I have received a payment that I had to deny because it was a credit card. BUT - I have no idea who it was from! There was no name on the payment, and I can't tell from the email or anything who it came from. Here are the people I have listed as paid ... if you think you paid me and are not on the list, let me know! Or just pay another way (not CC), but include your screen name!
flygirl (Trish)
Hunnyhun921 (Khajeesah)
Jacilynda (Jacilyn)
JLC (Jamie)
jrodsgirl (Rosel)
mummergirl (Lisa)
OROBride1008 (Maria)
Shannond4156 (Shannon)
syl1115 (Sylvia)
**Remember, laides - I will have to deny any credit card payments. I know the fee is small, but If I paid all of the fees they'd add up! And my type of account only lets me accept so many CC payments per year. I've had to deny a couple already so far, so make sure you're not paying via CC when you're using PayPal!