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Everything posted by *JillD*

  1. Alyssa, you seriously thought of everything, if I were one of your guests I would be SO impressed with everything. I can't believe your wedding is almost here!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl not to be a post whore, but ALSO ... we got our contract from claudia ... we requested a 4pm ceremony, which is noted on the contract, but then she has our cocktail hour listed as 7-8pm, and reception 8-11pm! why the 3 hour lag time between ceremony and cocktails? that's ridiculous! is that the only time they do receptions on the terrace or something? I would ask her about that, she may have just punched in the wrong numbers, because that seems silly.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ginalynn I know this post is kind of old, but i thought i would post my 2 cents anway. I recently started seeing a nutritionist and she advised me to take vitamins. I told her that I have the same problem as you, some of them make me throw up. She said that you should never take solid vitamins, only gelcaps because they have a lot more nutritional value and because the solid ones have fillers that make people throw up. thanks, thats good to know!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by meghanmbm I found i was getting sick after taking vit. in the am, the problem is not the vits themselves. you need to take the vits. after you have eaten. if you have some toast or even a glass of milk before taking them you wont get nausous. the funny thing is that I did eat before taking them, I don't know why but certain types just didn't agree with me, full stomach or not, lol!
  5. karisma is well known for their outside vendor fees and policies. I'm almost positive the reason claudias rates are different for Karisma resorts is because they are charging her to be a vendor there, so in turn, she has to pass this cost on to her clients.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt We can get back on the bus together Deal
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Tara Okay... so I have been taking Alli for 12 days now and I'm done 7 more pounds from where I was before I started taking it! I had only lost 3 working at it by myself. I definitely didn't imagine that it would work that fast! Yesterday I did make the mistake of sharing pizza with my fiance and one of our friends at work. Greasy pepperoni and mushrooms! My favorite! I paid for it later though... Not as bad as I would have imagined, but it was the first time since I'd been taking the pills that I realized they really do work. I'll probably cut back a slice the next time I decide to endulge myself. Hehe! Congrats on the weight loss!! Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Well I'm back on the bus! For a few reasons... First I posted a bunch on the Alli site and they recommended a few things for me. 1. add fiber to my meals or fiber supplement 2. a digestive health yogurt and 3. MORE veggies! My other reason is that I NEED (read: can't do it without!) a STRICT plan to follow. Other wise I cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat, cheat... you get it. So tomorrow I'm back on it. I just hope I haven't gained back the 4.5 lbs I lost.... we'll see!! Congrats Tara, that is awesome!!!!! That's good that you got some new ideas to help you. I agree about needing to be strict to keep yourself on track. I did so well all week, even worked out 3 or 4 times, but then Thursday night I got home and I hadn't eaten all day and was starving, DH said let's get pizza, and of course, I was so hungry, I said YES!! And this weekend hasn't been very good either. But I did buy lots of fruit and veggies yesterday at the store, so I'm going to be good this week, no more bad food.
  8. Congratulations Maura!! I hope you have a beautiful day!! Can't wait to hear about it!
  9. I have been meaning to buy the green bags and use those instead, I keep forgetting about it and I know I should be. We don't live very "green" by any means, but I figure whatever I can do to make a little bit of difference will help. I bought a nalgene bottle the other day to take to work with me instead of buying bottled water. Next time I am at the store I'm going to pick up some bags.
  10. I had heard that he was hospitalized and they said he was getting better yesterday, I think. Wow, I can't believe he died, he's so young.
  11. I downloaded a lot of my CD's that I had at home to my computer and also some of my friends CD's and then I added them to my IPOD. I got a lot of my songs from itunes though. I don't mind paying for them since I only download a few at a time usually. Except for the wedding, I think I might have spent $30 downloading songs that I wanted. So, I didn't think that was too bad. I used to spend a lot on CD's and only like 1 or 2 songs, so 99 cents for songs I really want isn't really too bad. Good Luck!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt so.... i think i'm going off alli. I've been on it for almost 2.5 weeks, and while I have lost weight (3lbs) I'm not sure it's the Alli that is doing it. I'm working out and eating right. WARNING - POOP TALK AHEAD I wouldn't be going off Alli if it wasn't for my need to drink the special tea. My body may not be right for Alli. It was my understanding that I would be eliminating all this fat via pooping... but how am I supposed to do that if I don't poop at all? Seriously, it's bad. I have to drink the tea! That can't be right. That stinks tara, I wonder if its the vitamins. The nights I remembered to take my vits I had a much harder time going in the morning. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt i'm not eating over the limit, but i found that my regualar diet did not contain as much fat as alli suggested. therefore i was adding things like PB and cheesesticks to my meals to get the necessary fat. so i'm loosing weight, 3lbs so far, but i don't know if it's because of my diet and working out... I'm going to take a couple weeks off. see what happens.... I've noticed the same problem with me, my normal meals are pretty low in fat, assuming I'm not pigging out, so it's almost like I'm constantly trying to eat more fat and in turn am eating more calories. I feel like if I don't eat the extra fat then theres no point in taking alli because it can't really do anything with no fat. Anyway, I did really bad with taking my alli last week, it was a really hectic, bad week and I think I took my alli with breakfast everyday, but then the rest of my days ended up going to hell, so I got myself back on track this week and started working out again. I think I'm going to finish my bottle of alli and see how things have progressed and then decide if I want to keep using it. I'll have to see if its making enough difference to keep spending the money on it, or just do it on my own. Tara, are you still using it now, are you going to finish what you have or just stop?
  13. I've never heard of goldendrule or keiser, are they small insurance companies? I have blue cross/blue shield right now and I used to have Aetna.
  14. Those are great Tara! At least you'll never have a shortage of cups at your house, lol!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 Are we supposed to get a gift for our WC? Gaby has been really helpful in answering all of my questions so she definitely deserves something. I'm not sure if thats proper though? What do you guys think? Also, are any of you doing flowers from Dreams or is everyone bringing their own in? I really don't like any of the flowers that they have on their option list but don't want to pay extra. What is everyone else doing? Dawn, they will work with you somewhat on the flowers. If you can find something that sort of resembles what you want and then tell them the colors or flowers you want they might be able to do it. Unless you want flowers that are more expensive, then they will probably have to charge you extra.
  16. I never knew there was a such thing as maternity insurance. Any health insurance I've ever had, had pregnancy and pregnancy related things included in what we normally paid for the insurance. So I guess I'm confused. Were you on a limited type of health insurance before, maybe paying a really low premium because it was just for you and basic doctors visits? You should check with your companies insurance, Keiser?, and find out if you see an out of network doctor, how much the charge would be. It may just be that they'll only cover say 70% of your office visit and then you'd pay the rest out of pocket, but that wouldn't be too bad and you'd have good insurance when you went for your hospital stay.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS Section 31 is the block with the private infinity pools, even on the 2nd floor. That's as far as they've built, so they are the newest. We stayed in the 30 block, 2nd floor. Great room and view, awesome shower. Now that you say that, I definitely think it was section 30 we were in, because we were right near the infinity pool section. ahhh, I wish I was there right now, kicked back with a margarita!
  18. Glad you liked it!!! So funny because I was just about to do a quick search for gym classes in my area and I saw your post, so I had to check in. The first time I went my feet & my butt hurt so bad, from the peddles and the seat, it was all I could think about. It's weird because after that first time, it really doesn't hurt anymore at all, I don't know why it stops after just going once or twice, but it does.
  19. Hey Nicole, welcome to the forum! If you do a search (up at the top of the screen) you will find lots of threads started on this very topic. Plus a bunch of threads on each of the resorts. You should be able to find tons of information here, good luck!
  20. Hi! We had our honeymoon at EDR, we had one of the swim up casitas, we LOVED it! The casitas are beautiful and it's nice to have a pool just for your section of casitas, so it's not so crowded. I think we were in section 30, but I might be wrong. The sections that are further away are newer. They were just starting to open the new ones when we were there, there was ones with private pools and I think the other ones were the presidential casitas, which had a much larger room. Although the room we were in was plenty big enough. The outdoor showers in your room are really cool too!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt hi girls, how's everyone doing? i've mad a few bad choices this week - aka my PMS addiction to sugar babies - and am trying to get back on track and learn that just because i have PMS does not mean i can eat whatever I want. as for the tea... well it definitely lives up to it's name "smooth move" ha! i hope my body figures out this alli business soon... i don't have time to waste! Tara, I've had a bad week too, just been so busy that I've made awful choices because I'm just so hungry by the time I get to eat! I'm going to try to start sticking some snacks in my bag so that when I'm out somewhere I have something to eat, just to keep me from eating something bad, pms doesn't help! I forgot about vitamins clogging things up, the days I remember my vitamins are usually the ones I notice the difference.
  22. That's really cool!! If I wasn't already married and was having a big wedding at home, I would have LOVED to have done something like that!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Jill, OMG. "It's hard enought to lose it with out having all that crap stuck in you." I am dying over here! I know EXACTLY what you mean. Even the other day FI says "well it would probably help if you ever pooped!" in regards to the scale! What's the tea you're drinking? I'm going to stop testing it, and just wait and see how things pan out. It's only been a week and a half. I would think there'd be some adjustment time. Like maybe my body is actually using the food I eat, and thus less to get rid of? It's yogi tea - "get relief" I think thats' what its called. I found it in the organic section at the grocery store, there are all different varieties, but this one is supposed to help with constipation. I've found that it makes me very sleepy and I sleep well when I drink it. Also, one tea bag didn't seem to work really well for me, so I started using two tea bags, and I let them sit for awhile, you're supposed to poop in about 8 hours after you drink it. BUT BEWARE, if you use two tea bags, make sure you're going to be home the next day because you do have to go a lot. If you just use one tea bag, you should go first thing in the morning and then be fine for the day, but I really like the two tea bags because I feel like it really cleans me out. okay, enough of my talk about my poop! Quote: Originally Posted by yamille I ate the fiber cereal at 8:30 and the oil happened at around 11. The night before for dinner I had left over Grilled Halibut and veggies (the only thing I can think of is too much olive oil?) that was around 7:30 pm. Thanks Dr. Maura! maybe it was your meal from the night before? It doesn't seem like you should have had oil from that.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt i'm starting to get jealous of your oil. WTF?! There is something seriously wrong with me. But why the hell don't I see anything different?! If anything, I poop less now. Not that you care, but I just don't get it. ROFL!!! That's so funny, you're jealous of my oil!! In the beginning I felt like I pooped a lot, almost like after every meal I had to poop. But now, as with every time I diet, I'm starting to get more constipated feeling. I hate that!! God it's hard enough to lose weight without having crap stuck inside of you!! I have this tea that I drink when I need to go and can't, I drank some sunday night and umm lets just say I was in the bathroom a lot yesterday between the tea and too much ice cream! Tara, have you tried eating like 20 grams in one meal? I bet that would give you some little drops of oil, but not too much. When I eat under the recommended fat I don't have oil either, just to make you feel better. It's only when I eat right up to the limit,or a little over.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Tara Okay... so I picked it up today... Haven't started yet. I'm scared. Did everyone adjust to eating the right foods for a few days first like it suggests or did you all just jump right in? I just jumped right in, I was a little nervous, but I was okay. I also started on a day I would be home, just in case, lol! Quote: Originally Posted by tvt Hi Tara! (that is so bizzare because I've never known another Tara!) anyway, I did adjust my eating habits a week prior to taking Alli. It only suggests a few days, but I couldn't start taking it due to a camping trip, so I figured I'd just start the eating plan, and start the Alli a week later. So I need help. PMS has got a hold on me. I want to EAT. Especially those 100 calorie pack Fudge Shoppe Cookies...... OMG, PMS is killing me!!!! I have learned that I can not buy large containers of ice cream, low fat or not, I will eat WAY too much!! Sunday night I ate a lot of ice cream, it was low fat, but it was bad, I honestly don't even know how many servings it was. I don't think it was as bad as I think it was because I only had a little bit of oil in the toilet, but I did have a belly ache. I made some vitamuffins, chocolate ones, and I've been eating those instead, they only have 100 calories and 1.5 grams of fat, so better than the damn ice cream.
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