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Everything posted by *JillD*

  1. I kicked my own butt on the treadmill last night! but it feels good when you start to see yourself improve, going further, and longer, etc.. Jules, I love Pump! It makes you feel so good!! My gym has it, but I never have time to go to the gym, so I'm cancelling my membership. At least for now, and I'll just use the treadmill.
  2. I love all the sand ceremony ideas, but has anyone seen any with covers? I really wish all the ones posted had covers, I think they're all so pretty, but I want to be able to bring it home with me.
  3. *JillD*


    welcome! I'm a dreams cancun bride to, the week after you! Let me know if you need help with anything!
  4. Ann, Christine, & Christa, love all of your earrings. ahh, one more thing to remember to buy, I really need a list!
  5. *JillD*

    Newbie -

    Quote: Originally Posted by lbourassa Jilly - I noticed that your wedding location is Dreams Cancun... that 's one of the places that we are looking at... how has the resort been to deal with?? We are also looking at the Tulum location... What other destinations did you look at, and why did you decide on Dreams?? Hi Leeann- Dreams has been okay to deal with for the most part, my TA has taken care of our travel arrangements and I haven't made a whole lot of decisions on the rest of the stuff yet, but when I email claudia she usually gets back to me pretty quick with all of the answers to my questions. I liked the looks of Dreams Tulum as well, but I guess its farther from the airport, so to cut down a little bit on travel I cut tulum out. We started out saying we were going to cabo, but the flight was going to be long and more money. Then I fell in love with antigua, but it was too expensive for flights and the resort I wanted would be too much for our guests. I looked at a couple of other places as well, my TA highly recommened dreams because they do great weddings. At first I was very against the idea of cancun, it seemed too spring breakish, but its grown on me. Okay, I'm going to shut up now! Let me know if you have any other questions!
  6. Welcome, let us know how we can help you!
  7. I was bad this weekend too, but tomorrow back on track with food & exercise. I may even get up when FI gets up in the mornning (he gets up early) and do it then. It always gives me more energy for the rest of the day when I work out first thing in the morning, but I also love to sleep, either way I'll be on my treadmill tomorrow, working extra hard to make up for the weekend.
  8. does the mariachi play some traditional wedding music
  9. Thanks Anny! I'll definetly have to look into them. I really wish I knew how many people to expect so I could figure out if I'm doing one long table or 4 or 5 round tables, this would really help me make decisions on things like centerpieces!! On another note, you're using cancun studios for your photographer right? How have they been for you? Do you know what there package prices are? I emailed them but haven't heard back yet, but it was just yesterday so maybe tomorrow I'll hear back.
  10. *JillD*

    Newbie -

    Welcome to the forum! Let us know how we can help you! You'll have to give us all the details when he proposes!
  11. Yeah Jennifer! It's always nice to have more people in our support group!
  12. yeah, pink isn't really steve's favorite color either! The more I think about it I do think I'm going to get roses, hopefully I can get a bright, deep, pink rose, I'm going to have to start my search!
  13. maybe I'll have to try the hoop skirt, I think I may have one from a halloween costume. I don't want my dress to be very poufy and a lot of the ones I tried on had so much material underneath, its crazy!! I had sweat dripping down my legs in the store, and its not very warm right now here in massachusetts, so I'm just really worried about really sweating in mexico. But it sounds like the hoop skirt lets you get some air underneath, so that might be good, I'll have to try one.
  14. Great pics, I love the bottom two, I will probably use one of those to do my hair.
  15. I wish we were having 100 people, that will be so much fun!! Janet, I too love the collage, how did you do it??
  16. *JillD*


    Welcome! I'm also a dreams cancun bride, let me know if I can help you with anything. You'll find so much helpful information on this forum.
  17. Thats what the woman told me in the store is that it would keep the dress from going between my legs, but all the dresses I tried had tulle underneath anyway, so I'm at least going to try them that way. And I don't think I'll need spanx underneath because my dress won't be super tight. So then I'll just need some cups. I just don't want to be super hot either!
  18. Ann, I'm the same as you and I'd really like to do these, and I think as long as I lose some weight and keep up with my exercise its a definite possibility that I will do some closer to the wedding. Right now, I won't, I just feel not so pretty. I can't wait to hear from all of you girls though about how it goes, what you wore, and what you did, I think you're the first ones to do this, at least that we've really heard about!!
  19. I really want to try to not have to wear anything lower body, its going to be so damn hot!! The less stuff under the dress the better! Christa, I think if I remember correctly your dress is strapless right?? I think, I could be wrong because I'm only a "B" cup, but as long as you get the dress fitted well to your body, you'll be okay with just the cups. I don't think the bra will have that much more support and the dress being fitted properly should hold you in.
  20. Mine keeps trying to hold a conversation with me and I have to restrain myself from looking back at my computer while he's talking to me, lol!
  21. Thanks Glenda!! I just did it, can you tell we're having a really exciting saturday night!! Me on the laptop, steve watching TV, lol!! At least we're still in the same room and we talk to each other once in awhile!
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