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Everything posted by *JillD*

  1. I thought about this as well and that's why I'm thinking I may get one of those colored bottles and just use the beach sand. That way, we still have some color but don't have to worry about the sand colors blending together.
  2. This is what we were thinking of doing, having the girls do an excursion and the guys do a different excursion and we'd pay for it. we're not doing bachelor & bachelorette parties, we don't want want people spending more money than necessary before they come to mexico.
  3. Welcome! We're all picture junkies here, your pictures from Belize are beautiful!
  4. I'm not sure, I've heard other people have used their IPODS, but I don't know how they hooked them up, I'd like to hook it up to the sound system if I can, this is something I have to look into more.
  5. Brenda, what are you using to drape on the gazebo? Did claudia give you some ideas? I was wondering about that as well. I think if you choose 1 or 2 colors as the main color and then throw a splash here and there of the other colors that will look really good, you don't want it to look like a circus. Maybe have the turquoise & white be the two main colors and then maybe your centerpieces can have some green or brown in them, or the favors, etc...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sydskyga Anyone ever done business with Wedding dresses, wedding gowns, wedding dress, bridal gowns, bridal dresses I have seen a few things on there that I'm interested in, but don't trust a lot of the online stores after reading some of the post. Thanks! I just checked out there website and found 10 more dresses I like. I don't know how I'm ever going to find a dress I want. The only problem for me with that site is how do you know for sure you like the dress? A lot of other sites you just put in the dress you're looking for so you already know what you want. But these dresses don't say what designer they're through, so you probably really have to know what you want. I thought there prices were pretty good.
  7. I have to confess that I planned to get on the treadmill tonight, but FI made me mad immediately when I walked in the door, so that killed that ambition fast. Tomorrow, I will do it again tomorrow.
  8. I really love the parasols, I'm thinking of doing them, and I like the fans too, I thought about doing both but I don't know if it will be too much. I think for people that are worried about it being too hot, those will both be good options and they're not that expensive if you don't have too many people.
  9. I was thinking of doing this to with an IPOD, we're not having a ton of people so I thought it seemed silly to have a DJ, when we could just bring our own music, but I haven't gotten prices yet.
  10. We knew we couldn't afford the wedding we would want at home, unless we waited a couple years and we also wanted to get the most bang for our buck, so like Janet said we are happier spending the money on a celebration that will allow us to spend several days with our guests vs. several hours.
  11. I debate this everyday. I started out wanting fuschia & white, but now I'm debating between fuschia and aqua or red & aqua. I really want dark, bright flowers, and the aqua looks so good at the beach. Glenda, in your other thread about tiffany blue, the link someone posted shows fuschia and aqua together, I wasn't really too sure about it before, but it looked really good in there pictures. So, I'm pretty sure I'm going with fuschia and aqua. I just have to get my dress & my daughters picked so I can make my final decision and start ordering things.
  12. I think this is the one Jackie is getting married at. She hasn't been on a lot lately, but I'm sure she'll share a ton of info with you when she comes back.
  13. I'll be on my treadmill again tonight and probably do some arms. I must say that last night my legs hurt so bad. I wanted to try to do more time on the mill even if it was just 5-10 minutes, but my legs were burning when I was done. So, next time I'm on here today, I will have finished my workout!
  14. Nice Christine! Those are really cheap, for someone like me that is not at all like Martha, this is probably going to work best for me!
  15. I LOVE the tiffany blue color!! That's the color I want, I say turquoise, cuz I'm not really sure what to call that color, but it will look great with the ocean and the sand and everything!
  16. My wedding is in October too and I really wanted to lose 30 lbs. before I ordered my dress, but we'll see if I can hold out that long. I'm not sure if there is a new plan, I haven't heard of it. When you went did they have the option where you didn't really have to write things down you just ate foods off of a core list and then when you ate something not on that list you had to count the points (I hope that makes sense) I didn't want to have to do it again either, but its the only thing that works for me. I can do atkins & south beach for a few weeks and lose a lot, but then I gain it all back when I go crazy with the carbs!! Let us know if you need some help with motivation, I know I always do!
  17. For us it was less hassle to do it here, we didn't have to be in mexico for 4 days prior, and it was less expensive because we don't have to have everything translated a million times. But I know how you feel, at first I wanted to legal ceremony there, but the more I thought about it, I knew it would be so much easier to do it here.
  18. Thanks Springbride!! I really wanted something with a cover!
  19. I love them Natalie, I like the bigger ones better or cutting the bag down and making the first ones a little bigger. I feel like I've done nothing so far!
  20. Jules, you used to do ww right? Have you thought about trying to count your points and do the gym? I feel like I'm constantly dieting and I know the times when I exercise and don't track what I'm eating I don't really tend to lose anything. I guess its because even when we feel like we're eating good if we don't write it down we can still overeat without realizing it. The proof of this for me is that I get salads for lunch a lot and I try to go with the ones with grilled chicken and no cheese, well I looked up the points on one of my salads, which was literally chicken lettuce and dressing, it was 15 points!!! If you want to try, we have a ww thread and we keep each other in line, maybe it will help, you could start when you get back on monday.
  21. your list sounds good, I'm considering a beach towel, but depends on cost, if you search for OOT bags you'll get a ton of stuff. One of the threads I think its called cheap stuff for OOT bags had some good ideas
  22. That's okay Jules, just try and get a walk in if you can, a couple days off won't kill you. This from the girl who took friday, saturday, sunday, and monday off last week, so bad!!! I'm heading to the treadmill once I catch up on posts and emails
  23. I too have gone back and forth about this. Steve does not like buffets, but I think in saying this he is referring to restaurant buffets, he thinks they're dirty. So a wedding buffet would be different because it would be only our guests. Does anyone know how much rebecca paid for her buffet, was it lobster & filet? I can't quite remember. I guess in the end it will depend how many guests we have.
  24. Congrats Christine!! 30 lbs. is possible, at least thats what I tell myself because thats what I want to lose before I order a dress!!
  25. Welcome! Let us know how we can help!
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