhaps the most significant happening in Holland was the approximately 19 inches of rain that fell during August 1955 that changed the Town. The dam that created the Hamilton Reservoir was no longer useful. The town was able with government help to create a useful water sport area. The Army Corps of Engineers created a series of flood control dams and surplus water impoundment areas. This reduced the useful size of Holland drastically. About 170 tracts of land in Holland were purchased by the federal government so that they could be flooded when required. A number of houses were moved from these tracts and others were torn down as part of the clearing process. Despite the upset caused by this project, it has turned Holland into a quiet vacation community.
  13. Mine was taffeta, very lightweight, but don't get me wrong, I was still a sweaty mess, lol!
  14. Kat, I had an older gentleman, I don't remember his name, I'll see if I can find my certificate and see if his name is on there. He was very, very sweet, he just had a really difficult time reading it.
  15. I want to see a picture!!! I'm sure it looks so good! I need a good cut so bad, my hair is so long and annoying right now!
  16. I would also email your ceremony to claudia, so that maybe she can get it to the officiant ahead of time. I didn't tell her about it, oops! and I gave it to her day of, and the officiants english was a little tough to understand, especially since he had never seen the ceremony prior.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 For the DC brides who got married before going to DC, was the ceremony still the same as the legal one? Did it have all the elemets, rings, vows, etc? Thanks all! yes it was, I actually put together our ceremony on my own, but they do have a standard one as well, they still do the vows and the rings, etc... and they have a certificate that you sign too. Speaking of which, I have no idea where ours is??
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra E. Jill, so how did you feel taking JP? did you feel the benefits. I have a couple of friends that are taking them and they loved them. One of them just had her 4th baby (and last) and she said it was the best and easiest pregnancy she's ever had. She's never felt better. Honestly, I didn't really notice that much difference. I did notice that my nails grew very well when I remembered to take them regularly. DH loves them, but I just think they're too expensive for vitamins. But maybe they did make a difference and it just wasn't noticeable to me.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 If you go to a health food store they will usually have good vitamins. I don't throw up when I take them BUT I get really sick to my stomach. I eat something as I am taking them then wash them down with a lot of water. I still get a slight feeling of an upset stomach but not near as bad as if I don't eat anything. It is so weird because I can start getting sick like two minutes after I take them. I don't know what it is.... but it happens fast. sounds like me, it can come on pretty quickly sometimes Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I've had issues with supplements as well. One was the Womens Weight Smart One A Day. I woul get sick from 5-25 minutes after taking it so I had to stop. My DR said there was just something in it that didn't agree with me. She told me what it likely was but I can't recall. I need to take some prenatals and probably some calcium right now since I'm nursing this darn broken foot. yes, the weight smart were particularly horrible!! Even if I ate something, I would break into a cold sweat and want to throw up, if I was able to just sit and breathe for a few minutes, without interruption I could usually make it through without puking, and it would go away. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Jill, I suggest going to Whole Foods - some brands I really like are: Garden of Life Whole Foods 365 Brand Super Nutrition Also, Vitamin Shoppe sells some good stuff but i don't care for their own brand that much! Thanks Alyssa! I'm going to look into some of these, I'm so bad about remembering to take my vitamins!
  20. can you use a different computer that has excel and open it there? If your computer has spreadsheet (I think thats what its called) its like the version of excel that comes with some computers, you can use that program to open the file usually, sometimes the formatting will be a little messed up but at least you can read it.
  21. **Update posted today 1/2/10 on page 3 DH & I have been taking these vitamins called Juice Plus. I used to belong to a networking group and we had a JP rep in the group, so I started taking them. She always told me they're not vitamins, they're food, supposed to be like real fruits & vegetables, blah, blah,blah. she also told me a lot about regular vitamins that you buy at the store having no nutritional value and that some of them are made up almost entirely of....I want to say coal, but I don't remember if that's right. So anyway, I don't want to pay for the JP anymore, its too much money and it comes out of our account automatically and I don't like that either. So I want to buy something at the store. So my question is, what type of vitamins do you take and have you done any research on them to find out about their ingredients/effectiveness. Also, a lot of vitamins make me throw up, so if anyone else has that issue and has found something that works that would be helpful too.
  22. that looks almost exactly like my dress, except mine was "Angel"
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